A Grudge Of Restoration

Under a Blessing of God's hand in Eden's garden, Adam and Eve had to make a relationship of a married couple.

Mapo District Church

Master had been a round visit to all District churches in Seoul City 

Restoration means to put everything back to its original state.

Under a Blessing of God's hand in Eden's garden, Adam and Eve had to make a relationship of a married couple. Then they could get a victory under God's idea and all creatures could enjoy under the truth of our Heavenly Father. 

Thus, if our ancestors could have succeeded and fulfilled God's idea of love and truth and lived with Adam and Eve, mankind would have been blessed perfectly by God. But our progenitors failed. 

If the forefathers of mankind had not fallen under Satan's love, man could have asked questions and received answers directly from our Heavenly Father. And mankind could have represented God's love. Also, all creatures of the world could have had a relationship with the children beloved by God. But, as the result of our ancestor's Fall, mankind cannot form any relationship with all the things of this earth. This is the grudge and sadness of mankind. 

Now we are living unconcerned with all creatures and things. Also,o we are living disconnected from God's love. This is our deep sadness. This is the reason why man cannot supervise all the things created by God. 

But God cannot give up on fallen man because He created man and the relationship with man is that of a parent to children. God has to accomplish His responsibility of the creation of man as His perfect children. 

We can easily understand the fact that parents cannot let their fallen son alone.

They cannot give up their relationship with their prodigal sons. They cannot forget their first love for them and cannot give up their original relationship with their son. 

Similarly, our God cannot abandon His fallen children, our forefathers, Adam and Eve. God has deeper love than fallen man's parents. 

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Therefore, we have to consider the fact that our Heavenly Father has deeper sadness than mankind. The deepest disheartened love indeed makes the deepest sadness. This is the situation of our God with His fallen children. We should imagine God's broken heart. He wants heartily to open a way to save His fallen children in deepest sadness and love. 

This is God's, our True Father's heart.

Therefore, we, the fallen people have to make some conditions to restore true love, true freedom,m and true relationship with our Creator. We must understand our Heavenly God's situation, His deep sadness and love. 

Of course, we can think that God is willing to forget His creation of man and give up on His fallen children, but the way of love is not such a way. 

During workaday, a person wants to keep his relationship of love with his partner and he fears to separate from his relatives. 

In view of such a standpoint, we know the fact that our Heavenly Father did not give up on Adam and He continued to heartily love in deep sadness. But Adam didn't understand God's heart and could not revive God's love. 

Therefore God's deep love became His deep sadness. Then, there could be a deep grudge in His inner mind. 

Because of Adam and Eve's fall, they had to live in distressful situations. Such a life was not their normal life. Under the holy blessing of God, they had to be a blessed couple. And they live in God's deepest love. They could have been the center for all created things in the universe. We must know of God's circumstances and understand God's inner agony. 

The Problem of Fallen Mankind
Christianity tells us that mankind fell. This is a fact that cannot be denied when we look at or speculate upon society.

The Fall of man was not caused by God but was caused by the disobedience of Adam and Eve under a commandment of God. So, our ancestors had to take the entire responsibility for their falling. And they (Adam and Eve) were forced to go the eternal hell. 

Our Heavenly Father didn't want to let them go to eternal hell. He wanted man to take responsibility for the Fall of Man, His beloved children because He created them with His own hands. We cannot understand and imagine His deep heart and sadness. 

Here, let us consider the situation of pitiful parents. Their son committed a grave crime and was hanged. Then, what do the parents think of their son's death? Would the parents of the convict under sentence of death want to lead him to death? No. If there was any way to save their son's life, they would take it. This is the heart of even fallen parents. 

What would the heart of our Heavenly Father be?

We can imagine our true God's heart. He didn't want to lead His fallen children, who were created by His hands, to death. He heartily wanted to save His children. 

Therefore, Our Heavenly Father had set a condition for the return of His beloved children. He requested that His fallen children establish some conditions to welcome them in His eternal home. 

God had to set a condition before the fallen children because they could not save themselves. So, God asked them to make a condition to return to His love. 

To make the condition worse, the fallen children had to truly regret their disobedience. They had to swear to obey God's order. 

