My Course Prior To Becoming The True Parents

For there to be True Parents there must be two people. Without two people, we cannot meet the standard of True Parents.

My Course Prior To Becoming The True Parents

For there to be True Parents there must be two people. Without two people, we cannot meet the standard of True Parents. Although a victorious standard may be established in the spiritual battle, no victorious standard can be established in the physical world unless True Parents manifest in physical form. A condition for victory may be created in the spirit world, but a corresponding foundation cannot be laid on earth unless True Parents are first installed there.

Therefore, the True Parents who are to come must fight for this on behalf of Earth and Heaven by offering their lives. This battle will last for forty years. What kind of battle do the Parents who come during these forty years have to go through? First of all, they must go through spiritual trials in the spirit world. Then, they must go through physical tribulation on earth.

The combined spiritual and physical conditions of the True Parents cannot be established until they pass through these trials and can stand in the center without falling. In so doing, they fulfill the hopes of the six-thousand-year history of God's providence. 

We established Parents' Day in 1960.

What kind of day was that?

It was the day when we secured the starting point of total victory, both physically and spiritually; this day also marked the starting point of True Parents' ideology. So although that day was just one day, and the conditions for this day are not completely established, these conditions will continue in heaven and earth. Beginning from that day, God has been able to execute His plan simultaneously in both the spiritual and physical worlds.

In other words, God could finally fight back now that the basis was established upon which there could be cooperation with the spirit world. Since the foundation for victory has been laid in this way, we simply need to build a corresponding foundation on the level of family, tribe, people, nation, and world. 

Due to the opposition of the people of Israel, Jesus went to paradise without completing his mission. Since then, he has been able to bring Israel together spiritually in the role of spiritual parent. The course, whereby True Parents can establish the worldwide foundation of victory on earth, is a four-year course.

When the spiritual and physical worlds unite and establish the starting point of victory during this four-year course, all humankind will receive the benefit of the age such that they can march into the spirit world above paradise. However, the True Parents who come as we pass through this historical course must bear the cross on behalf of humankind at the levels of individual, family, people, nation, and world. 

If we look at the history of the people of Israel, we see that Jacob could establish the conditions for individual restoration because he was victorious in the individual struggle with Esau. Later on, he could have a family because with God's help,p he had prevailed in the family-level struggle at Laban's house. Afterward, Jacob's descendants entered Egypt, the satanic world, to create a people.

They were rescued from there with God's help and were then able to enter Canaan and gain victory over its seven tribes. In this way, the Israelites could finally attack the satanic world while going through the forty-year course for the restoration of Canaan. Before the forty-year wilderness course, there was a three-day course.

The Israelites were finally able to begin the restoration of Canaan after going through this three-day course. Moreover, after entering Canaan, the Israelites had to restore the number forty once more. 

Since the province of restoration has passed through such courses, I have to walk a three-year course and a four-year course after going through a forty-year course.

Adding the three-year course and the four-year course together gives you a seven-year course. I will be able to bring the history of restoration to a conclusion and establish heavenly sovereignty only when I pass through all of these courses. 

Originally, Jesus also was to have walked a seven-year course from the era of thirty-three and then established the standard of parents desired by God. He was to establish the standard for the restoration of all things, thereby concluding everything and fulfilling God's will at the age of forty. Although this was the mission of Jesus, the Will remained unfulfilled because Jesus died on the cross without being able to accomplish it.

Since the True Parents, the Second Coming must inevitably take responsibility for the internal and external conflicts, they have passed through a forty-year preparation period, a period of conflict.

Sermons on The Second Coming of Christ
Sermons by Reverend Sun Myung Moon, his wife Hak Ja Han Moon, and their followers on The Second Coming of Christ

Although externally it was a forty-year period of preparation, internally it was a period of strife. After having laid the spiritual foundation for victory, the groundwork for laying the substantial foundation combining the spiritual and physical was finally prepared on earth. 

True Parents must be the central figures in going through the three-year course and the period of the restoration of all things that is, a fourth-year course to embrace all four directions.

In this way, they must bring restoration through indemnification to a conclusion through this seven-year course. The three-year course, four-year course, and forty-year course before establishing True Parents may seem like short courses, yet they are periods designed to reverse, through indemnity, all historical sorrows, historical resentments, and the historical cross as a whole. We cannot welcome the day of the victory of True Parents without first establishing an absolute standard of not succumbing to any historical sorrow, pain, or resentment.

This is why our Unification Church, which is taking responsibility for and upholding God's will on behalf of Heaven and True Parents, is volunteering to take on this kind of trial. In undergoing this process, you must not only separate yourself from the satanic world but also establish the standard of a true child whereby you can adopt the model of victory of True Parents and be able to judge the satanic world. 

Also, the original will of God in relation to True Parents cannot be realized on earth until this standard is established at the level of a tribe, a people, and a nation.

You who are fighting on my side during this period are representatives of True Parents on the individual, family, ethnic, and national levels. As representatives of True Parents, it is your responsibility to fight on the world stage, not to mention in Korea.

From this perspective, what has been the sorrow of both the spiritual and physical worlds until now?

It should have been that from the day True Parents appeared on Earth, Heaven, and Earth should have sung songs of peace, the entire cosmos should have entered the realm of happiness, and the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth should have been realized with God at its center. 

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