8 min read

The Era Of Restoring Our Rights

From now on, the realm of religions and kings of nations in the satanic world will be integrated into the interfaith and international realm.

Sun Myung Moon

Declaration of the Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified Cosmos

Guri Training Center, Korea

Today is Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth. Until now, we called this day Foundation Day for the Unified World Nation, but from now on, it will be called Foundation Day for the Unified Nation of Heaven and Earth.

It is the nation of heaven and earth because we have passed the stage of a unified nation and are entering the stage of the nation of heaven and earth and because we have passed the era of the individual, family, and nation and are entering the era of the world.

The history of raising the owner

Until the age of sixteen, Adam possessed True Parents' lineage.

Thereafter, everything turned inside out, and that lineage disappeared. That is why, at the age of sixteen, I became one with the spiritual world, and from this position, which has no traces of the Fall, Heaven's new privileged providence could begin, and a kingly foundation through which the world could be organized came to be formed.

From now on, the realm of religions and kings of nations in the satanic world will be integrated into the interfaith and international realm.

The bloodshed by those in the religious realm through their sacrifices covers the earth. How, then, can this be indemnified? Just before the people of Israel all set off for Canaan, they applied blood to their doorposts.

Because they passed that blood as they set off on their way to Canaan, they could become flag bearers who could become a new people for the founding of a new Israel.

However, because they could not maintain absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centered on Moses, you should know that they all became food for vultures in the wilderness.

Tremendous indemnity has been paid throughout the thousands of years of history, yet there is still no owner of religion, no owner of the nation, and no owner of the cosmos.

That is why providence has a history of trying to raise an owner and to form the position of perfected Adam and that of the True Parents of the Cosmos, True Parents of Heaven and Earth, and True Parents of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind. To obtain such providential positions, you must deny everything. It is indemnity.

If your family opposes you, you must deny even your family. If your tribe opposes you, you must deny that tribe; if a people oppose you, you must deny that people; if a nation opposes you, you must deny that nation. You must deny materialism or the idealistic understandings of history within the democratic world and communist world.

To the satanic world, which must be denied, I am like a ringleader, one whom they must obliterate through any means with all their strength, even if it means changing a nation because I came to deny that world.

Communism and democracy joined hands; the KGB and CIA joined hands to bring down Rev. Moon. They attempted to assassinate Rev. Moon, but it did not work out in the way they wanted. I could pass over this hill when I entered the Danbury Correctional Institution in the United States.

When I went to prison, not only did families, tribes, peoples, and nations in the satanic world shout hooray, but also those with an idealistic and materialistic understanding of history came together to do the same thing, yet their shouts of hooray were signs of collapse.

As soon as I was released, I began a fight in earnest. I took seven thousand pastors to Korea and taught them.

When Elijah asked God to take him to the spiritual world, saying, "Lord… I alone am left," God replied, "I have kept for myself seven thousand men who have not bowed a knee to Baal" (referred to Romans 11:3–4).

God told him he had to fight again centered on those seven thousand people; however, because that did not happen, I am now paying indemnity for it in my time. 

From now on, you must risk your lives, going in the direction that I decide upon, with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience. What is the kind of trial North Korea uses called? (The one that is done in a communist style?)

Love - Right Absolutism (42nd True Parents’ Day)
When you look at the history of the Unification Church, things that might take ten years or even hundreds of years can work out at a stroke.

A people's court. However, once we can have a heavenly people's court, the nation and the world will be blown away. This is the privileged authority from the day that the door to heaven opened.

Since we are opening the door to heaven centered on the cosmic nation, the nation of heaven and earth, the nation of heaven, earth, and humankind, those who have not received the blessing cannot go through it. 

The era of restoring our rights

I am saying this directly from this time on. The founding of the Nation of the Unified Cosmos, the Nation of the Unified Heaven and Earth, or the Nation of Heaven, Earth, and Humankind, marks the beginning of the era that can bring about a solution centered on a substantial being.

