Please Let Us Consider How Much Pain You Felt As You Sent Out Your Children

Even the hearts of parents of the fallen world feel more love in their minds after spurring on their children than they felt before spurring them on, and want to comfort them.

Even the hearts of parents of the fallen world feel more love in their minds after spurring on their children than they felt before spurring them on, and want to comfort them. But please let us understand how greatly your heart desired to comfort us when we were beaten and driven away from the place where you commanded us to take responsibility along the course of restoration.

And please do not let us forget that it is your mind to want to let us praise you eternally in the world of heart. You want to establish us as filial children who can comfort our father and call you "Father" in such a place.

Until now the course of the Unification Church has been a sorrowful course. I know very well how solitary were the footsteps of those following your commands in the midst of other people who were unable to understand.

How hard you must have worked until this religious body could be
mobilized and this unification movement gathered! We know that you urged and encouraged the people who were playing, awakened the people who were dozing, and commanded them to go. Please let us determine ourselves even now amid such adverse circumstances.

We understand that you are still in a situation of having to send us out.

We know that this kind of anguish will remain as the universal history of the course of indemnity. Please let us understand that you must command the individual who sets the family in good order, the family that sets the tribe in good order, the tribe that sets the people in good order, the people that set the nation in good order, and the nation that sets the world in good order, to go out in their stead.

And please let us know how miserable your position is as you look upon the course of restoration that remains and the course of bitter indemnity that cannot help but be gone along that path.

We understand your heartbroken mind which is not able to command
anyone even if you wish to because there is no filial child who iscannderstand your position. Please let us become your true children who now follow your bidding and go towards the goal, who prepare ourselves before your command, and who can call you "Father."

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Leave The Satanic Realm And Become One With You, Father
Oh, Father! We know that the ideal world of the original creation which you desired is a place centered on your love where true children and true families can feel joy, and all of creation can be harmonized and joy overflows.
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