Since the time of Adam's Fall, his descendants have been born by the love of fallen parents. Accordingly, all motives of human life and desire weren't produced from God's ideal love. Therefore, a fallen man's life started from a position contrary to God's True love. 

Then how can it be possible for us to leave our fallen situation?

What will appear if a prodigal son is left alone? It can't be questioned, he will die away. 

Therefore to keep him from falling into a Satanic trap, God could only interrupt the way His son was pursuing. 

Since not means but only purpose can make or break good or evil, if a wicked person kidnaps a good one, it will surely result in evil; whereas when a good person kidnaps a wicked one, good will result. 

The Path of Faith Which Should be Examined Carefully
A family should form centering on such an individual. Centering on such a family, a society should form that can exalt and bear witness to Heaven.

Forced to be alone and in sorrow, a man comes to ponder what life and the universe are and is willing to get in close touch with the Absolute Being or Absolute Good if any. 

As there are four seasons in a year, there are the seasons of Spring, Summer, Autumn, and Winter in our earthly life and the spiritual world. Childhood corresponds to Spring, youth to Summer, old age to Fall, and death to Winter. For the day, morning is Spring, noon is Summer, evening corresponds to autumn, and night to Winter. In Spring flowers bloom and everything returns to life. In our hearts, when we long for the original garden to ripen, there will surely come the day when our open hearts unite with God, our Fathe,r and follow His way, and we will attain the Spring of life. 

When one understands the direction of Providence, he will naturally follow its way.

But it's not so easy for us to meet with the Providence and though meeting with it, if we keep silent, opportunity is fleeting. So everyone should devote himself to closing a connection with Providential opportunity in prayer. 

From such a point of view, a straggler in life is neither miserable nor poor rather he is at a new starting point. 

This is the reason why the true way for fallen persons is no other than the right way the way opposite to their fallen inclination – straight is the gate and narrow is the way which leads unto life. 

There have been periods of clever men, periods of powerful persons, and periods of laborers and farmers, but who will be the heroes of the future? Of course, it will be the period of religionists who are over 2 billion. Finally, there should come the day when God rules the universe. That is why our Unification Church has been standing for religious unification. 

Then how shall unification be accomplished?

It can and be fulfilled by going in the opposite direction from the way the men under the Satanic dominion considered good. The degeneration of mankind was brought forth by ungodly and selfish ways of thinking. So the Teacher of the Unification Church chases you and orders all the members to be in pain. 

Which one will God choose? Mere hearers of the Divine Principle who learn the pains or those who bear pain based on the principle? It's needless to say, God likes the latter. Whoever devotes himself to the fulfillment of God's will, at all hazards, faces trials in difficult conditions. There is a choice other than absolute obedience in the Way of Faith. 

When leaving North Korea during the Korean War, I was accompanied by a follower whose leg had been broken [Chung Hwa Pak], and the way to our South Korean refuge was cut off. I was willing to be the most miserable one among the refugees. 

It has been God's course to chase out His followers to be sacrificed, without making them happy or blessing them. To make the lineage of the fallen foe return to life, God has been forced to make a scapegoat of His beloved sons. 

Grudge for restoration! How can it be possible for God to be in peace when He is going to take such a way? 

Why can't there be another way in God Himself, the Omnipotent and omniscient? There is only one true way, there can't be two ways. 

If God, the subject of mankind is absolute, then there should be and absolute Adam and Eve, His objects. But due to the Fall, they left the position of being absolute – being true. Where there are no true men and women, there can be no true family, true society, or the true world. 

First, Providence sought a man, because the Archangel Fell first, and the man followed him. So according to the Principle of Creation, first there should be indemnity for a man, the symbolic Archangel; and then there will be the time to restore a woman. That is 70 years after the end of World War II. Had Adam and Eve not fallen, how they have been married? Surely God would have been the officiator. 

Conjugal love did not belong to Adam and Eve. It belongs to God, the lord of love and the Fall means the cutting off of the root of love. So, God has been seeking the individual, family, racial, national, and universal Adam, Eve, and Archangel. And it has been the grudge of heaven not to have found them. 

How can the grudge be restored?

When we have the intention to take suffering on ourselves and give the good to God, Heaven's grudge will surely be cleared.  

Process Of Restoration
Everyone of us living here on earth would adore the blessing of God, and everyone of us wants to have that blessing of God to be related with one individual.
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