Summit Council and Federation
The first conference of the Summit Council for World Peace (SCWP) took place May 31-June 4, 1987, with 20 former heads of state, at the Lotte Hotel in Seoul.
The Summit Council for World Peace, which convened conferences of former and current heads of state and other policy leaders in the global arena, became the center of the Federation for World Peace (FWP).
True Parents founded the Federation for World Peace at a gathering at the Little Angels Performing Arts Center in Seoul on August 28, 1991, based on their 1990 discussion with Soviet President Mikhail Gorbachev.
At the inaugural assembly, True Father said in his keynote address that each country must reject the pursuit of its national interests as the basis for policy, and suggested the creation of a world summit that would build relationships of trust and mutual understanding among nations.
Following this suggestion, the participants deliberated on how nations might transcend their narrow interests to further the cause of world peace.
1. True Parents, who come as the Lord at the Second Advent, must achieve the unified realm of the Third Israel with the cooperation of the United States and present-day Israel.
No one understands this, and for that reason, the Unification Church, which alone is aware of what must take place, must assume responsibility for it. World figures who have made a personal connection with True Parents must now connect. The Summit Council for World Peace has been established for this purpose.
(241-079, 1992/12/19)
2. I see the most serious world problems to be first, communism, second, the crumbling of religions, and third, immorality among the young. Currently, world leaders are grappling with the problem of communism.
We can divide world leaders into two groups, one group representing the secular, external world, and the other, religious leaders, representing the internal world.
The question of how to revive a spiritually impoverished religious world is the one faced by religious leaders in the world today. And then there are the moral problems of our youth.
I will gather scholars from around the world and create summit meetings with presidents and prime ministers from many nations. There, I will present a high-level view of the path of the future world.
I have launched organizations and movements aimed at resolving these three problems. I have gone beyond the point of weighing whether this effort is possible. I am actualizing it.
Academic communities of the world recognize that I am the only person who can defeat communism. Even world leaders understand that there is no one else to save this world from communism.
And I have redirected the external world by gathering leading intellectuals and having them examine the centrality of absolute values. (117-045, 1982/01/31)
3. When we convene the Summit Council for World Peace we must gather the best scholars. This is to lay a foundation to move the leaders of the nations.
When a summit is convened, at least three people from each nation, including a former president or prime minister, should be present.
This will give those gathered the authority to tell anyone, “You must listen to what we are saying.” Problems will thus be solved easily.
With this in place, when we bring the most authoritative scholars and former and current presidents of all nations to like me, the world will turn around. (119-018, 1982/07/03)
4. In 1995, participants at the Summit Council for World Peace included former presidents and prime ministers.
They stand in the position of Cain in front of True Parents, who bring the promise of the new realm of kingship. In every country, the president and former president have a Cain-Abel relationship.
There are often at least three former presidents residing in a given country. I even know of one country with seven. Former presidents can influence the current president of their nation.
I made a foundation by interweaving them in the background, and as a result, they will move the presidents to welcome me at a status above the level of state guest. I will deal with nations that accomplish this.
I will visit those countries that promise to bring at least one-third of their citizens to stand together and participate in the Blessing. (272-054, 1995/08/30)
5. Globally, I am uniting religions centering on the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, and I am conducting a movement to bring harmony in politics centering on the Federation for World Peace.
Such a movement must be created either by someone who understands God's providence or by a nation that stands on the side of heaven.
To this day, such a nation has not existed. Therefore, the one who understands God's providence must be the one to accomplish it. I am the one who stands in this position.
As I achieved this, we must move directly forward, starting on the individual level and advancing to the world level. I am the one who has triumphed over communism. (247-196, 1993/05/09)
6. To come from the Old Testament Age and complete the New Testament Age worldwide, we must resolve all the conflicts that arose due to the death of Jesus on the cross.
True Parents founded the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace and the Federation for World Peace to unite into one the right and the left, as well as the separated mind and body.
True Parents helped resolve the problem between right and left, and we are binding people together in the Islamic world through the marriage Blessing. The position of the Returning Lord is based on a revival of the consciousness of Jesus.
