The One Hope and Cheon Jeong Ho
True Parents became interested in boat manufacturing while contemplating the development of the oceans. True Parents launched their first boat, Cheon Seung Ho (Heaven's Victory) on June 26, 1963, and went on to build an unsinkable vessel, the Good Go boat.
This boat is a highly regarded fishing boat, officially recognized for its exceptional performance. True Parents developed a new boat-building technique using plaster molds, which reduced construction time.
In Mokpo, Korea, they established Master Marine and had it use this boat-building technique. On February 17, 2011, True Parents presided over the launching ceremony for a new boat, the Cheon Jeong Ho, in Yeosu.
This boat was the first to be built using fiberglass and plaster-mold technology. True Parents have great expectations that this new shipbuilding technique will contribute substantially to the development of the marine industry in Korea.
1. The Good Go boat, the One Hope, symbolizes our highest hope for the ocean. Other boats are 30 to 50 feet in length and are big and luxurious. People feel very proud of them. Our Good Go boats are small but fast.
They swoosh by quickly; people do not pay them much attention because they are small. They just comment, “Those boats are dangerous. Those people are going to get themselves killed.” But that's not going to happen. People do not realize that our boats are unsinkable. (270-064, 1995/05/04)
2. People around the world have discovered that they cannot develop the fishing industry without me. I have created a new type of net and boat. Our One Hope fleet is quite famous. Our Good Go boats are reputed to be adept at riding the waves. No other small fishing boat in the world surpasses ours.
I spent nine years designing and building this boat. It does not sink. Land dwellers fear the ocean more than a roaring lion because they feel as if the waves are coming to get them.
They focus on the bottom of the boat as important, thinking you will wind up drowning if your boat has a hole in the floor. The boat I designed overcomes that liability because it is unsinkable.
Common sense teaches us that we should swim away from a boat when it is about to sink, but this boat stays afloat, so if you hold on to it, you will survive.
(206-346, 1990/10/14)
3. I have an international reputation second to none in matters to do with the ocean. When we constructed the Good Go boats for the US Navy, seven military personnel came and conducted a week-long inquiry.
They discovered that these boats had a global reputation. They needed to obtain our approval to build such boats. This demonstrates that we have reached a position of supremacy that is recognized even by the United States.
Our shipbuilding company in Korea is winning contracts in Europe to build boats 320-plus meters long. We have reached the top of the world.
(609-292, 2009/04/09)
4. The South Korean government once prohibited the manufacture of speedboats and other vessels that use fiberglass because of its relationship with certain nations, especially North Korea. Now is the time to lift this ban for the sake of North-South unification.
Therefore, now we can build speedboats. We are entering an age in which we can produce and market high-speed boats such as the Good-Go. This is the first time this type of boat has been built in Korea. The international market for these boats is quite promising.
If we make these boats in Korea, our reach will extend through North Korea to China, Russia, and even Japan. We can build this boat at a low cost, so I think we can enter the Japanese market. I believe we can be the sole producer of boats of this size in Asia. (262-264, 1994/08/01)
5. It is even possible to cross the ocean in our incredible Good Go boats. Countless young people will venture out on these boats once they realize they do not sink.
When we think about the vast ocean, the most dreadful thing that comes to mind is being on a small boat.
People fear going out on small boats. However, our boats do not sink. That is why fishermen use them for catching tuna out of Gloucester, near Boston. I am a champion in that world. (538-325, 2006/09/18)
6. The Good Go boat is a unique boat. When the winds blow and the waves are high, this boat can penetrate and move through the waves. You can even cross the Pacific Ocean with this boat.
You should be careful not to underestimate this boat just because it is small. This boat does not sink. No matter how fast it is going, if you make a turn, it will immediately turn. No matter how many times they do it, the people of the world do not understand how that works, but I do.
If you build a boat with fiberglass, it should last for over 100 years. If you regularly bring it to the shop, clean it up, replace the worn-out parts, and repaint it, it will last a long time. (544-097, 2006/11/08)
7. I have been riding on boats for decades. I have sat on boats day after day and observed how they sail.
While looking at how the front of the boat rises and falls in the waves, I can estimate its standard level of buoyancy. You should not utilize the buoyancy to go too fast, nor keep the boat too low in the water.
If the buoyancy is set too low, you will be submerged, but if it is set too high, you will capsize. If you fail to adjust this properly, you will have a problem when you try to negotiate a turn. A large ship must turn slowly, not quickly. When you make a turn you should first know what the tides and waves are and what happens to them when the wind blows.
If you misjudge them, then even when you try to turn slowly, a small force can cause the boat to abruptly spin around. It's not enough to know how to turn it in one direction; you must be able to turn in all four directions.
In the center of the bottom of the boat is the keel, which determines how the boat engages with the water.
I know how it is structured. That is why I know what to do with the keel, both to decrease the speed of the boat and to turn it around. We built a boat called the Good Go and this boat is fast. All shipbuilders now build their boats in the way we do, but I was the first one to make these unsinkable boats. (551-212, 2007/01/07)
8. If you are going fishing, there is no better boat than the Good Go. People who tried fishing in this boat know that it is fast and nimble. It is easy to follow the fish with this boat. You do not know how fast fish can swim.
Even if they are fast, this boat never fails to keep up with them. That is why anybody who fishes in this boat falls in love with it. I am planning to take care of your eventual livelihood by having you sell these boats, but no one seems interested.
To this day, I have not heard a single person in Korea declare that he will build this boat. (340-060, 2000/12/23)
9. If we placed on display everything I have done so far, it would make an extraordinary exhibit. I am making big ships in Mokpo. We are building all kinds of ships, including transport ships and trawlers. We are making ferry boats and cruise ships that are being used by the Korean government.
