Beloved Father! Each time we stand before your majesty recalling so many circumstances of the sins committed by our ancestors, and when we think of those sins which left uncountable stains, we cannot help but lament the fact that we stand on the earth because we were born as their descendants.
The historical mistakes are mistakes, too, but when we see the ghastly situation of the four billion people who are living in the present age now crying out that God is dead, right in front of you, who solemnly exist, we understand that many religions are at the point of not being able to fulfill their duties and mission. Therefore, our Unification Church members must broaden our lines of defense and hold high to the world our banner of objection.
Please remember our Unification Movement which goes beyond national boundaries with groping footsteps for the sake of your heavenly Will and which is going forth with the command to advance, struggling night and day to take down the grief-filled historical barriers that remain in front of that nation and that people.
Because we know that our path is to have to leave behind the tradition of a young generation that can shine brightly in the course of history, even while our Unification Movements are being thrown out and pursued, they are representing humankind and struggling to leave behind this kind of tradition for the future generations.
We know that the young movement which is that kind of movement is named The Collegiate Association for the Research of Principle. We know that the power of heaven will be together with the young people so that they may show themselves as the source of power for the future, and as they have determined to march forward, we earnestly hope that you will bless them and keep them.
We hope that you will allow cruel winds to whip into their faces. And please let the winds of storms and hurricanes push them and drive them back. In the midst of the wind and frost, they will remain honorable and they will become young men and women like rocks and they will emerge as victors.
With such a beginning coming from the universities of the Korean peninsula, we know that the future of Korea will not be one of despair but rather of hope drawing near.
Through this opportunity today please allow even one person, even one life, even one young person to determine himself. Then please bless this day to become a day of determining to become ancestors and parents of righteousness who can fulfill the mission of ancestors who would not be ashamed in the future by establishing a proper tradition.
Then we earnestly hope that you will allow these young scholars to follow the Will of heaven according to the Will of heaven and that they will leave behind on the earth, each according to his ability, a precious, great family of authority. And we earnestly hope that you will allow these young scholars to be able to accept as an eternal great undertaking the realization of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
We ask you three times over to please guide, protect, encourage, and teach them to become the young people who can lead the world, going beyond national boundaries and beyond Asia, adding the hope of the future of Korea to their being on fire with hope and furthermore adding to that the strong power of going forward on the path of heaven's will for Asia, the world and the cosmos.
We pray all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Please Allow Us To Be The Young People In The Forefront When Following Your Will
Beloved Father! Each time we stand before your majesty recalling so many circumstances of the sins committed by our ancestors, and when we think of those sins which left uncountable stains, we cannot help but lament the fact that we stand on the earth because we were born as their descendents.
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