4 min read

Please Find The Destined Relationship Of Heart And Accomplish The Completion Of Restoration

We cannot help but report to you once again at this time that we are ashamed before our father who has worked so hard in order to realize the Will.

We cannot help but report to you once again at this time that we are ashamed before our father who has worked so hard to realize the Will. The providence that you manage should have been a providence of glory, and you should have watched your sons and daughters enjoying themselves in the garden of goodness, and you should have lived a life of rejoicing and joy. But because of the unexpected fall, your providence could not become a providence of joy; it became a providence of sorrow, suffering, and lamentation. Oh Father, who could not help but carry out this kind of providence!

At this time before you, our unworthy selves which became the motive and source of such a providence cannot help but repent for our historical guilt, and we cannot help but repent for the guilt of the present age. And we know that there remains the will of the providence for which, on the foundation of having repented with our heads bowed, we must ask for blessings for the sake of the world of the future so hoped for by our Father, who is imagining and carrying out the providence for the world of eternal peace.

When looking at things from the viewpoint of the relationship between you and us, between us and the creation, and between you and the creation, we know that there is not a single thing that was created separately from your heart of love. We know that the kind of relationship where we could communicate with your heart through our destined relationship of eternal father and son with you was broken from the day we fell, and heaven as heaven, humankind as humankind, and the things of creation as the things of creation all lost the goal they were to head for, and until now have remained in the realm of lamentations.

Oh, Father of love! You have not been able to cast off the grief of the fall or the troubles of the fall, and you know well the situation of we who are groping along the path of our miserable fate. To permit the blessings of today, you prepared for thousands of years of history. But when we look at our state, we know that at the same time that we must receive your permission, we also have a great responsibility to establish the level of the blessing.

The time has come that now we must find again all the heartistic relationships that have divided heaven and humankind, and we know that the time has come that it will not do unless all people relate to each other and the broken, destined relationships of heart which can sing praises to heaven are formed once again.

Not only that, we should have realized the harmony of all things, taking the things of creation as materials for a life of faith, as conditional objects of victory, and as conditional objects of harmony in the eternal realm of relationships, but we cannot help but lament over the loss of all the things of creation.

Father of mercy! Many groups are wandering around looking for relationships of heart, but there are very few groups that know what your heart is like. We earnestly hope and desire that you will once again embrace humankind who are going the way of restoration without knowing your heart, tormented in the world of darkness.

Father! This day is holy. At this time please bless your sons and daughters who have gathered here having decided and determined to follow the footprints you have left and not to avoid this path of grief-filled destiny.

We are people who have pledged to offer everything we have as sacrifices before you, looking forward to the time of victory promised in your Will.

Therefore, we earnestly hope and desire, beloved Father, that you will let us become sons and daughters who head towards the goal of that Will, who step onto the field of battle, and sing the victory song, and who are not able to yield or be defeated until your glory is raised.

On this holy day, please give your blessing to all the people, and we earnestly hope and desire that today you will connect the many groups, many peoples, and many multitudes in each place to this relationship heaven has sought.

Since we know that it is the heart of the Triune God to want to resolve the grief of restoration to reconnect the destined relationships that were broken, please complete restoration on that foundation of heart. And beginning from ourselves our families, people, nation, and world, up to everything in heaven and on earth, we anticipate that heartistic relationships will be formed, and even though we are disloyal and unworthy, we have bowed our heads before you, Father. And since we cannot help but offer prayers of tears before you, Father, please bear with us.

Father, we earnestly ask you to create relationships between everything according to the criteria of the providence.

We have prayed in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Let Us Become Children Who Do Not Leave Behind Grief
Father! We will go. We will be proud. We will overcome. We will collapse embracing this will.