2 min read

Please Let Us Feel Your Sorrow In Place Of You, Father

Father! Each time something sorrowful happened on the earth, heaven was sorrowful, too, our ancestors were sorrowful, too, all the things of creation were sorrowful, too, and today we are sorrowful, too.

Father! Each time something sorrowful happened on the earth, heaven was sorrowful, too, our ancestors were sorrowful, too, all the things of creation were sorrowful, too, and today we are sorrowful, too. Even though humankind looked forward to the day of liberation, which would eliminate this sorrow, humankind did not know the way to go, and even while looking for that something, humankind could not realize what it was and wandered around and groped along. But we, who have realized the fact that you have gone through this long period of six thousand years, have hearts that want to embrace you and weep endlessly if you appear now.

Now we who know all these things and have gone forth searching for our original parents, hope that through our minds and bodies, the day will come quickly when instead of tears of sorrow we shed tears of joy, and we will eliminate sorrow and only joy will remain.

Now we have realized where we should go; we have also realized where we belong, and we have realized the value of the original children.

Father! Now we are running up the slope of restoration dragging our wounded legs, and we are heading towards the summitthath Adam and Eve hoped for. Now we earnestly hope and desire that you will let your inspiration appear in our minds and bodies, adding to our final power to let us be able to go over this line.

If there is anything that you want to say to us, we know the fact that you are not happy but rather endlessly sorrowful, that you have had endless difficulties, and that you have had endless suffering. Please let us realize and experience this through our minds, and please let us feel your original heart in place of you, Father.

We have prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Become Children Who Cherish The Pulse Of Your Life
Since humankind are the beings who were born for the sake of your love, we cannot live apart from love.