Father! Together with our religious Unification Movement and together with these people, please accomplish the will you desire today. We know that it will not do unless all humankind becomes one and accomplishes the ideal of creation which you are hoping for.
In order to accomplish something, there must be responsible people who take leading roles. And we realize that the larger the responsibility they have, the more the central figures must correspondingly go the course of overcoming as those who must fulfill those responsibilities.
Now the larger the mission that you give to us, the stronger the site we should build in our present situation. And when we think about the fact that we must become a nucleus with subjective power that can digest, absorb, and eliminate whatever course of trials comes to us from around us by overcoming it, it is because of that, Father, that we depend on you.
Father, we know that as you went through the course of history, you endured much more difficult peaks of suffering than the suffering and misery that we are going through. We are being taught by you, who are like that, and we are following the orders that you give.
We are living to realize our purpose victoriously. We are following you, hoping that you will govern us and manage us through your warm love each time we lean towards the environment. Father, please remember your children who are like this.
When we think about the fact that in the future our stage for trials will not get smaller but rather will grow gradually, we know that the portion of strength that we invest will have to get larger, too. Therefore, Father, we ask you three times over to go before us with your large and broad heart of love on this way we must go, and we ask you to guide us with your heart of compassion.
We must not become people who are swept away by the waves, or who forget their positions along with the flow of time. No matter how strong the waves are, we must be able to plow our way through them and go beyond them and become a site of rock, which even in the middle of an intense current can distinctly reveal its form.
We must become your children who have a clear identity. Without doing that, we know it is a fact that we will not be able to run the path that we must go and we won't be able to reach the desired goal. With united hearts, we keep our eyes on the standard of the path of righteousness for the sake of the will that you have left us, and we earnestly hope and desire that you will not allow us to be slow about our mission as pioneers.
We pray all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Please Allow Us To Overcome The Trials And To Be Victorious
Father! Together with our religious Unification Movement and together with this people, please accomplish the will you desire today.
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