Please Let Us Inherit Your Path Of Sacrifice

Father! This morning is the day of rest. Please let us be able to come into contact with your glory together as your children

The Words of Sun Myung Moon From 1968

 Prayer: Please Let Us Inherit Your Path Of Sacrifice

Sun Myung Moon

December 8, 1968

Father! This morning is the day of rest. Please let us be able to come into contact with your glory together as your children, and please let us be able to come into contact with your noble and precious character, and please allow this morning to become one in which we can experience the idea of the victory of the fulfillment of your hope. 

Oh, Father! When we think about the fact that your holy work of having created this entire universe was ruined like this due to the first ancestors of humankind, as the sorrowful happenings come one on top of the other, we truly will have to feel that we have become people who must be ashamed before you. 

We have come to know that you alone carried our responsibility, and you have walked the course of history so miserably, so mournfully, and so solitarily. Now we who have come to know this will have to give all our strength and praise highly the name of our Father, and give devotion, and follow the example of your precious heart, we will have to sacrifice everything we have, and we will have to inherit completely the path of the sacrifice of the pioneer which you have pioneered until now. 

Oh, Father! Please look down at your children who are gathered here. We are young. We are inadequate. We are a group that has lived without any kind of hope on earth. Furthermore, we thank you sincerely for the fact that you have brought us to participate in this holy place where we can call out your name, Father. 

Please allow us to become true filial sons and true filial daughters who can inherit all of your toil each time we straighten up our clothes and call out your name, Father, and who can call you “Father” through a flow of deep heart. 

Our Father, who has been sorrowful for millions of years, please reveal your grief-filled heart, and please let us reveal all our circumstances, and inherit completely your sorrowful grief, and please allow us to become your children who resolve completely all your enmity about your enemies which has become entangled over millions of years. We have earnestly and humbly prayed in the holy name of our True Parents. Amen. 

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