Please Let Us Realize The World Of True Freedom, Liberation And Unification

Father! Please take pity on humankind who has lost the garden of freedom, on humankind who has lost the garden of liberation, and on humankind who has lost the garden of unification.

Father! Please take pity on humankind who has lost the garden of freedom, on humankind who has lost the garden of liberation, and on humankind who has lost the garden of unification. We thought that all the things that were lost could be resolved only in the external world, but we have come to understand the historical sorrow that although things went forward with one external standard, internally they were divided.

Please let us have overflowing strength of ideology, strength of love, and strength of life facing God, which can win the world of internal freedom, the world of internal liberation, and the world of internal unification which are the problems now. Please establish in our hearts one standard of heart that will allow us to tread upon and go beyond resentment, sadness, and suffering while laughing even at death.

Father! When we look at the historical world of today, we realize that it is moving and going forward centered on material things, and it has a form that externally looks like it is unified while it promotes division internally.

But when we look internally, we understand that history has flowed in the opposite direction in order to avoid a lack of mind, in order to avoid a lack of life, and in order to avoid a lack of love.

Father! Today in the hearts of humankind who are living on this earth there is not just material scarcity and exhaustion; we are not just being pressed hard materially; we are being hit by mental exhaustion and are being pressed hard mentally.

Therefore, to fill this, please grant us the fire of the Holy Spirit and your life, Father, and the strength of your love. And please grant to us all internal life which can be obtained only in a place which is exploding, and your heart of freedom, Father, your heart of liberation, and your heart of unification which can absorb even the ideology of freedom which we have pursued.

In the face of the course of history of searching, wandering,g and working, please now let your heart, Father, explode in our hearts. Please let us possess your life force, your ideology, and freedom based on lives centered on your love, freedom based on ideology, freedom based on love.

And furthermore please let us possess the entirety realized by the liberation and unification based on all those things. And while we say, "Oh, Father, please be comforted now. We now know what Your heart is like," please let us come to possess the foundation of a heart that can fulfill your desire, Father, you, who have worked so hard in the course of history.

Then we will attend you, Father, and from a position where we can sing of life, ideology, and liberation and you can receive glory, we will relieve even the heart of our Father who has been carrying out the providence to restore the freedom which relieves the lamentations and suffering of restoration and the anguish of restoration.

We earnestly hope that you will please let us become your sons and daughters and please let all the people of the world attend you, Father, and be able to sing of freedom and be able to sing of liberation and be able to sing of unification.

We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

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