4 min read

Please Let Us Become People Who Can Greet The Messiah

Father! What was the hope John the Baptist held in his heart as he preached in the wilderness for 30 years eating locusts and wild honey?

Father! What was the hope John the Baptist held in his heart as he preached in the wilderness for 30 years eating locusts and wild honey? We know that his entire hope was greeting the Messiah who was coming.

He, who had borne witness to the Messiah, had a destined relationship of heavenly morality such that it would not do unless he became one with the Messiah. By reflecting on everything Jesus had in John the Baptist's heart, John the Baptist should have realized a unity that said he is in my mind, and I am in him; his things are my things; his heart is my heart, and his life is my life; but he could not do that.

When he was imprisoned in sorrow and loneliness, from a position of not being able to help to lament his lonely situation and remembering that he had raised his hands and borne witness that this was the son of heaven in front of the crowds at the Jordan River, John the Baptist sent his disciples to the Messiah he had borne witness to, to the Messiah heaven had borne witness to and established, and he asked him, "Are you he who is to come, or shall we look for another?" We have come to know that this scene was a historical, sorrowful scene; it was a scene filled with anguish which was difficult for heaven to go through.

The course of John the Baptist remains in the flow of history just as it was. Please allow those of us who are hoping to find a new belief, who are preparing, while anticipating a new history, to become people who know how to consider things having put ourselves in John the Baptist's position.

Since we have come to know through history the fact that the people of heaven rejected heaven's Will, please take dominion so that we will not become people who follow in those kinds of historical footsteps, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will not allow us to become people who lose the Will that was prepared and refined in the wilderness.

Please allow us to realize that today our minds and bodies have no honor before you, Father. Please let us be able to hear your words of advice and inherit the sorrowful heart of Jesus Christ, and we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow our minds and bodies to be able to embrace the sorrowful, heavenly heart and to greet the new central figure of the new belief, whom humankind does not know.

We earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow this to become a time when we can be concerned about who the central figure is who will take care of this age and which people is the people who will be able to remain in this age, and when we can be filled with sorrowful hearts and long for those who are like that.

Now the time has come when we, who live inclining our ears to the words we hear and the voice we hear, and who live in concert with that and respond to that, must look back on the path we have walked and come to our senses anew.

Please let us go beyond the position of being concerned about ourselves, who are in a position of having to determine whether to live or die while being in the midst of confusion and chaos. We know that society cannot be trusted, and the world cannot be trusted, and the time has come that we must be submerged in the world of the doctrine we can believe, and we must come to our senses on our own and be able to form a destined relationship with the world of that doctrine, and recognizing ourselves, we must cling to heaven, and we know that the time has come that it will not do unless we have a revolutionary change of mind.

Please guide us to be able to pursue a new self, remembering that we are in such an environment, and please let us become people who are able to greet the appearance of joy, by going over the peak of sorrow filled with enmity, and please let us be able to long for that appearance, to be led by that world, and to harmonize with that world.

Please give us the strength and courage to be able to block and fight, and to consider it pitiful that today the social environment is not free and that it is filled with sorrow. If there is a heaven that is eternal and absolute, we earnestly ask that you give us the power to be able to cast aside the entirety of sin.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Be Able To Form A Destined Relationship With Heaven’s Circumstances And Heart
In the course of history so many saints and sages have come and gone, but they did not know what the circumstances of heaven were, and they did not know what the heart of heaven was like.