Please Let Us Be Strong And Of Good Courage, And Please Let Us Win The Victory

Therefore, Father, please give us power. Please give us strong, tough power.

When we realize that we must play the leading role in resolving the fact that God and Satan became enemies and that we are in a position of having to be mediators, we must become a group that is strong and of good courage, and we must not consider adversity and trials as problems.

Therefore, Father, please give us power. Please give us strong, tough power.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will make us into brave people of heaven who do not burn with determination and then quickly lose that fire, but rather people who burn with the kind of will that allows the fire of one day to burn far beyond a thousand years.

In young David's eyes, the fire of hope burned brightly. We know that within his mind his heart of love for his tribe, which could bring down the influence of heaven, went beyond his people and reached up to heaven.

Like that, in the hearts of your young children who have gathered here, please allow all of our senses to burn with a conviction that says there is nothing we cannot do in front of this way which is pursuing heaven. Please allow all of our five senses to do that.

Please make us into independent people who have nothing they cannot digest, who bump into something and go on. Father, you need to raise us to be subjective human beings who are not controlled by the environment, but rather who control the environment.

We know that you need people who can do that. Before our very eyes that historical mission which must be accomplished before the time passes is blocking our way. In view of this, we should not retreat, but rather it is our mission to thrust it aside, eliminate it, and go forward. The remaining day and will are calling to us, and your heart, which is preparing for us the day of the liberation of humankind, is protecting us.

We know that you would like to brag about a victorious prince who has the authority of the victor who represents heaven and earth and who holds up the shield of the final victory. And not only that, until we become sons and daughters who are adequate for you to place before all the people of the world, and to place before Satan and be able to say, "In this way, I have loved that which I was not able to love," and to receive your love completely, we earnestly hope and pray that you will allow our group to realize that we must be able to endure, light, win and survive through the path of suffering of a thousand different circumstances.

We earnestly ask you to allow us to realize the fact that we must become people who dare to venture out sacrificing ourselves rather than trying to become important people, being public-minded, and standing in the position of giving up ourselves.

We offer these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Please Let A New Age Come, In Which We Are Able To Love Even Cain
Oh Father! Now please let us know clearly at what stage the responsibility is that we must fulfill through this people, and at what moment thecircumstances of the world and heaven and earth are, while going through this point.
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