The 6500 Couples: Opening the Era of cross-cultural Blessings
The 6500 Couples Marriage Blessing Ceremony was held at the Ilhwa Yon-gin Factory on October 30, 1988. Candidates from 17 nations participated, many of whom were cross-cultural couples from Korea and Japan, including 1,435 couples with Korean bridegrooms and Japanese brides, and 973 couples with Japanese bridegrooms and Korean brides.
In addition, 3,660 couples in which both bride and groom were Japanese took part. At the engagement ceremony for this Blessing, True Parents matched most couples by their photographs.
1. When I blessed the 6500 Couples, I matched Japanese with Koreans, making cross-cultural couples.
Why did I do this? Korea is the Adam nation and Japan is the Eve nation. The world was lost because Adam and Eve married according to their will, and this event was to turn that around on the national level. (188-314, 1989/03/01)
2. Through the cross-cultural marriage Blessing of younger generation members on the national level, Satan's world broke down. And on the foundation of the era of True Parents' full authority, the ideal of heaven and earth could be established. The 6500 Couples represent this history.
It was arranged within one week. At first, the Japanese leaders were furious, saying, “We cannot do something like that,” but as they did their utmost to follow my direction, the Japanese government and the Korean embassy helped it happen. The nations of Japan and Korea both set conditions by supporting this event. (190-282, 1989/06/19)
3. On October 3, 1988, I declared Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World. Based upon this declaration, a country can emerge. Since Adam and Eve fell as individuals and went to Satan, to restore this through indemnity, we must advance based on the second generation of the Adam and Eve nations, which represent Satan's world.
It is the same as restoring the second generation of Israelites who entered the land of Canaan. The people of Israel returned to Canaan, where they were influenced by the seven Canaanite tribes. Through intermarriage, they were morally corrupted, and society fell apart as a result of their wickedness and promiscuity.
Reversing this, True Parents performed a cross-cultural marriage Blessing for Korean and Japanese young people, who were like the second generation is the same as one nation marrying another nation.
Satan's world appeared because Adam and Eve, who married in the Garden of Eden, did so without God's blessing. Now, through the cross-cultural marriage of Adam nation and Eve nation representatives, with the Heavenly Parent and True Parents at the center, the gate has opened for heaven to embrace the national level. (199-082, 1990/02/15)
4. Korea and Japan are enemy nations, but I ignored this and conducted a cross-cultural marriage Blessing in Korea. Neither Korea nor Japan could oppose this.
There has never been a time in history when people married a person simply after having seen a photograph, much less a person from a foreign country with whom they could not even communicate. Because this Blessing ceremony of 6,500 such couples was conducted in the name of God amid a warm reception from everyone, Satan could not invade. (183-347, 1988/11/09)
5. When the Seoul Olympic Games were in full swing, on September 27, 1988, we True Parents conducted a Ceremony for Providential Unification and Transition. On that foundation, we could declare Foundation Day for the Nation of the Unified World on October 3 of the same year.
This was the basis for joining in matrimony the youth of Korea, the Adam nation, and of Japan, the Eve nation. During the Olympic Games, we made bonds among the youth of the world, in the position of the second generation then could give the cross-cultural marriage Blessing to the young people of the Unification movement.
This Blessing gathered the children of the Adam nation and the Eve nation as representatives of Adam and Eve on the individual level and restored the Fall in their family. On this foundation, we came to stand as the Parents on the national level. (204-273, 1990/07/11)
6. On October 30, 1988, I conducted the 6500 Couples Blessing Ceremony. It was a cross-cultural marriage between Japanese and Koreans. People talked about how I got Unification Church members to marry each other after looking at their photographs. People assumed that the brides and grooms would be able to communicate with each other, but they could not.
Since I had matched people who did not know each other's language, thousands of them sat in silence holding each other's hands tightly. Why were they so silent? It was because they did not know each other's language.
Wherever they went, they would not let go of their partner's hand. Fifteen thousand people gathered there, so if they had let go and lost their spouse, it might have been difficult for them to find each other again!
Even at mealtimes, they stayed close. They could not converse with one another, but it was beautiful the way they held each other's hands. The Unification Church is the only place where one can see such a thing. (186-027, 1989/01/24)
The 30,000 Couples: An international and interracial marriage festival
On August 25, 1992, young men and women from 131 nations participated in the International Marriage Blessing Ceremony of 30,000 Couples held at the Seoul Olympic Stadium.
The significance of this Blessing, which was part of the first World Culture and Sports Festival, was that it opened the age of the globalization of the Blessing.
This was the first time a Blessing Ceremony had been broadcast by satellite.
Blessing candidates in six nations who were unable to reach Korea due to difficulties with flight reservations or other issues were thus able to participate.