Therefore, True Parents must join the world of religion and the world of ideology. The Interreligious Federation for World Peace unites the entire world of the mind, while the Federation for World Peace unites the world of the body.
Harvesting the fruit on a worldwide level will end the separation of mind and body. (243-295, 1993/01/28)
7. In Europe, a cultural realm of oneness is being formed with Christianity at the center. However, the conflict between Protestantism and Catholicism remains a problem. Who will bring Protestantism and Catholicism together?
We are the only people who can bring these two groups together. North and South America will become one once Europe unites. Currently, the two American continents are fighting one another: the North American, Protestant realm of independence versus the South American, Catholic realm of Latin culture.
But if Europe becomes one, North and South America will also naturally unite. If this happens in Europe, and in North and South America, then the Asian realm surely will follow.
The Unification Church, which represents Asia, can pull everything into one alliance. Therefore, as soon as possible, Japan, China, and Russia must bind together.
This is the purpose of the Federation for World Peace conference, which convenes in Seoul in March 1994. Oneness must come about by establishing a values-centered viewpoint within the cultural realm. (252-192, 1993/12/30)
8. Four powerful nations, America, Japan, China, and Russia, surround the Korean Peninsula. I intend to organize leading figures from these four countries and to hold a world peace conference.
We will gather representatives from at least 120 countries to advocate this world peace conference, to place the United Nations in the Abel position.
With that, along with the signatures of the representatives of these four nations, not one country in the world will decline to participate.
Gathered here will be America, Russia, China, Japan, and others, the most powerful economies in the world. If they are unable to accept the direction determined during this peace conference, they will encounter problems in trade, diplomacy,y, and other areas.
This is why I have founded the Federation for World Peace. A gathering of just a few powers from the same region cannot create a world of peace.
The world's leading politicians have concluded that I am the only person with the foundation to lead the world in this direction in the future. (227-149, 1992/02/11)
9. There have been many kinds of peace conferences throughout the world. However, when you analyze things carefully, you realize that participants cannot find the path to true world peace because they are blinded by individualism.
They put their interests or the interests of their country first. In addition to the Federation for World Peace, I founded the Women's Federation for World Peace, the Interreligious Federation for World Peace, and the Youth Federation for World Peace because I have a dream of creating a central global organization that represents humankind, which can lead the world of the 21st century toward a new altruism based on living for the sake of others.
Looking ahead to the coming century, let us strive to establish a world characterized by the practice of living for the sake of others. Let us create a world order based on the practice of true love.
I established each of these organizations as a platform for the practice of love on the world level. Even though it has been less than three years since the founding of the Federation for World Peace, many world leaders have come on board, and I am very pleased about that.
All of you, please understand clearly the origin of my motivation to start this world peace movement, and let us strive to build a truly peaceful world together.
(259-129, 1994/03/29)
The Universal Peace Federation
On August 18, 2000, True Father spoke at the UN headquarters in New York City during an assembly of the International and Interreligious Federation for World Peace (IIFWP).
There he proposed that, for the realization of world peace, the UN should be reorganized into an upper house and a lower house. He also proposed the establishment of peace zones at In most sensitive borders, including the Demilitarized Zone on the Korean peninsula.
On September 12, 2005, he inaugurated the Universal Peace Foundation (UPF), a new world peace organization that is intended to work with the current UN. In world-speaking the keynote speech, True Father stated, “UPF will fulfill the mission of the Abel UN in front of the current UN in the position of Cain.”
He also emphasized, “This new organization will perform the role of stopping strife and conflicts throughout the world by promoting religious and spiritual awakening, thereby going beyond the UN's inherent limitations.”
Immediately after the inauguration of UPF, True Parents embarked on a tour to 120 nations, which they completed on December 23, 2005. During that tour, many world leaders, including the current heads of state of Burundi, Tanzania, Albania, Palau, and the Solomon Islands, served in the role of ambassadors for peace.
True Parents had meetings with top leaders of many nations, who agreed to actively pursue the world peace movement. Those leaders included the presidents of the Philippines, and Uruguay, the prime minister of Albania, and the crown prince of Cambodia.
