17 min read

Ancestor Blessings

According to True Parents, while we are on earth we should liberate our ancestors in the spirit world.

Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing - TP Legacy
All people are fallen due to original sin, and it is True Parents’ fundamental mission to save them. The centerpiece of this mission is the providence of the marriage Blessing, which eradicates original sin and fallen lineage.

Ancestor liberation 

According to True Parents, while we are on earth we should liberate our ancestors in the spirit world. Thus, True Parents instructed on February 12, 1999, that ancestor liberation ceremonies be held at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center, starting with the first seven generations of ancestors.

True Parents explained that we are living in the realm of grace in which we can enjoy the benefits of this age through the Blessing bestowed on us as True Parents' second generation prerogative.

Now our ancestors can be liberated and blessed and come again to earth and cooperate with their descendants. Thus, they can go to the kingdom of heaven, even if they are presently in hell. 

1. Your ancestors who have gone to the spirit world are like the angels in the angelic world, and the world you are living in now is like the world of Adam and Eve. It is also the world of your future grandchildren. 

The spirit world has the responsibility to help Adam and Eve, and you are in the position of Adam and Eve. So your ancestors in the spirit world, in the position of angels, will cooperate with you. If you cooperate with your ancestors, eventually you will be able to liberate them. This is the Principle. (119-045, 1982/07/03) 

2. You must liberate your ancestors. Their liberation serves to release your descendants. You have to restore Adam and Eve's sons and daughters. Adam and Eve cannot do it. The principle is that the second generation must become one with Adam and Eve to achieve this restoration. This is an astonishing truth. 

In 6,000 years of human history, this is the first time the ancestor liberation ceremony could be held. The time is right, so I have directed that these ceremonies be held. (412-119, 2003/07/16)

3. You must liberate all of your ancestors. You truly must liberate your first seven generations. 

Then, after the first seven generations of your ancestors, you need to liberate them up to 120 generations. 

If you do that for your ancestors, you will be able to bless all 120 generations at once. If you were to do that, would the gates of hell tumble down, yes or no?

If you do not do that, however, when I go to the spirit world, the spirit world will be in turmoil. On the other hand, if we can put the spirit world in order, spirits there will help settle problems on Earth anytime. (301-206, 1999/04/26)

4. Through True Parents' direction and declaration, saints, sages, people who lived a religious life, and those conscientious young people who died before the age of 16 and are carrying bitter sorrow because of their early death, and all other spirits in the spirit world can now receive the Blessing.

I liberated the ancestors of all nations, making it possible for them to go through the borders of the spirit world. 

Furthermore, I opened the door so that all of those ancestors can now receive the Blessing. Heung-jin and Daemonim at Cheongpyeong, in connection with Daehyungnim (True Father's elder brother) and all Unification Church members, have now made it possible for all good spirits in the spirit world to connect to people on earth.

As a result, those spirits are now elevated to the higher standard of True Parents and have an unbreakable connection with True Parents. (346-265, 2001/07/01)

5. True Parents came in this era to find a homeland and nation in which to rectify the corrupted lineage of heaven and earth. We are now undertaking ancestor liberation and Blessing ceremonies at Cheongpyeong Heaven and Earth Training Center.

Because the spirit world is an eternal world, unlike the case on earth, if you restore something there just one time, that restoration is finished. Because everything in the spirit realm is unidirectional, if the lineage is rectified, it is rectified for eternity. 

Before a nation could be found, the Blessing of the Unification Church took place within the church and was not rooted in a nation. Thus, there remains the danger of sinning, so we must surpass the level of the church and move the Blessing to the level of the nation.

Therefore, it is necessary to find a nation and register there. We also have to go beyond the national level. In doing so, we should not hope for a secular country.

Centering on God's Will, we have to go in a singular direction. We cannot just go this way and that. We cannot make excuses.