7. In 1992, the International Blessing Ceremony of 30,000 Couples took place. The number 3 is the number of completion and it represents heaven. It refers to the 3 stages of formation, growth, with, and completion.
The fact that 30,000 Couples were blessed raises it to the worldwide level. This means that opposition to the mass marriages of the Unification Church is beginning to disappear. The worldwide level is beyond nation, race, and culture, so there are no barriers.
Until now, no one could solve the problems that caused these barriers, so people ordinarily married someone on their own, their own, or a clan with which they already had some relationship.
This ceremony removed the barriers between nations, races, religions, and cultures for the first time, and everyone participating in the marriage movement could come together as brothers and sisters. It was a historic international marriage Blessing ceremony. (269-301, 1995/05/01)
8. The 30,000 Couples Blessing was an international marriage Blessing that transcended nation, region, religion, and ideology. If you have 30,000 couples it is 60,000 people. This large number of people got married, not in ten days, but in one. They were not all just from one nation. People from all races and more than 130 nations participated.
Notwithstanding skin color, human beings are the same. We are one. The culture of living for the sake of others is the same everywhere. It is a humble lifestyle, but these families will spread it across the globe.
Think of how it will be if people like us occupy most of the world. In 20 years, it will become one world, becoming one nation. That time will come. (248-184, 1993/08/03)
9. At the 30,000 Couples Blessing, I blessed even people who did not have much merit. This was done to send them as tribal messiahs to liberate their clans.
Until now, members' parents opposed the Unification Church and whole clans opposed it. The parents whose children joined were among the most intense opponents. I am liberating those parents who opposed us. (242-105, 1993/01/01)
10. The families of the world must come together in an alliance to create one world nation and give rise to a global family federation that transcends the nation. The International 30,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony represents this.
This was a world-level ceremony of resurrection for families. As we carried out this world family resurrection ceremony, not only Japan and America, but the whole world opposed us.
However, the time will come when people turn from opposing me to welcoming me, even when I ask families to relocate. Witnessing tour family will go smoothly once each of you has the real capability to fulfill your role as a proactive leader. (234-342, 1992/08/27)
11. When the tide turns, it takes six hours to reach the high watermark. It is a long, slow process for the water to reach this horizontal level, and so too it is with the providence. But the times have changed, and if we restore through indemnity the national and worldwide standards, everyone can stand on a level plane within one hour. This is due to the merit of the age.
True Parents come to give the Blessing to all people of the world, regarding them as being on an equal footing. Were there no accusations from Satan, the heart of God would swing all of humanity back to His side all at once.
For this reason, on the condition that they attend a one-week Divine Principle workshop, anyone can reach high tide and True Father can give them the Blessing on the same high tide standard. This we achieved through the 30,000 Couples Blessing. (257-206, 1994/03/15)
12. Adam and Eve married wrongfully, so it is only through the marriage Blessing that we can create a unified world of all nations. That is why the Blessing ceremony takes place in the name of God. The 30,000 Couples Blessing was conducted by True Parents on the horizontal plane. This means all participants inherited the same realm of merit.
Cain and Abel are no longer fighting, but have become one. Cain and Abel are far away from heaven, but because we have to realize the will of heaven to unite all worldwide Cain and Abel territories with God's love, we hold the international marriage Blessing ceremony. Heaven has banished Satan and retrieved the world.
For the first time, the foundation is laid for the family, tribe, nation, world, and the universe.
Heaven will arise on that foundation. Through becoming one with the Returning Lord, we can begin to form families that cast out Satan. The global age representing such families was the three-year course based on the 30,000 Couples Blessing. (269-011, 1995/04/06)
13. The Fall occurred due to the absence of a God-centered marriage. Therefore, we must marry centered on God and True Parents. Only then can we be part of God's lineage. At the time of the 30,000 Couples Blessing Ceremony, I had to make preparations so that these couples' names could be placed on the official family record.
I took full responsibility and raised humanity to the position where they could be liberated. People can believe that for anyone who attends the seven-day workshop and receives the Blessing, True Parents will liberate them indemnifying their history. (249-249, 1993/10/10)
The second-generation: Blessing and responsibility
The first marriage Blessing ceremony of second-generation members, children of blessed families, was for 36 Couples and was held at the Little Angels Arts Hall in Seoul on April 12, 1986.
On that day, True Parents told the participants, “At this point when a new history is about to unfold, you are not marrying just for yourselves; instead, you are getting married to advocate a great revolution in the Unificationist family. You should understand this clearly.
Therefore, you should take part in this ceremony bearing the weight of the all-important mission to create a new chapter in history.”
14. True Parents are the root of the second-generation blessed families. Therefore, you have to hold my words in higher regard than those of anyone else, even those of your family members.
By attending True Parents, you inherit the tradition that will bring forth a God-centered nation and a God-centered world, in heaven and on earth. Your family is the first doorway. It is like a tree whose leaves and branches connect vertically the traditions of heaven, the world, and the nation.
