Father! What should be poured into each of the young hearts of your unification children who have gathered here, and who have determined themselves as unification sons and daughters? We earnestly hope and desire that you will your children know that they cannot establish the authority of unification children while disliking the unification name disliking the path of unification, or disliking the place unification stays.
Please let us realize that our lives pass in a moment together with the flow of time.
And please do not let us forget that the lot of the wanderer will without fail find its way into the courses of our lives.
In the same way, although today it would be nice to praise all the precious aspects of this springtime of our lives, more than that we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become youth with a purpose, who know how to struggle during this springtime of our lives to leave something on this earth before the sun begins to set.
When we think about these young people who are going forth due to the unification ideology and think about what they are going towards and what they are taking responsibility for, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow them to feel once again that the people you are looking for are not small, narrow people.
The time has come for each young heart to possess world-level abilities.
And the time has come when we must provide the decision of victory by fighting centered on dauntless courage which is burning with a new righteousness and burning with a spirit of justice and enthusiasm.
We know that in this age there remains the awesome mission of establishing the beginning of the kingdom which can attend you from the individual to the family, tribe, people, nation, world, and cosmos. This kind of mission together with this time today is urging us on. Therefore, please do not allow us to be pitiful people who cannot feel and do not know howto move, like trees and stones which have no feelings.
Today the land is calling out to us, so please let us become the people who know how to hear that voice, and please let us realize that the future of Korea and the future of the world are calling out to us.
When we go out, please guide each of our footsteps, and by letting us realize the fact that you go together with us, please let us become young people who know how to go forth praising the joy of the pioneer and the mission of the pioneer, having hearts filled with the hope of tomorrow, and feeling all the results of everything together with you. Furthermore, we earnestly hope that you will allow us to realize that you have been longing for people like that.
We offer all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.
Please Let Us Become The Young People Who Are Establishing Your Nation, Father
Father! What should be poured into each of the young hearts of your unification children who have gathered here, and who have determined themselves as unification sons and daughters?
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