God does not want merely to hear pleas for perfecting the fallen world. No matter what sacrifice it may require, True Parents have to put the mess of the physical world and the spiritual world in order. (353-165, 2001/09/06)

6. Any spirit who has been liberated and then received an education can receive the Blessing and become an excellent spirit.

Even if your ancestors are in hell, they can still go to the kingdom of heaven by being liberated and then blessed. Your ancestors who are in hell in this era of True Parents need to know the tremendous value of the grace of receiving the Blessing.

They should also know it is difficult to accomplish this. To enable them to reach such a position, you must become one in heart and body and offer conditions of devotion with dedication and utmost sincerity. (398-289, 2002/12/15)

7. Until now, God has appeared in the form of light in the spirit world, like the light from a radiant diamond.

God, who is the substantial Being of wonder and heightened awareness, has appeared in the form of light to give instructions, but there was yet no way for God to instruct from the position of the Parent of humankind. God could not freely teach or guide us.

From that midpoint position in which He was situated, the things He could solve were the ones He could delegate; He could not solve everything from beginning to end. True Parents, however, have established this beginning and end for both the physical world and the spiritual world. 

Had they not done so, Heung-jin would not have been able to work in the spirit world? Until now, the saints have been coming back to earth to receive education for 40 days and make a foundation to liberate the spirit realm.

Ancestor liberation is the way to open the door for all those ancestors who were not filial children of God, knowing His suffering heart and the bitter sorrow from which He is waiting to be liberated, to finally become those filial children of God. This is why the era has come when starting from the family, we can finally attend to God. 

Originally ancestors in the spirit world were unable to receive the Blessing. This is because the angelic world has never received the object-partner right of ownership.

However, the Returning Lord has cut off and eradicated all the satanic things introduced into the world by Adam after he turned 16.

Following that, Hecano gives the Blessing. This is why families in the spirit world can come to earth, cooperate with families in the position of Adam's blessed family, and be blessed. The era in which spirits can receive the Blessing has come. 

Those who are in the spirit world are in the younger brother position. They are attending through absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to the members of the substantial blessed family of Adam, who are on earth in the elder brother position. This means that the angelic world must now offer its support to the earthly world, to accomplish the creation of the Adamic culture.
(410-048, 2003/06/30) 

8. Because the woman, Eve, fell and made this world so wretched, it is women who must liberate and bless the ancestors who are in the realm of the archangel.

This work of liberation has expanded the extent to which spirits can come down to the world and offer their help. This can bring an immense and indescribably significant outcome. 

The Principle teaches that if we try, it must work this way. Your ancestors can be liberated only with the help of the Cheongpyeong Training Center. This is because I have entrusted this work to Heung-jin.

Both the liberation and the Blessing of ancestors are taking place in Korea. Japan, as the Eve nation, should also take the lead in thoroughly setting things straight without leaving a single spirit person liberated. (422-321, 2003/10/26) 

9. We have to liberate and bless our ancestors. All your relatives and ancestors with your surname should be blessed and should make a foundation for the liberation of the angelic world and the physical world. 

We have to consider this a matter of grave importance. This must be done even if employing great force of character. People in the spirit world do not have an ideal partner because they never received permission to have one.

Your mothers and siblings there surely grieve because of this. But through the authority of True Parents to give the Blessing, you can bless all of your ancestors based upon True Parents' permission. (423-180, 2003/10/28) 

10. Your ancestors are brought to the Cheongpyeong training center to be liberated; then they receive education and, thereafter, the Blessing. Liberation cannot be done randomly. You must pay the price to open the way for all the ancestors in your clan to be liberated.

Regarding your ancestors' present condition, if we compare them to a tree, their roots are stunted, as well as their stems, branches, leaves, flowers, and fruit.

You must liberate everything. Liberation is a wonderful thing. We must create a branch with a healthy root, set, and sprout that contains the life of heaven. We should engraft this branch. In this way, the true branch will appear, and then proper leaves will unfold, flowers will bloom and fruit will be borne.

