The Model Ideal Family and Nation of God and the Peace Kingdom
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
Sermons about Relationship With God
Distinguished guests, ambassadors for peace, and blessed members from many parts of the world.
Many people expected that the long-awaited era of peace and stability would arrive, supported by our highly developed science and technology.
It is my great pleasure today to be able to share with you distinguished leaders, a message about the True Family.
When we raise the question of the purpose of life with ordinary people, no one seems to know the answer.
We have learned, through Principle, the importance of God in making the creation and putting man at the center of that creation.
The Day of Victory of Love is the day that symbolizes the substantiation of the ideal world through the interconnection of God's providence and human will.
Today marks the ninth Day of All Things. Since the Day of All Things was established on May 1, 1963, this year marks a full eight years.
I would like to praise the recent establishment of the ecumenical and interdenominational Association of Religions in Korea.
God is the Creator of heaven and earth, the very Parent who happens to be the origin of all beings in this world today.
Christianity tells us that mankind fell. This is a fact that cannot be denied when we look at or speculate upon society.
You know well that all beings, from the smallest to the largest, were created as beings of joy to move with God in the realm of His love.
Since we cannot exist apart from the world of relationships, we should clearly know that in our maintenance of life and our struggle in our life courses, everything moves within the world of relationships.