10. I plan to establish an Abel UN. It will be similar to the United Nations. I plan to establish an international peace federation with the word “universal” in the name. Its name will be the Universal Peace Federation.
This organization will lead us into the one world of Cheon Il Guk, where both heaven and earth are united around peace. That is why the word “universal” will be in it. I will make an official proclamation that the Abel UN will be formed centering on this concept. (504-287, 2005/08/19)
11. God seeks peace and unity, whereas Satan seeks conflict and division. The world is at a crossroads, where one path leads to prosperity and the other to destruction. As God and Satan can no longer remain on the same course, evil will disappear and only goodness will remain.
This is the path of the Universal Peace Federation. Once Satan completely disappears from the earth, the world will be embraced in the bosom of peace and prosperity.
We must establish the Universal Peace Federation, and through its activities, we will accomplish the goal of restoring God's fatherland. This has to be our life's goal. (506-290, 2005/09/05)
12. The word “universal,” meaning “of the cosmos” (cheonju), signifies the house of this universe. All within this house are one great family. The Universal Peace Federation is the organization that will bring peace to this large family.
The peace among the members of this large family will naturally lead to the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven. Its center is God.
Since the center of the giant cosmos is God, it is not True Parents who take responsibility for it, but it is God who takes responsibility.
It is not True Parents who are the central beings; we should entrust the cosmos to God's hands. If we entrust this task to the spirit world, as long we are aligned with the way God in heaven is leading us, God's Will, can be fulfilled naturally.
Wherever you are, you should pay attention to the Universal Peace Federation. To take even one step closer to the heavenly world, you should entrust everything to God.
If you entrust everything to God, since God will be the center, there is nothing that cannot be realized. Since there is no indemnity and no opposition from Satan, God can do whatever He needs to do. Such a time has come.
Since God can perform the role of the Owner, acting as He wills, you should live with the idea that He is carrying you on His back. Then, when you advance, you can surmount any kind of persecution. That is the important significance of the establishment of UPF. (507-283, 2005/09/13)
13. The Universal Peace Federation is the Abel UN. I already proclaimed its authority as the Abel sovereignty. As the Universal Peace Federation is the Abel UN, having Abel sovereignty, it will support its UN older brother from the position of Abel, cooperating with its brother instead of killing him.
They will establish the tradition of working together in harmony to solve world problems.
Once True Parents can be involved, North and South Korea, Russia and China, and Russia and America will not be able to fight each other. Problems will be solved without needing to fight.
Once True Parents are allowed to be involved, the communists will recognize them as their parents and the democratic world will also recognize them as their parents. Then neither side will be able to oppose True Parents.
Then and there, they will have absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the True Parents, and heaven and earth will be united.
Then the age of the federation of peace uniting heaven and earth (UPF) will advance to the age of the Abel UN, and when all Cain and Abel relationships are resolved, we will enter the age of the sovereignty of the King of Cosmic Peace. (517-307, 2006/02/15)
14. While upholding the banner of the Universal Peace Federation, I am willing to accept the risk of being cursed and beaten. I am the kind of person who wants to have a good end before I pass on to the next world.
As I began with pain and suffering, I am willing to end with pain and suffering. I should not have any selfish desires. It is my wish that such things will never happen again, not only in my children's and grandchildren's generations but also for many generations to come.
That is why I will hold on to this mission for ten years, even for 1,000 years if I have to. (527-306, 2006/05/31)
15. Right after we held the inauguration of the Universal Peace Federation in the United States, I began a 120-nation speaking tour. I planted in those 120 nations the victories that we achieved during our entire life of indemnity.
You people of the Unification Church face opposition, but I insist that you march forward without even a hint of fear. Members of the Unification Church in 120 nations have always wondered, “When will Father come to our nation?” This time I went to every one of those 120 nations.
It was the task of planting our victories. That is why no one could oppose me. Not one among the 120 nations opposed my visit. There was no opposition in any nation, from island nations to peninsula nations to even continental nations. Then I passed on my victory to Mother.