We should make sure that groves of true olive trees are the only ones standing. This is the mission of the people of Cheon Il Guk, and their responsibility and mission for the settlement of Cheon Il Guk. 
(437-115, 2004/02/10) 

11. When you liberate your ancestors, you should bless them as well. Since you are a family who is here on earth in the Abel position, you need to release them from their sorrow over having gone to the spirit world without having had the chance to change their lineage.

Through this, your family in the Abel position becomes the elder brother, and your ancestors become your younger siblings. The liberation will also engraft them to the family standards that True Parents have established. This is the shift that takes place through tribal messiahship.

When the elder brother and younger brother become one, the whole family can receive the Blessing, and then your whole town can receive it.

This is how, when you take responsibility for doing tribal messiahship in your district, focusing on the members of your family with the same surname, you can give the Blessing to all the people there. (444-297, 2004/04/08) 

The Blessing in the Spirit World

After the Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 360,000 Couples on August 25, 1995, on numerous occasions, couples' True Parents held spiritual Blessing ceremonies for the liberation of the spirit world. 

But, before that in the early morning of the day before the 360,00 couples', Blessing, True Parents conducted the marriage Blessing Ceremony of True Fathers and True Mothers attend family rents and families (Chungbunim and Chungmonim, Dae-hyungnim and Daemonim's families). 

Subsequently, during the 40 Million Couple Blessing held on November 29, 1997, they officiated the first spiritual Blessing ceremony. 

On December 1, 1997, they declared the Opening of the Gates for the Blessing of the Spirit World. 

During the time of the 360 Million Couples Blessing on June 13, 1998, they officiated over the Blessing of the greatest saints and most evil sinners. In this way, the Blessing for spirits was inaugurated through which hell in the spirit world was liberated and the way for all spirits to enter the kingdom of heaven was opened.  

12. The day before the 360,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, I gave the Blessing to my physical parents and my older brother. I joined as a trinity my parents, my older brother, and the True Children.

Not only that, I gave the Blessing to Daemonim's family. By doing so, I tied them all together in the position of our children. By going through these three generations with True Parents at the center, True Parents' sons and daughters and your families were bonded as Cain and Abel.

Giving these three generations the position of being blessed built the foundation for the liberation and Blessing of all the ancestors who had been separated.

Starting with these liberated and blessed ancestors, throughout thousands of years the number will expand and ultimately, everyone can be liberated. 

The ancestors are the fathers. No matter how wicked the children may be, if the father is victorious, they can come to inherit his victory. When inheritance takes place through the father-son relationship, we can enter the realm in which all things can be inherited.

In this way, we establish the liberation of the spiritual world and the physical world. You cannot imagine how complicated this is. We need to weave all this together. (272-313, 1995/10/13) 

13. I directed Daemonim and Heung-jin to conduct a Blessing on behalf of True Parents the day after the 3.6 Million Couples are blessed. Heung-jin and Daemonim are the ones to give the Blessing. Through this, all those who received the Singles Blessing will be able to find their spouses and children in the spirit world and restore their families.

That time has come. Because I did not know when this time would come, I conducted the Singles Blessings. If we had not been able to overcome the obstacles on the national level, people could not have been blessed as singles to their original spouses.

However, from now on, your relatives can be blessed as singles, and even if they receive the Blessing alone, they can recreate their families. Even if your relatives are in hell, you will be able to call them out from there and liberate them instantly.

This is because True Parents have laid the foundation for a straight paved road from hell to the kingdom of heaven. Now we can just get in a car and cruise fast and effortlessly along that highway.
(285-105, 1997/04/21) 

14. The 3.6 Million Couples Blessing is the time when heaven and earth will be connected. This Blessing will connect the vertical and horizontal worlds.

This is why I have been waiting for the day when Adam's family and all humanity could stand in the position before the Fall and be blessed. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve needed to have a family.

This was because they were meant to become the representative family who would inherit everything and thus have a value greater than the value of the universe. 