Furthermore, we also build oil tankers. If we have the blueprint, we can construct the ship. The boats we make in Korea are of good quality, and their performance is good because we build them with our best effort. In Korea, cruise ships and tankers weighing tens of thousands of tons are being built, but the utility value of these boats will diminish in the future.
These boats can transport a lot of cargo, but there are not that many ports where they can dock. This will hinder the distribution system considerably. At that point, small boats will take over the industry.
I prepared everything, knowing that such a time was coming. There is hope from now because our company in Korea is prepared for all this. (262-262, 1994/08/01)
10. A boat made using the plaster-mold technology will not sink. It will always float, even in the most turbulent conditions. When a ten-meter-high wave approaches, even if the boat mounts the wave and then capsizes, it will not sink.
Unless you buy and use these boats, there will be no way for you to survive a tsunami. (2011/03/31)
11. The boat we build does not sink. It is light in weight. Even if this boat hits a rock, it will not break or sink. So, the cost will not be an issue for buyers. People often hesitate or refuse to buy a boat out of fear of drowning with their children and loved ones.
Of course, everyone prefers a nice, safe boat on which to enjoy a day out. If there were such a boat, they would buy it even if it cost them everything they had.
With this boat, one is safe on the ocean. Even if a tsunami appears, with waves like mountains reaching more than ten meters, the crew is safe because this boat can ride out those waves.
Our boats are faster than automobiles. This boat can travel more than 80 miles per hour. When its speed exceeds 80, reaching even 100 miles per hour, it will fly over the water like an airplane.
The boat is flying at 85 miles per hour. If you maneuver the boat to go upward at that speed, it will glide on the water. It will glide into the sky. Even if it is hit by lightning, it will not be damaged. (2011/04/01)
12. We should place a worldwide ban on making boat molds using wood or other inappropriate materials.
Boat molds must be made using plaster. The source material of plaster is crushed rocks, and there is an unlimited supply of this raw material. No matter how you calculate the material cost, you make a profit.
If you ride on a boat I have made from a plaster mold, how proud you will be 100 years from now. There is extraordinary value in this method.
It takes a long time to build a boat using one mold. If you use the plaster mold, you can build one boat in 12 days. After making molds, the unlimited supply of material will be enough to build tens of thousands of boats in 120 nations.
The supply of raw material is truly unlimited because calcium compounds, like sand, can be found anywhere in the earth. We can make boats weighing tens of thousands of tons. On such boats, we can create an environment like on land that provides a habitat for many people.
If animals and plants can also thrive there, we will have no problem engineering our Noah's Ark. (2011/01/14)
13. Life jackets are manufactured in such a way that the air inside cannot leak out. When you enter the water with one of them on, you will float. Boats made from a plaster mold float because air compressed several hundreds of times, is injected in between the steel plates.
No matter how heavy it is, it will float. It is as simple as that. In the beginning, people said that the plaster mold would not work, but we put everything on the line and built the Cheon Jeong Ho. (2011/02/26)
Top Ocean
True Parents built a ship called Top Ocean and began an enterprise to catch krill across the entire Antarctic region. The purpose was to manufacture fish powder, thereby addressing the issue of the global food shortage.
Top Ocean also caught other kinds of fish, and this paved the way for an Antarctic fishery.
14. I built a ship and named it Top Ocean to develop the South Pole. This ship will soon set sail.
In addition to this ship, I built two more similar, latest-model ships. Currently, the United States cannot run fishing operations in the Antarctic because the crews have to stay there for eight months to a year.
Young people will not take on such a schedule because of possible family issues. That is why the US government is fully supporting our efforts to send our big ships to the South Pole. Besides fishing, our people are exploring for the government and providing it with information about the South Pole. (326-279, 2000/07/15)
15. The ship called Top Ocean is sailing the Antarctic to catch krill. Krill is high in protein and can nourish all the things of creation. It can serve as feed for all types of animals and their offspring.
Ultimately, it should be food for human beings. We must supply this nourishment to all things of creation.
As we continue this harvest through the ocean, we will end the global food shortage. (324-114, 2000/06/17)
16. The ships that are operating in the Antarctic right now are 7,000-ton class ships. We have acquired a number of these ships from Russia and have put half of them into operation. They are operating in the coldest places on earth, where the winds are the strongest and the seas are full of icebergs.
Fish there live under the ice. The fish survive in the water beneath the ice. Everything generally is visible out at sea, but here the ice casts shadows that conceal the fish.
Therefore, fish gather in schools under large icebergs and krill follow them there. It is quite an adventure because you have to scrape along and catch them in this environment. These ships have massive fish holds.
I have been buying boats with standard features and have enlarged the fish holds to five times their usual size. Other people catch, at most, about 80 tons a day, but we catch four times that amount, up to 320 tons of fish per day.
(334-070, 2000/09/28)
17. On the open seas, you can catch large fish, such as sailfish. You can understand the situation at the poles once you go on a South Pole expedition on our Top Ocean. You will discover what fish are caught at the North Pole and South Pole. The depth of the Antarctic Ocean is what makes it dangerous.
Moreover, you are battling icebergs. The fish do not remain still. If there is an iceberg, fish go to hide beneath it, so they follow them. On the open seas, they are easy prey for larger fish, so they stay under the icebergs.
Krill also stay at the bottom of the iceberg, which is their safe habitat together with the smaller fish. You have to cast your net below the iceberg. That is why it is dangerous.
This ship sails amid icebergs in its quest to catch fish and krill.
(368-327, 2002/02/01)