Let Us Perfect The Peace Kingdom Through The Peace United Nations
If humanity had found the correct path in the beginning, we would have traveled on a one-way path to the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven without any confusion or disorder.
Sermons about Homeland
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 2
If humanity had found the correct path in the beginning, we would have traveled on a one-way path to the Kingdom of God on earth and in heaven without any confusion or disorder.
During this time I addressed more than one hundred thousand religious leaders, mainly from the Christian faith.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, one small vivid example of the work of the spirit world. We will see it more and more.
The original homeland only welcomes those people who lived for God, were born for others, and lived and died for others.
After all, the Blessing was supposed to be consummated through Adam and Eve.
I was not able to attend God in my hometown. So I must go back to my hometown holding high the flag of global victory.
I thought of God more than I did my parents and siblings. My older brother suffered from certain ailments, but he cured himself through the power of faith.
The people of this world are impatiently waiting for peace. Furthermore, everyone without exception wishes to enjoy freedom.
When we look at ourselves as people, after our minds and bodies become one and all humanity becomes one, it is our responsibility to unite with nature's laws and rules of operation.
You probably have already heard through the Divine Principle that we must restore and return to the original homeland before the fall.
You probably know a lot about the original garden of creation, the Garden of Eden.
Human being's life of original creation is living life with a tranquil mind. Yet, we do not find peace in the minds of people today.