Father: If we recollect your sorrowful historical course, we cannot suppress our fearful minds, and each time we relate to the majesty of our Father who has toiled so hard, we cannot suppress our awe-stricken minds. Now please establish these people as sons and daughters who can stop and take over your toil by offering their minds and bodies as sacrifices.
You have eagerly awaited the coming of a day of victory when we can sing of liberation from a position of joy which you can enjoy, but it is not you who is to realize that will of liberation; we know the fact that it will not do unless it is done by us, human beings who are so disloyal and struggling in the realm of death.
Please bear with humankind who are in an important position like this, but who are languishing along the course of death without knowing their value as human beings. Please awaken in us earnest minds that can sing praises of your heart of glory by holding up a new standard for the restoration of the original heart in ourselves now. Please let us have original internal characters and original external forms, and please let us appear as true sons and daughters and be able to sing of your liberation, Father. We know that you know the fact that this has been our hope for thousands of years.
Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will lead those of us who know that there will be a day of victory to a position of the level of victory and that you will lead us to be able to become sacrifices in front of the great will that you want to give us responsibility for. Father! Please allow us to be living temples binding together our inadequate devotion.
Since we know the fact that you are notifying us that it will not do unless each of us individually becomes a sacrifice for the victory, please eliminate everything that is not proper to you, and Father, please raise u new authority of re-creation by reaching out with your almighty hand. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will have the internal character and you will have the external form of re-creation which can eliminate everything which is not yours.
And now, my Father! Please awaken these people who are sleeping, and by taking humankind, who are wandering in dire misery, in your hands, and gathering them together in one place, please lead them into your original garden, into the garden of goodness that is your ideal. No matter what kind of persecution or misfortune humankind must go through, we earnestly hope and desire that you will quickly lead humankind into the midst of the garden you desire.
Father! Since we know that humankind has a responsibility that must be fulfilled to do that, oh Father, please command your beloved sons and daughters.
If they have the responsibility to go out and find the remaining lands of sin and the remaining people, we earnestly hope and desire that you will please raise them and command them, and please allow them to be commanded and sent to the place that you desire as ardent laborers, as chosen warriors of heaven who can build the garden of victory.
We have prayed these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.
Please Let Us Be Able To Sing Of Your Liberation
Father: If we recollect your sorrowful historical course, we cannot suppress our fearful minds, and each time we relate to the majesty of our Father who has toiled so hard, we cannot suppress our awe-stricken minds.
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