Accordingly, your family is the horizontal representative of heaven, the world, and the nation, and therefore, you have to own the traditions of the nation, the world, and the kingdom of heaven. This has to be the mainstream of your thinking. As two individuals, you become one and make a beginning as a new clan, separated from the history of Satan's world. (145-063, 1986/04/30)
15. Why must I bless members of the second generation the world is persecuting a blessed family, so this should mean that I cannot bless the second generation now, from the providential perspective, Unificationist blessed families have passed beyond the time of persecution. Who made this possible? Did your mother and father make it possible?
True Parents did. Who is above True Parents?
Heavenly Father is. Restoration can take place only when you attend three generations of parents. With God and True Parents as the vertical center, you have to attend the three generations of parents at the point where the vertical and horizontal connect. I did not fail in attending the vertical Parent generation but attended Him completely.
That is why I could establish myself in the world. Connected with heaven above, my roots have gone deep. I came to earth, and the horizontal realm extended from the many families including those of your parents. Their mission is to be the model that can connect all families of the world based on the ideal of peace. (144-070, 1986/04/08)
16. It is remarkable that we can bless the second-generation Unificationist families. So far, some blessed families have made mistakes, creating the conditions by which Satan accuses them. Now that their children are receiving the Blessing, they are forming God's second line of defense.
You have to realize that I have given you the Blessing on the national level. Upon the worldwide foundation that True Parents established, all the people of the Republic of Korea follow, spiritually, the direction of the Unification Church. (145-064, 1986/04/30)
17. Those second-generation couples who have received the Blessing have to become the heads of blessed families. This is like the lead goose who guides the flock in the right direction.
All of you were called here to represent your clans the Kims, if you are a Kim, and the Paks, if you are a Pak. You must recover a nation. From that standpoint, you did not receive the Blessing for yourselves. (187-205, 1989/02/11)
18. For 40 years, I have struggled to create the foundation for heaven at the family level. I have reached this point by fighting intensely and undergoing severe battles with nations.
When the foundation for a family-centered heaven centered on God's love and True Parents unites completely with the foundation for the four-position foundation based on Cain-type parents, that is where heaven begins.
This is why members of the second generation are being put in leadership positions, and why I blessed the 36 Couples of the second generation with an indemnity condition for restoration. (145-349, 1986/06/01)
19. Each second-generation blessed couple has to restore the authority to knock out Satan with one blow.
They have to be able to proclaim, “I cannot represent the world and the universe, and I cannot speak for God, but there is no doubt that as an individual, I am a son who can knock out Satan.”
Representing the individual, you must be able to grab Satan by the collar with confidence and make him shiver with fear. You must become the champion who, as an individual, can bring the great enemy of the universe, Satan, to submission. (162-193, 1987/04/12)
20. Second-generation blessed families are original families that Satan cannot invade from any direction: from the north, south, ea, st or west, from above or below, front or back, left or right. You must reach out to the north, south, east, and west with love. Second-generation families have to shoulder this responsibility. Members of second-generation blessed families must not get caught up in illicit love relationships. (187-206, 1989/02/11)
21 Regarding second-generation education, I have emphasized the importance of giving up all bad habits they have had until now. They have to start with the Unification Church, inherit the church traditions, and cultivate new habits with God and True Parents at the center.
Second-generation members who did not receive the Blessing and chose to live just as they wanted to have to come back. They cannot marry outside the Unification Church. According to Mosaic law, adultery was punished by stoning to death. A time more terrible than that may come in the future.
The life of someone who acts against heavenly law and brings ruin to his or her nation and the world has no value. This is a grave problem.
(148-213, 1986/10/09)
22. Unification Church members should not be secularized. The day of a great movement for purification will come. All the second-generation 36-couple blessed families need to follow True Parents' exact directions.
Should you all make mistakes, the ancestral lines of all 72 of you will be affected. a They will demonstrate in the spirit world. They will protest, saying, “These children were born after their parents joined the Unification Church and received the Blessing! What is this?”
If that happens, your sons and daughters will not turn out well and their path will not be smooth. True Parents have no choice but to move forward, not cutting these children off but carrying the burden of their sins and bearing the cross.
Parents must not think, “My son and daughter have received the second-generation Blessing, so we can now live without regard to principles.”
Expand the fulfillment of God's Will throughout the world, and bless the world. Parents need to know that our destined path toward the blessing of eternal liberation remains.
Who will take the lead? Since blessed families cannot fulfill their responsibilities, their sons and daughters have to lead the way.
(169-201, 1987/10/31)
23. You blessed second-generation members need to listen only to the words of True Parents. You must do so. If you do not, you will fall. The second-generation members must take up the cross.