It is one nation and is not as trivial as when different nations are involved. It will become the foundation of a unified nation. On this day, heaven and earth will become one, and there will only be one door, not two.

Only those who have received the blessing will be able to enter through this one door. However, even if you as an individual have received the blessing, you cannot move onto the world if the nation is not liberated.

Nor can you move onto the world if the nation has not received the blessing and entered through that door with you. You cannot join the ranks of saints.

Depending on how absolute your faith, love, and obedience were, your status would be different. Remember that you are in critical positions; you are fighting for first, second, third, and fourth place.

The Right View Of Heaven
If there is anything wrong, the fault lies with me, but God’s will is right.”

You should have only absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience in your mind. Husbands must practice absolute love, absolute obedience, and absolute faith and become one with their wives.

Wives, too, must have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience toward their husbands. When the couple invests in each other and forgets about it, they can move on to a higher level. The path that that couple follows could develop beyond the level of the world to that of the infinite world!

There is no higher realm of liberation and complete freedom, no higher realization of peace, no higher reign of peace than this. Such an era is coming. In that era, we will be in the position of owners who can shout mansei! A position that can represent God and a position that can represent God's body and mind. 

When it comes to that kingship being exercised, no one would be able to stop its authority; hence, the era we are in now is no longer the era of restoration but the era through which we have to restore our rights!

Only by having complete restoration can the era through which we can restore our rights come. Then what am I going to do from now on? Who will raise the money needed to find a nation? I am about to raise that money. Yet, can a king do that?

What will I do with the funds to found the nation? We must build embassies and build a headquarters of the heavenly nation that is more magnificent than any palace in the satanic world. I have been given a special command regarding raising money to found the nation.

However, if someone is trying to avoid that, where can that person live?

I will implement this work even if it means not sleeping, day or night. Is there anyone who would like to live well alone while in the process making a grandfather who is over eighty (roughly ninety when rounded off) do everything? If there is, greater heavenly punishment will certainly befall that person.

We are fruit borne from the roots of history when early members sold their blood, starved, and witnessed even while eating dog food.

If we could live like that to raise the money needed to form the heavenly nation, you would certainly become historic figures remembered for eternity. Even though I knew the difficult reality in those days, I still gave members more orders and pushed them to a position of greater death. I still clearly remember this in my heart.

However, my responsibility is to pass down to your hearts my living heart and to purify everything that violates the traditional ideology as I tour from one nation to another and as I visit even the spiritual world.

Do you know how impatient I am?

I cannot just kill this part of me, not having used it even once as I approach ninety, and then die. You are destined to work on indemnifying and liberating this aspect of my heart and then move forward. All existing beings in the world say, “Teacher, come back to whom you are! Please put everything in order.” This has remained a basis of accusation.

I am letting you know what the responsibility of a devoted child who has moved forward with an iron will to establish the ideal of creation that serves our Heavenly Parent is. I am informing you of the responsibility a patriot has and what kind of path a patriot must follow.

We cannot forget this path, even in a dream. It is like a heavenly soldier, with eyes wide open, determined to continue reinforcing a shielding bridgehead step by step as he lives.

The life of such a heavenly soldier and that of a devoted child must become one's family tradition. Blessed families must not forget that we must follow this practical path, ass down this tradition, and it will become a foundation of liberation.

This is not the era of restoration, but the era in which we should restore our rights. In the era to restore our rights, all creation should unite with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience centered on the heavenly nation and serve God as united bone marrow.

When making a 180-degree clockwise turn, everything should make that 180-degree turn in unison; likewise, when making an anticlockwise turn, everything should turn in that direction.

We should be able to attain such unity, the unity of the heart, body, thought, and core. As long as the core remains intact, regardless of what kind of shape a relative secondary entity may take, it will have the same shadow and be of the same body. You must know that the core is the authority of an existence. 

God’s Ideal Family and the Kingdom of the Peaceful, Ideal World - III
Respected Ambassadors for Peace, leaders from all walks of life, distinguished guests from home and abroad, and beloved blessed families.