Our Father of Love! Since the day that Adam fell, how great have your efforts been to find one person whom you could believe? And how much have you sought a person who would take responsibility and fight for you?
How much have you longed for and sought one person who could inherit your full authority? We cannot help but feel again painfully that it was your anguish, Father, and the grief of human history that there was no such person on the earth.
Father, you have walked the path of such sorrowful historical turning points for a long time of 6,000 years. When in sorrow, you endured the sorrow, and from the position of taking responsibility for everything, you have continued until today without a moment of rest, humankind has been struggling along a dark, night path, but please let us remember again that you have been taking great pains for the providence of human history in a much greater darkness than that.
And we are earnestly hoping and desiring that you will wake us up to the fact of our shameful and sorry selves. And please let us realize how full of grief your way has been as you wandered and searched along the way of history for 6,000 years.
When we come to understand the fact that your toiling footsteps, which were driven out by so many nations and peoples and wandered and searched in this country and that country, in this city and that city, have stopped today here in the mountains and rivers of Korea, we feel once again that we are truly ashamed of ourselves in front of you.
These people did not know the fact that centered on the Korean peninsula and its 30 million people, you were reaching out through your providence.
Even our good ancestors who lived in this land and passed on did not know. But now we have reached the time when we can understand the fact that you have reached out through your Providence centering on these people.
When we think about this, we cannot help but confess that from the past until today this people stands in shame before you, Father. Even though we are unworthy to even dare to relate to you, you reached out to us in compassion and love, and you established us in your realm of the grace of love. Therefore, we sincerely request that you will let us become your children who humbly bow to you representing this people, these mountains and rivers, and all humankind.
We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Please Enlighten Us As To Your Heart Which Has Sought This People In Suffering
Our Father of love! Since the day that Adam fell, how great have your efforts been to find one person whom you could believe?
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