Dedication Ceremony o f Chungshim International Middle and High School
The Dedication Ceremony of Chungshim International Middle and High School was held on 24th of February 2006, with True Parents present.
Prayer for Victory by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
The Dedication Ceremony of Chungshim International Middle and High School was held on 24th of February 2006, with True Parents present.
Father! We have opened our hearts and realized by ourselves how awesome your command is.
Beloved Father! Each time we stand before your majesty recalling so many circumstances of the sins committed by our ancestors, and when we think of those sins which left uncountable stains, we cannot help but lament the fact that we stand on the earth because we were born as their descendents.
The world of your ideal was devastated; the world of love was nailed to the cross.
Therefore, Father, please give us power. Please give us strong, tough power.
Father! Please take pity on humankind who has lost the garden of freedom, on humankind who has lost the garden of liberation, and on humankind who has lost the garden of unification.
We know well that it is entirely due to your infinite love. It was so in the past, it is so in the present, and we hope that it will be so in the future.
Father! Together with our religious Unification Movement and together with this people, please accomplish the will you desire today.
Father! In order to establish the nation of victory that you are seeking, we will have to determine to conquer and lead our bodies, to offer everything, and to go forward.
Father, Your children who have been fighting in the countryside have now gathered here in Seoul, the heart of the Republic of Korea.
Father! Please protect this Unification Movement which has lasted pushing its way through storms and raging waves along the course of history.
Father! What should be poured into each of the young hearts of your unification children who have gathered here, and who have determined themselves as unification sons and daughters?