As I passed it on to her, I asked her to unite Cain and Abel. So Mother toured and spoke in 180 nations. Even though it was Mother who stepped forward for this task, she did not go alone. We were together, centering on God. (575-216, 2007/09/23)
16. True Parents set out on a worldwide speaking tour through 120 nations on September 12, 2005. Its purpose was to establish the lineage that Jesus was unable to establish and to change humankind's fallen lineage to God's.
While I was traveling with Mother, I opened the path for her. Eve, by her Fall, defiled the human lineage, and I had to rectify that. However, to rectify Cain's murder of Abel all people have to unite with Mother.
As her sons and daughters, they have to take the path that True Parents have set out for them.
Jesus in his lifetime, together with his wife who was to become the True Mother, should have toured 120 nations and infused the ideal of true family, but he was unable to.
Thus, while Mother traveled to 180 nations for this second UPF world tour, she had to bring together Cain and Abel who were divided. She had to bind together individuals, families, tribes, and peoples who were all divided from one another.
For this, I first had to sever Satan's lineage from humankind, and then Mother, who inherited my foundation, had to resolve the Cain-Abel children's problem worldwide. (532-070, 2006/07/13)
Ambassadors for peace
The first ambassadors for peace were appointed as flag bearers for the movement for world peace during the Assemblies for the Settlement of God's Fatherland that took place in 12 major cities of Korea from July 3 to 12, 2001.
These ambassadors for peace, among whom are leaders of nations, come from many backgrounds, and they have been carrying out the mission to extend heaven's lineage to every corner of the world.
17. Ever since the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship, God has been saying to me, “Reverend Moon, you are My beloved Son of all sons, loyal patriot of all patriots, and saint of all saints. You have established My kingship, and I should go and sit on my throne; but where is My throne?” God was lamenting that He did not have His throne.
It was heartbreaking to me as God's Son that God could not stand in the position where He was entitled to stand. Thus understanding God's situation, as I prayed at the first anniversary of God's enthronement ceremony I expressed my apology, saying, “Heavenly Father, I am so sorry. I am ashamed.”
By now I should have united the entire planet Earth and also united the spirit world, and I should be able to attend God at His throne. In such circumstances, my son, who was sent to the spirit world before me, is united with True Parents on earth.
I see him trying to save the spiritual world and the physical world. I see him ordering an all-out mobilization to educate the spirits of people. Despite all this effort, I was still unable to save God's face.
Then God tried to comfort me, “My Son, you offered Me the Enthronement Ceremony for God's Kingship with the authority of liberation in the heavenly world, yet you are still walking in sorrowful circumstances in the nighttime.
You still do not have a nation that lights your path.” This is God's bitter sorrow. I want you to know: the ones who can dissolve it are you, the ambassadors for peace of heaven's nation. You ambassadors for peace are the secret envoys of heaven's nation. (366-054, 2002/01/13)
18. Ambassadors for peace are the secret envoys of heaven. They are the secret envoys in the position of ambassadors with full authority, special ambassadors on the front line.
Ambassadors for peace represent the king. As secret envoys, their decisions are considered to represent the decisions of their nation. That is why they are secret envoys. You cannot tell the secrets of a nation to anyone.
Ambassadors for peace are in a position higher than the ambassadors of their nations, even those with special portfolios. That is why they have the authority to go in and out of the Cheon Jeong Gung Palace. (541-086, 2006/09/28)
19. Ambassadors for peace have their portion of the responsibility to achieve their public mission. They have to go as the teachers who understand the significance of the independence of God's fatherland and the liberation of His hometown to all nations.
They have to dean up all that has fallen. Their role is not to make small fixes but to fundamentally restructure their nations according to God's expectations. In particular, they need to teach their nations' leaders to follow heaven's constitution.
In other words, they have a responsibility to teach them about this as the ambassadors on behalf of the king of all kings and His anointed representatives.
Ambassadors for peace are people who represent the responsibility of the angelic world. Therefore, they cannot go forth while claiming ownership.
They have to offer everything back to heaven and uphold the public standard without claiming ownership over anything. (606-237, 2009/01/14)
20. Ambassadors for peace are in the position to guide people to the path that leads directly to God.
Walking this path requires more loyalty than they have invested in themselves. Now is the era of the ambassadors for peace. Most especially, ambassadors for peace need to align themselves with the principles of absolute sex.