In this united era of liberation, enemies can families who have received the Blessing can liberate their ancestors and descendants. Even though Adam and Eve fell and Jesus was unable to complete his mission, the coming of the Returning Lord heralds the completion of everything.

Through True Parents' foundation, the era of unification has come wherein even if your ancestors made mistakes they can be liberated because your family now belongs to the family of the Returning Lord.

This is the same as welcoming the Completed Testament Age after having established a family. After this Blessing, the spirit world will be entirely liberated. This is how the era of the Blessing on Earth will expand to include the spirit world. (285-206, 1997/05/04) 

15. Now that the 360 Million Couples Blessing is being carried out, we are beginning to give the Blessing in the spirit world. Satan's bloodline is now cut off. The era in which Satan could accuse us has passed. 

The era of True Parents' absolute authority, all-immanence, transcendence, and omnipotence has come. 

The era has arrived in which True Parents' authority can be exerted. Just as when God created Adam and Eve, saying, “It is excellent,” and felt such joy, the era of beneficent authority has come, equivalent to when God brought every living creature to Adam to receive their names. (293-091, 1998/05/24)

16. After the completion of the 360 Million Couples Blessing, Satan's lineage has to be cut off. This is the last challenge. Through this, the gates of both heaven and hell will be opened. All the enemies of the past will welcome True Parents and attend them in a gigantic celebration.

Up to now, we have not been able to attend True Parents in the family, tribe, clan, nation, and world. For the first time, we will hold a banquet on earth through which brothers and sisters who have been enemies can come back and follow God's way. 

Through this, heaven's way will be revealed. This is the way we should go. This way leads toward the kingdom of heaven on earth. (296-300, 1998/11/18) 

17. Everything under God's ownership at the time of the creation was lost through the Human Fall. We need to bring it all back to God. Until now, God did not have sons and daughters, but through True Parents God was able to regain true sons and true daughters.

This is re-creation. But this is not done by God. Only True Parents can do it. True Parents need to have complete ownership and then return everything to God, which is why True Parents searched for a family and returned that family to God. 

Through the 360 Million Couples Blessing, Satan's bloodline can be cut off. In this way, God can proclaim, “Now I have a family in the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven! Now I am the owner!” 

This is the beginning of the originally intended ideal. All things that were lost through the Fall are now being recovered. In the process of recreation, the way of suffering we have undergone is finally finished. 

Now, starting from the family and going all the way to the cosmos, it is the time of liberation. (293-179, 1998/05/26) 

18. With the marriage Blessing of 360 Million Couples, we proclaim the liberation of all the spirits in the spirit world, including all those who were enemies of God.

Those spirits who are in hell and those in the midway spiritual realm are not yet connected to God's lineage. We have to connect them.

When the conditions for Abel to receive the Blessing are established, Cain can be blessed as well. This is according to heavenly law. But to accomplish this, we must establish our love enemies loving our enemies. 

Through this, we can establish the position of the younger sibling in front of God's direct sons and daughters. It was like this for Cain.

Up to now, the saints in the religious sphere worked hard to fulfill such indemnity, and the sinful people on Satan's side have been working in the same way to separate themselves from destruction.

The breakthrough now is that True Parents have restored through indemnity all those historical figures, and so the historical division of good and evil, God and Satan, and Cain and Abel will end.

Through True Parents' sacrifice, we are entering the era when everything that was divided will be united. (294-044, 1998/06/10) 

19. If Adam himself cannot establish his full authority on the levels of the individual, family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos, God's purpose of creation cannot be accomplished and God cannot be liberated.

Indeed, God cannot do even a single thing. Establishing the full authority of Adam is the responsibility of True Parents. True Parents have to stir up a great revolution in heaven. This is why we blessed the four great saints and the worst of all sinners.

We have to surmount the obstacles imposed by our enemies. This is why we are establishing equal rights for both sides. 

When the ocean flows out and comes back in, the tidal pool is full and level, so circulation can take place. 

