Wecome Back, True Parents! - True Parent's Return To America
True Parents have blessed millions in Korea. America is in the position of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus.
The Chinese character "hoon" (訓) is composed of two elements: "word" (言) and "stream" (川). The three lines symbolize a flowing river, while also representing the three stages of formation, growth, and completion. The character "dok" (讀) consists of "word" (言) and "sell" (賣). This implies that, like merchants, we must distribute or "sell" words, sharing them with others.
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 3
True Parents have blessed millions in Korea. America is in the position of the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus.
The conscience takes precedence before God, teachers, and parents.
You will reflect on the past at the moment when you look back on your life.
This will be a key condition in the Kingdom of God. The Cheong Sung Gyeong should be given to each person, and after you receive it, you should go to your hometown.
This is the first Hoon Dok Hae of the fifth year of Cheon Il Guk. As we enter Cheon Il Guk, we have to return to nature.
We must understand what happened to Christians when they didn't follow they were martyred and sacrificed and Korea was divided.
When we are living for the sake of others, the universal powers of the Universe protect and support us.
Then, based on that, Jesus' Position and True Parents' position as the Peace King and Queen of all humanity could be completed and established before all the world on Capitol Hill.
You must unite all Christianity and all religions. Look at the Presbyterians and the Methodists.
Because it's day in Korea when it's night in America and vice versa, we should have no concept of night and day.
Jesus was very concerned about young people at his time. The people know that Jesus came as the Messiah, but they don't know why he came.
To connect with me, you must stand with True Parents. You have to understand that all humanity descended from the fallen lineage of Adam, and they must change their blood lineage.