4 min read

Please Relieve The 6,000-Year History So Interspersed With Grief

Father! Committing historical sin, humankind has driven such nails into your heart, and has wounded your pride and your personality in ways that are unforgivable.

Father! Committing historical sin, humankind has driven such nails into your heart and has wounded your pride and your personality in unforgivable ways. But despite that, you have gone forward alone with your lonely heart, unable to express your views about your situation to anyone at all. And although you should have walked in heaven and earth as your lands of joy, it has been your situation to have walked on lands of sorrow and grief throughout the days of history. Now, however, a small, unworthy group on this earth has come to know your situation.

To straighten out the false history, you went forth to find the people of Israel, and no one has known the sorrowful grief that heaven carried in its heart during the 2,000-year period from Noah to Jacob. No one has known your heart as you watched the point of the hidden providence amid the adverse situation of the struggle that came about centered on Jacob and Esau, and your heart which had to grope for the way to live for 20 years as you braced your heart against the cutting pain.

Jacob followed your resolute heart and offered his mind to you. We underwent all kinds of hardships and privations, and after 21 years, on his course back to his homeland, he left behind signs of providence. This became one of the bases for being able to bring the fortune of restoration into history. And we think that in the midst of that, our Father who had set forth to find the people of Israel was able to have a day of hope.

Then we know that centered on the 12 tribes of Israel, having gone through 2,000 years of history to save humankind who were in the world of Satan once again at a blood-curdling price, you raised and put the chosen people of Israel in the position of sacrifices.

But you silently raised the people of Israel, and it was the mission of Judaism to dedicate itself to you, and even though they did not know how immense their mission was about history, looking to them you sent the messiah. When we think about your mind which anticipated the time of restoration, no one has realized how regrettable that 4,000-year history was.

Father! Jesus could not help but be born in circumstances that could not communicate with the human situation from a position of not knowing his father, from a position of not being able to appear to anyone. Amid miserable circumstances, the life of Jesus, who had to keep himself under control, was lonely in a way only you knew. We know that it was a very lonely path.

Jesus' birth should have been greeted with glory by the people, and in the midst of all history, should have consisted of days of glory such as no prince of the evil world had ever had. Until now we had no idea how very difficult it must have been for you to endure the pain in your heart about the unforgivable, rash behavior of Israel which changed that hope of glory to lamentation and despair.

As for the course he walked carrying the cross towards the top of Golgotha, stumbling was not the sorrowful thing; rather it was the wounding of your Will. No one has known that the greater burden of Jesus was dying without fulfilling his duty and having become a child who could not help but pound nails in your heart.

The grief-filled path of Jesus who left behind this kind of historical mission became a path trod by the footsteps of humankind together with blood.

And when we think of the historical ages, Christian history paid that price, shedding blood desolately in the midst. Of persecution for 400 years. We have come to realize the fact that the mistake of one day people not welcoming the Messiah has remained in this world like this, and it will not do unless it is indemnified.

We know that it would not do unless the people of Israel became fertilizer for this land together with Jesus, and it would not do unless many people were ridiculed and condemned, and it would not do unless they became people who died alone without other people knowing.

No one has known your heart as you sought the day of promise about which Jesus said, "I will come again," and which was the day you hoped for while going through 2,000 years of history. And no one has known your heart as you sought to choose that day which must be realized centered on the many Christian nations spread throughout the world.

When we think that you who are like that came to the Korean peninsula, this pitiful Korea, we realize that no one knew the fact that you worked so hard to raise this nation, or that while as a pitiful people, the Korean people were going through a lonely course of history the likes of which has never existed, you left here a destined relationship with your heart.

Regarding the short historical period during which they received the Christian culture, this Korean people, who had to fulfill a world-level mission in Asia, walked a path of anguish. As for the course of repeated trials these days, we know that the Korean people are struggling and groping their way along the path of suffering and the way of death, and have shouldered the destiny of the pitiful history because they have shouldered their inner reality which must indemnify horizontally all the vertical things of the historical ages.

We have come to realize that while others didn't know, you have groped for the destined relationship of a lineage of life, and you worked so very, very hard in order to establish today's relationship of unification, and you looked forward to and searched for that relationship very, very much.

Father, now we will straighten ourselves up, and for the sake of your will we earnestly hope that you will let us once again steady our minds, which must decide and determine to become faithful servants about the Will you have desired for millions of years.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Become One With Your Mind
We know that if your mind and Adam’s mind had become one, and your will and Adam’s will had become one, today’s anguished history with the two worlds fighting would not have happened.