3 min read

The Time to Live with God

The history of the Unification Church missions here on this continent has been quite 1g.

Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon
Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon in Nairobi, Kenya

The history of the Unification Church missions here on this continent has been quite 1g. In the early days of the Unification Church in Korea, the people who came did not have even the foggiest idea that they would witness True Parents gaining complete victory in this world in their lifetime. This is the time that we can live with God again. As I proclaimed tonight, this is the time of blessing.

I feel sorry that this is the first time I have come to visit your country. However, in this time of blessing, it is an additional blessing to receive me for the first time, isn’t it? [Yes.]

Therefore, this joy, this happiness, this blessing should not just belong to you and end with you. You should go out and spread the truth so that your neighbors, the people in your nation, and all mankind can join in celebrating with God and True Parents. This entire planet should celebrate together. You have to go out and work hard to make that happen.

As I see your faces tonight, I feel that you are all young, passionate, and courageous. You look like very solid and shining granite. Therefore, be sure to equip yourselves with the Divine Principle so that whomever you meet, wherever you go, you should be able to melt their heart to receive True Parents and God. You have to be proud of being the children of True Parents.

Gifts Of Love and Prayer

This is the first visit by True Parents. According to Korean customs and tradition, when you visit someone for the first time, you do not go to them with empty hands.

Therefore, True Parents wanted to bring some gifts to all of you. However, I have been on the road ever since the beginning of November, traveling like a gypsy, so I bought some gifts at the airport, particularly for those missionaries who came out here in the early days and have been devoting their lives here for the sake of your country. I want to give them small gifts so they can remember True Parents’ visit and True Parents’ love and prayer.

Since I arrived, I have been told that our school system, from elementary level through college, in Zaire has been approved by the government. We received a license, although the facility is not prepared to receive all the students yet. We do not have enough chairs and some parts have no roof.

Therefore, as a token of True Parents’ heart and love for the sake of all of Africa, I decided to donate to your continent. This is seed money, so use it to promote development. See to it that each country develops some kind of school system so that our blessed children can get the proper, heavenly education. Can you do that? [Yes.]

All missionaries and national leaders stand up and come forward. I recognize that you have worked hard. From now on, it is even more important for you to do well.

This is a new era, so make sure that you harvest fruit.

Women’s Role in World Peace
It is my great honor to share my vision for world peace with such an illustrious gathering of women leaders from throughout the nation.