Please Allow Us To Be Those Who Are Able To Be Sorry Even If We Have Given
We must understand that until now our father has not been ruled by anyone, but our father's mind has been sorry even as he gave.
Prayer for Hope by Reverend Sun Myung Moon
We must understand that until now our father has not been ruled by anyone, but our father's mind has been sorry even as he gave.
We are ashamed of our immature way of life, not knowing of Your existence.
The person who lives for the world and is raised up by the world is not the kind of person who insists that he is great.
We must become your true seeds and grow into true trees and put forth flowers and bear fruit and appear as hundreds of fruits that can be embraced in your bosom.
A person who is going a solitary way understands well the circumstances of a pitiful person because of having felt that while living in such a situation.
Father! This place must become one which you can recognize as holy and which you can come to without hesitation.
We know that among your sons and daughters who are living on this earth, there must appear sons and daughters of filial piety who can resolve your sorrow and your historical indignation.
Therefore we have shouldered the responsibility so future days will not be filled with sorrow.
Father! Today at this time we will have to come to a new realization. We must realize that a cosmic time is approaching us, and we must realize that the Will is hoping for a new age through us.
We earnestly hope You remember Your children who are still walking the path of suffering today because they do not yet know Your Will.
We know that there is a way of restoration which cannot be gone without going through the course of the pioneer which humankind must absolutely go through.
Since humankind is a being who was born for the sake of your love, we cannot live apart from love.