Man, The Starting Point Of Hope - The Path For Our Family
The mind and body of man are in the relationship of subject and object. The most serious question for us is whether our mind and body become one, thus equipping us with a starting point.
Sermons about Sacrifice
Latest Spiritual Messages — page 2
The mind and body of man are in the relationship of subject and object. The most serious question for us is whether our mind and body become one, thus equipping us with a starting point.
The person, who needs to set indemnity conditions, has no freedom. He is a sacrifice.
We know that the created things have lost their master. We know very well that this is true of us as well.
What is the cause of human misery? Humankind has been using the word "happiness" without experiencing even one moment of complete enjoyment and happiness
The quality of comprehensiveness is contained in the providential life of Jesus.
Because of human beings, God has been carrying on internal and external conflicts that surpass our imagination throughout the course of history.
Human being's life of original creation is living life with a tranquil mind. Yet, we do not find peace in the minds of people today.
You know very well that, because one eternal center could not be established on this fallen earth, the love that God wishes to find has not been established.
Therefore, you must keep in mind that the history of God's dispensation forecasts the providence that begins and concludes adventurously.
The purpose of God wanting to save humankind is, as you all know very well, that He is trying to restore them to the original state.