From the ground of the Garden of Eden, they must dig out the root of our ancestors' Fall which was based on the failure to uphold those principles.
(580-094, 2007/11/09)
21. Ambassadors for peace on earth represent the angelic world. They can be in the position of elder brother or parent to the fallen Lucifer. The earthly world has been liberated through True Parents and the principles of absolute sex, but the spirit world is still divided.
We have to reunite God's new world and the angelic world within the spirit world. Ambassadors for peace are those who have appeared in the midst of these two. They must bring this divided reality back into unity.
When this world is unified around the tradition that follows the form of one family the family that is established based on the principles of absolute sex then Satan will be vanquished. Peace ambassadors now have to work on uniting the angelic realm with the rest of the spirit world. (584-174, 2008/01/05)
22. Ambassadors for peace have to act as the older brothers and the parents of the Archangel Lucifer.
That is why they have to put the fundamentals in order in the political world. To achieve that, we formed the Gyojeongdang. This organization is to teach what is right and build a proper home.
People should join it and receive education, and various kinds of restructuring should take place. For this, UN troops should emerge again. Then, there will be no more national military forces, but only the UN forces. The UN forces will take the leading role. (613-118, 2009/06/05)
23. In the Solomon Islands, I am making preparations to establish a headquarters for the ambassadors for peace of Oceania, in the free world. Japan is another island nation, but it belongs not to Oceania but to Asia. Taiwan as well is an island nation that belongs to Asia.
The Philippines too, is in Asia, although it is located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. Indonesia is the largest nation in the Pacific Ocean, but it is also an Asian country.
I have been heading a movement to unite all these nations. Now that rallies for this purpose have concluded, I have begun building an all-inclusive island nations' headquarters for the ambassadors for peace.
I am establishing the Oceania peace ambassadors' headquarters in the Solomon Islands. We have to bring these countries to think like one nation.
(551-169, 2007/01/06)
24. We need kindergarten-age ambassadors for peace, elementary school-age ambassadors for peace, middle school, high school, university students, and graduate school ambassadors for peace.
Just as the True Parents, representing God, established ambassadors for peace in many nations and gave them the Blessing, you as ambassadors for peace should do the same on our behalf. Wherever you are, wherever you go, you need to build the foundation for people to welcome God and True Parents.
When you do so and have given them the Blessing, the place where you will become the kingdom of heaven, the world of liberation and complete freedom. (542-330, 2006/10/23)
25. I have even made kindergartners into ambassadors for peace. From now on, I will work with the second generation. It is their era.
Once sons and daughters of ambassadors for peace become ambassadors for peace, their numbers will double. They are in the positions of the archangel and the children of the archangel.
As you are in the position of UN ambassador in Adam's family, you need to educate the people, lead them, and fly with them. For this reason, once we make ambassadors for peace from kindergartners up to graduate school students and even the presidents of nations, a new world will unfold. (543-052, 2006/10/25)
Korean War Memorial Federation, and the peace kingdom corps and peace kingdom police
On December 13, 2004, in Washington DC, True Father held a commemoration for UN troops to had participated in the Korean War and who had given their lives to protect the cause of world peace and freedom.
To recognize the value of their sacrifices, he inaugurated the United Nations Peace Forces of the Korean War Memorial Federation in Washington DC. Later, on June 12, 2006, he held a ceremony to launch the Peace Kingdom Corps Peace Kingdom Corps and peace kingdom police under the auspices of UPF.
True Father said that members of the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom police are to fulfill the responsibility of lookouts. Their role is like that of white blood cells in the human body, to maintain the body's health and remove germs invading from the outside.
The Peace Kingdom Corps Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom student police will guard the peaceful community that is organized based on True Parents' teachings. They will protect it, and also educate others to do so.
Notably, they will have the mission to purify the world of evil culture from the infiltration of Satan's world, and to develop the culture of goodness.
26. I am establishing the Peace Kingdom Corps and peace kingdom police as a volunteer army and police force to protect the righteousness of God's nation. Veterans from the 16 nations who served with the UN troops that participated in the Korean War are eligible.