When the dirty water that remains combines with the clean water that goes out and comes back in, that is when circulation takes place. The new incoming water flowing back in pushes the old water over the brim, and when the pool is full, an equal water level is achieved.

For God to liberate human beings, He must begin from this realm of clean water. It is to establish this standard that He must carry out the Blessing of saints and murderers. (320-239, 2000/04/16) 

20. If God were in an enemy relationship with Satan, we would never have hope to bring about world peace. If God had not been able to rise above an enemy relationship with Satan, and if He had not been able to maintain the ideal heart He had toward the archangel during the time of creation, Satan would never have surrendered.

What do we mean by this? When two enemies are gathered through marriage, if they do not form a loving relationship that emulates the way God has loved the enemy, the marriage will fail. If you cannot develop such loving, enemy-embracing relationships in cross-cultural marriages, then the path to a peaceful world will be blocked.

True Parents have known this, which is why the institution of cross-cultural marriage between enemies was inevitable. This is also why we blessed saints and sinners at the same time. (371-098, 2002/02/24) 

21. God has always longed for the liberation of all people, including those in hell, and the realization of peace in heaven and on earth. Only True Parents can take the responsibility to accomplish this. We do it by joining enemies from both sides through the Blessing.

This is God's heart. Even if a loved one is blessed by an enemy, we should have a heart that is capable of wishing that enemy success and good fortune. This is why I also have to give the Blessing even to Satan. 

This event could only take place because True Parents indemnified the history of sin. They exposed it, disconnected it from Satan, elevated themselves beyond it, and came to stand in the position of liberated king.

True Parents even created the foundation upon which God could be liberated and created the final settlement. From now there will be no barriers whatsoever. This is why I have given the Blessing to all humanity. (294-028, 1998/06/05) 

22. When the 360 Million Couple Blessing takes place, we will enter an era in which all things that have been divided will be united centering on the name of True Parents and the world's blessed families.

In this era of great transition, we have declared the 360 Million Couple Blessing and the separation from Satan's lineage. If Adam had been able to attain perfection, there would never have been hell or the midway spiritual realm.

This is why the spiritual world and physical world need to be organized before giving the Blessing. After this, the saints in the spirit world should receive a single blessing from those ladies who have been leading a single life on earth.

This is how the religious sphere will settle into unity. Thereafter, the evil people of Satan's world should be blessed. (294-045, 1998/06/10)

23. For the first time in history, there are True Parents, who can love sinners just as they love saints. 

This solves a big problem. For God, it is time to rectify all things in the evil world and resolve everything. 

This is why everything has reached an apex. There is nowhere else to go to. Even Satan is stymied and can go no higher. Through True Parents binding the horizontal elements to the vertical, sinners who are on the horizontal plane are now connected to the vertical way.

The historic moment when this occurred was the 360 Million Couple Blessing. This was a very significant event. Through its success, the gates of heaven were opened and the way from hell to heaven was paved.

It was a momentous event that True Parents were able to set the indemnity conditions and were able to share the Blessing with all humankind. 
(320-241, 2000/04/16) 

24. Families who have received the Blessing can go to the kingdom of heaven. Through the 360 Million Couple Blessing by True Parents, the ancestors were able to enter the kingdom of heaven as well. Before this Blessing on earth, we gave the Blessing in the spirit world. It all started on June 13, 1998.

We gave the blessing to saints and murderers, with the saints in the position of the elder son and the murderers in the position of the younger son. The younger siblings should be able to follow the elder son with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, thereby creating a horizontal balance.

In the same way, national-level enemies and world-level enemies receive the Blessing. True Parents gave such a Blessing for all humanity to inherit. Through True Parents having created such a foundation, all people can now receive the True Parents' standard for the first time. (306-100, 1998/09/20) 

The Pure Love Movement
The true family movement comes as the fundamental providential movement for restoring this fallen world to the original world of creation centered on God.