4 min read

Our Attitude In The Time Of Great Transition

First and foremost, you should thoroughly rearrange your life. Begin by discovering the absolute realm of unity between your mind and body.

Now that you know you live amidst such tremendous heavenly blessings, what should you do?

How can you prepare yourself to receive these blessings?

First and foremost, you should thoroughly rearrange your life. Begin by discovering the absolute realm of unity between your mind and body. This is how you can perfect yourself as an individual embodiment of truth, unblemished, clear, clean, and shining. Your life should be free of debts. In other words, you should achieve a revolution through atonement.

Next, you should be able to live eternally without any shame in your conscience. This calls for a revolution of conscience. Then practice a life of true love, of living for the sake of others, that you may not feel indebted in heart before True Parents or any person. In other words, carry out a revolution of heart. 

The second thing you need to do is create heaven in your family life. The family is the palace of love. Perfect the four great realms of heart and the three great kingships in your family.

Make your family a place that cultivates sons and daughters of filial piety, loyal citizens, saints, and divine sons and daughters.

Sun Myung Moon

Let it become the paramount place to deeply experience God's heart. Let your family fulfill the promise of happiness that you and your spouse made to each other. Your ancestors will descend to your family and guide you on the path toward heaven. Turn your family into a blossom of true love and the very place where that flower bears fruit. 

Ladies and gentlemen, from this time forth your life will not be simple. Wherever you are, whatever you do, hundreds and thousands of your ancestors will accompany you. They have suffered bitterly until now because they could not attend the True Parents on Earth.

But for the next four years, they will live with you to attend the True Parents substantially through you. They will cooperate with you, their descendants on earth, and support you as their Abel. Their goal is to enter heaven with you. 

Keep in mind that while it may be possible to deceive all the six billion people of the world, you cannot deceive your ancestors. They will evaluate every aspect of your life. They will determine your reward and punishment based on heaven's standard of good and evil.

Blessed Families Are To Stand For High Priest For Their Race And Nation
Today is January 6th in the lunar calendar and my 51st birthday. It’s my starting point toward the latter semi-century.

Whether you are joyful, angry, sorrowful, or satisfied, you should not disappoint your good ancestors, who will be watching your every move with blazing eyes. The next four years will be a serious time. Jesus, Buddha, Muhammad, Confucius, all the good spirits in the spirit world, and your good ancestors are being mobilized to come down to the earth.

They will devote all their efforts to building the Kingdom of Heaven on earth, in other words, to complete the Kingdom of Cheon Il Guk. 

Let us fulfill our responsibilities as Cains and as Abel. With God above us and below us, in front of us and behind us, and to our right and left, let us live with absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, the standard that existed before creation.

If we can unite and fulfill the way of embracing, forgiving, forgiving, and loving, then the Era After the Coming of Heaven will be the literal Peace Kingdom, where all attend the True Parents and peace and prosperity reign. 

Now, carrying with us this heavenly message, we must depart to spread the seeds.

Each of us should become the creators of this new world, as we go out to plant the seeds of true life and true love and represent heaven's family.

Do not be so foolish as to scatter your seeds into the air, to be carried off by the winds of secular vanity and immorality.

Seek the humblest and lowest position. Plant your seeds in the deepest and richest fertile soil. Break down the walls between races, abolish the national borders, and bear the fruit of cross-cultural, interracial marriages that go beyond religion and nation.

Let us do mighty works to uphold God's true lineage eternally. The providence of interracial, cross-cultural marriage shall elevate the Mongolian race and all humankind through the true love of the eternal God. 

In the Bible, as Lot's wife was leaving Sodom, she looked back, disobeying heaven's decree, and was turned into a pillar of salt. Today you have received the heavenly decree.

The heavenly decree is always a double-edged sword, bringing both blessing and judgment. The choice is yours. Undoubtedly, I have revealed tremendous secrets of heaven to you today. There is no turning back; the arrow has left the bow. There is no room for negotiation or compromise. The completion and perfection of God's providence alone await us at the finish line. 

Let us make every effort to recover the three generations of God's family that were lost at the beginning with Adam. Let us complete, on this earth in our lifetime, a new heaven and new earth, filled with true love and free from the struggle between Cain and Abel.

Let us complete the Peace Kingdom, where we shall all live as one family. Let us pledge to live in the eternal Peace Kingdom in attendance to the True Parents. 

Thank you very much.

Our Attitude (Hold Tightly The Rope Of Life)
We are the offspring of fallen men. Therefore, our home, our country, and the world were constituted by fallen individuals.