Today’s event, held in a huge modern convention center in Busan, was part of a series of rallies, or assemblies, that aim to gather at least 10,000 people on each occasion.
This morning, the program began with a Marriage Blessing Ceremony, officiated by the Regional leader of Busan and his wife. This was entitled the “2018 Universal Blessing Ceremony Given by the True Parents of Heaven Earth and Humankind,” [translation tentative] was held for a group of married couples who came to solemnize their vows in this most public arena.
The Cheongpyeong Training Center staff organized a 20-minute Chanyang session for everyone. Then, the program turned to the more usual schedule of the National Anthem, the introduction of VIPs (including the mayor of Busan and the chairman of the Busan City Council, who both attended in person), a second-generation member’s heartfelt testimony to True Parents and her parents, awards to exemplary families, and two congratulatory addresses.
The first of these was by Busan mayor Seo Byeong-su. He expressed how impressed he was by the number of people he saw lining up outside the convention center, and by the prominent members of society present in the auditorium. He recalled his meeting with Mother when she came to open the new Busan Family Federation headquarters last year (at which event he had also offered congratulatory remarks), testifying to Mother’s radiance and resolve.
He added, “I could see by her leadership style why FFWPU is making strides forward.” He also expressed an interest in the Japan-Korea undersea tunnel, explaining that the city of Busan had also invested in research regarding the viability of such a tunnel.
Perhaps not surprisingly considering his position, he stated that Busan would be the best connecting point for such a tunnel between Korea and Japan! Mayor Seo concluded by saying that as long as Hak Ja Han Moon is alive the Family Federation will be filled with hope, and we will see the breakdown of all barriers between different groups and the creation of one family centered on God.
Busan City Council Chairman Baek Jong-heon then offered his remarks, explaining that the great challenge for the Korean peninsula now is whether we will live in peace and whether that dialogue for peace can continue. He expressed that he believed the efforts to realize peace on earth must go on, and that the Family Federation is the standard-bearer for the realization of exemplary families.
FFWPU for a Heavenly Korea (Korean church president) Lee Gi-Seong then thanked the Busan members for their sleepless nights of preparation for welcoming True Mother to Busan and said True Mother is the one who has offered the most jeongseong. He reviewed the providential course of True Parents and how it was in Busan that Father, living in a hut made of cardboard and mud, predicted that his movement would encompass the world.
He mentioned that Father once said that an endless stream of ships will come to the original homeland and Busan will be known around the world as the place to come to renew oneself.
After a video depicting True Parents’ work in the providence of God, Mother came out and spoke to a large audience among which were quite several guests.

This is an important time in history when the long-awaited reunification of Korea can be realized. When we look at this nation, we can see that we cannot solve the challenges we face just by human intelligence. Much has been invested but lasting peace has not been realized.
How can we solve these problems?
It is by knowing the creator of heaven and earth and by attending God. From the Bible, we know that God created the world according to His form – stamen pistil, male-female, man-woman God gave us a portion of responsibility. But Adam and Eve allowed themselves to be swayed by self-centered desires, and this is what caused the state of the world today.
But God could not abandon fallen humankind, He has worked throughout providential history to bring about the true ancestors of humankind. God raised the chosen people beginning from an individual up to the point when a nation was ready to receive the Messiah.
God sent Jesus who had no relation to the fall, but people were unable to recognize him. The only-begotten son came not to end his life on earth but to meet the only-begotten daughter and realize a true family. They would become the True Parents, and give the Marriage Blessing to all people.
Unfortunately, the leaders at the time could not make the foundation for Jesus, and much indemnity in history followed. Through the Pentecost, the work of the Holy Spirit, Christianity grew, even despite persecution and the danger of martyrdom. The early believers persevered and developed a beautiful Christian culture.
I was born in 1943, as the only-begotten daughter, on the foundation of Christianity. In 1945 Korea was liberated, yet divided into the communist North and democratic South. God knew the only-begotten daughter needed time to grow and worked a special dispensation to protect me. (Christian spiritual groups in the North were waiting for the Lord.
They could not decide whether to stay in Pyongyang or flee south.) So that I could fulfill my responsibility, South Korea was defended during the North’s invasion. All of you must clearly understand: that the people of Korea were specially chosen and raised by Heaven.
They have a particular responsibility. At the time of Jesus, the people could not unite with Jesus. But the people of Korea must not fail.
True Parents had to begin their providential work from the lowest position, and this year marked the 58th anniversary of their Holy Wedding.
Since we knew Heaven’s will, and that it was to realize a world of lasting peace, we have dedicated ourselves. Unfortunately, people around the world do not understand the way to peace.
Fallen human beings cannot directly return to our Heavenly Parent. The Messiah, the True Parents, are necessary to bring the Blessing to the fallen children of the world, and they can be born again as Blessed Families.
Although you may be active in society and have accomplished various things, your goal should be to meet the True Parents and be born again through their Blessing. That is the way to have hope for the future.

I have asked the blessed families to become messiahs to their tribes. The Blessing is not your Blessing; you are responsible for guiding 3 generations. Your responsibility is to become victorious tribal messiahs and national messiahs to the nations. That is how we can accomplish one family under God.
To realize this objective, True Parents have had to overcome countless difficulties, sacrifices, and misunderstandings. Despite these difficulties, at a time when the world was confused, True Parents pleaded with God not to abandon Christianity and its foundation.
So in the 1970s True Parents went to the US and awakened it from its slumber when it was under the great threat of communism. True Parents educated young people in America and sent them as missionaries around the world. They have worked with an unchanging heart in Asia, Africa, etc. As a result, extraordinary results are coming.
This nation does not depend on politicians or any one individual. The Heavenly Parent is the creator. It is only when we attend to God in our families and society that we can have hope for the future. The Busan area is famous for giving birth to outstanding leaders, but they do not know about True Parents.
I have proclaimed the era of the Pacific Rim civilization. We should all join the stream of the Asia-Pacific providence, amazing results are being achieved by our youth and second-generation and blessed families.
Our MC mentioned this is the era where the unified Silla kingdom flourished. This can be the homeland of our Heavenly Parent. Let us draw the map of a unified, heavenly Korea together.
At our center are Heavenly Parents and True Parents. Please do not forget this, whether you are a FFWPU member or an ambassador for peace. Please become leaders who bring about a Heavenly Unified Korea!

Flowers were then offered to Mother by the Daegu district church leader and his wife, following which all made a Pledge of Determination, led by one of Korea’s five Sub-regional leaders. Everyone pledged to testify to True Parents’ work, to accomplish heavenly tribal messiahship, and to build the model of Cheon Il Guk in their region.
Young students then filled the area in front of the stage and the aisles from the front to the back of the gigantic hall and danced the signature dance of the youth to the song “Unconditional [mu-jo-gon].” As she watched, Mother looked at peace and her face was alight with a soft but very kindly smile.
The main event was then brought to a traditional Korean conclusion with 3 mighty cheers of Eok Mansei before a longer entertainment session for which True Mother stayed and a lottery for a good number of prizes took the event for another hour or so.