Among those soldiers from 16 nations, those who survived are like Cain. The descendants of soldiers who died during the war are in the position of Abel, and they should bond with those in the Cain position. (503-162, 2005/08/03)
27. I need to form the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police. During the Korean War, 16 nations participated. The Korean War was one through which God fought against Satan.
That is to say, it was a war for a divine purpose. The UN and the United States fought for the unification of the Korean Peninsula but returned without being able to fulfill that.
This must be rectified. That is why I will hold an event for the United Nations Peace Forces of the Korean War Memorial Federation on July 26, 2005.
(495-110, 2005/05/07)
28. I will establish the entity called the United Nations Peace Forces of the Korean War Memorial Federation for those soldiers who died in the war on the Korean Peninsula that had a divine purpose, and I will bind together all those who remain from the war.
Then, it will become a world-level organization. I can bring the foreign ministers and legislators from those 16 nations to become ambassadors for peace. Once this is done, I can form the peace kingdom corps and the peace kingdom police.
They can educate other soldiers in their nation's military and the members of their nation's police.
If they do so, they will naturally bring their nation's military personnel and police to be part of the peace kingdom corps and peace kingdom police.
Since these entities transcend national boundaries, they will never fight among themselves. Israel and the Arab countries conflict present, but based on this idea we need to help them reconcile. (493-050, 2005/04/18)
29. I proclaimed the establishment of the Peace Kingdom Corps and peace kingdom police in Ukraine. I proclaimed on October 20, 2005, during my global speaking tour.
The Soviet Union stored most of its nuclear warheads in Ukraine. Those warheads could destroy the whole world. If someone pushes a button and detonates some of those warheads, the heat wave could set off other warheads in a chain reaction.
Just two or three of those warheads are enough to bring humanity to extinction.
We are living in such a dangerous time. This is why, just as the Bible suggests, we have to quickly melt swords into plowshares. (567-305, 2007/07/07)
30. The Peace Kingdom Corps and peace kingdom police are similar to the white blood cells and the red blood cells that protect our bodies.
Just as these cells cooperate to protect our lives, the Peace Kingdom Corps and Peace Kingdom police have to maintain their structure until humanity passes beyond the boundary line and reaches the last stop, heaven.
God is the absolute Owner of heaven, and the heaven that He rules will be absolute, unchanging, unique, and eternal. (529-231, 2006/06/12)
31. Your mind and body should not fight with each other. This is the problem. You must unite mind and body, no matter what. The body has been sowing seeds of love while violating the mind.
This has given birth to such things as sexual liberation, free sex, and homosexuality. In today's world, people are addicted to alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Men and women alike fight with one another, each seeking conquest of the other. This has to come to an end.
The Peace Kingdom Corps has to be able to do this. UN forces came to Korea to liberate it, but they failed. We have to recreate them through the Peace Kingdom Corps. (508-121, 2005/09/18)
32. Your nation needs its Peace Kingdom Corps and peace kingdom police. This universe, the physical world, and the spiritual world need them as well. A police force and military corps that focus on peace are also needed in the angelic world.
There needs to be two layers of defense. When we can perfect it on Earth, it will be perfected in the heavenly world. These are not something that exists for the comfort of the individual. These police and military forces are needed so that everyone can enjoy the happiness that comes after the liberation. God was unable to create this safety measure in the Garden of Eden. He could not create the apparatus to provide Adam and Eve with security. (527-323, 2006/06/01)
33. The newly created Universal Peace Federation is the Abel UN. It is the same as the United Nations of the heavenly kingdom. We need to create a foundation so that it can have a genuine effect.
That is why the might of a police force and the might of a military corps are important. These forces need to be stationed wherever there is a conflict. They can educate the people there, and bring an end to the conflict. That will not be a problem.
Peace Kingdom Corps troops will not carry weapons. Their main armament will be education. In like manner, the peace kingdom police will serve as a simple means of defense.
As these forces will be our strength in the background, we should not be careless. We have already organized them. (509-188, 2005/10/02)