You are in such an important position, to bear the cross for what your fathers and mothers did wrong, or even for the wrongdoings your sons and daughters may commit in the future.
To minimize this, you must be responsible, carry the cross, and make sacrifices for three generations. True Parents also go through this, even if they have to put you into a situation of sacrifice.
This is why you must obey True Parents' wordy. Just because you have a mouth, it does not mean that you can simply say anything you please. If you complain about the world and society, Satan can enter you.
The logic of dialectical materialism is based on conflict. It starts with a complaint. At this time, Satan is attempting to bring to ruin the fulfillment of God's Will in the world using a theory that confuses. You must not let this chaos trap you and drag you into evil ways. (169-202, 1987/10/31)
24. I spent 40 years turning around and patching up 4,000 years of history. I straightened out the crooked paths beginning from the origin of the heart and even showed humanity the way to liberation. The fact that God could descend and build the kingdom of heaven on earth is like a dream.
It sounds like a lie, but it is the truth. We are in a blessed position. Until I have founded a nation, I will not show my legs. While I was in prison, I covered them up. I did not want them to be seen by Satan's world. I did not sit just anywhere. In this way, I took care of my body.
Before I sat down or stood up from where I was, I never failed to sanctify the spot with holy salt. I have lived in such a way that I did not defile anything. The path I have walked was the original way, designed to be entirely separate from Satan's world.
Your father and mother suffer in their hearts because they could not inherit that tradition. You members of the second generation strive to inherit and live up to that tradition. (182-160, 1988/10/16)
25. As a second-generation member, you should not be complacent. You must begin a new history based on our tradition. Only then can you become a giant tree. You still need to face persecution.
If there is no external persecution, True Parents and your parents will persecute you. This is because you are to drive in roots that cannot be pulled out. You have to do it with love.
You have to drive in the root of our teaching so thoroughly that no one can pull it out. If you make that your foundation, a sprout will grow from there.
That new existence will grow proportionally to that foundation. God showers His blessings on your clan in that same way. (206-016, 1990/10/03)
26. Second-generation blessed families must be trained properly. The second generation goes out to pioneer. If you want to become a gigantic tree, you have to plant your roots deeply.
How do you plant your spreading root deep in the soil?
A tree that is planted at the top of a mountain cannot get its roots down deeply enough, and it will naturally dry out. The roots of a tree must go down into a deep place in the valley so that they can receive protection and nutrients. If the roots are exposed to the air, they get cold.
When the wind blows, such a tree can easily topple over. That is why your roots should also be planted deeply in a valley.
The good things of the world are not only at the summit. They are not only up there but are also at the lowest of places. The root is the most precious part of the tree. It is buried beneath the surface and is unseen.
The tree grows from the vertical line of its main root. As the main root moves deeper and deeper into the ground, it will branch out in all directions. The trunk and branches grow proportionally to the root.
The root is first. When the root grows, the seeds spread, out, and the tree buds. The relationship between heaven and humanity is the reverse of this. Humankind's root is heaven. (206-011, 1990/10/03)
27. I am giving you the Blessing so that your offspring will be more outstanding than you. If those who received the 36 and 72 Couples Second-generation Blessing do not follow the Will, a big problem will arise. Because of God's Will, I abandoned my country, my parents, my wife, my life, and my children.
What does it mean that I abandoned my nation? It was not my doing; it was Satan's world that pushed me out. About the work I am doing now, I feel as if I have been swimming across the ocean and just came upon the island to which I am exiled.
To inherit this tradition, you have to create your own foundation. Just as I have done this work to establish a worldwide foundation, so the members of the second generation have to build their foundation. Do not be indebted to your relatives, your colleagues, and those associated with you. (206-022, 1990/10/03)
28. You all have to be grateful for the fact that the Unification Church has already entered the blessed land of Canaan after completing the 40-year course to restore Canaan. On the national level, there is no way the Unification Church can be stopped.
We are at the stage where the learned people and the public feel that the nation will not survive if it does not follow the ways of the Unification Church. This is the point from which we have to go forward.
This is the point from which the second-generation blessed families must march forward, becoming locomotives, and cannonballs, and breaking through to a new history.
It has to be all of you. Getting married is not simply about being an individual. In the Unificationist family, people are marrying to advocate a great revolution.
Third parties are not welcome to impose any of their ways, ideas, or opinions into this relationship. No matter what, you have to turn to True Parents. No third-party intervention is permitted. (144-127, 1986/04/12)
29. Jacob had 12 sons. Among them, Joseph and Benjamin, the 11th and 12th sons, received the most blessings. Their ten older brothers, who did Satan's bidding, hated those two.
But despite receiving opposition and contemptuous treatment from ten in his family, Joseph showed the example of overcoming a terrible ordeal with a loving heart. Although Joseph's brothers tried to drown him by throwing him in a well and later selling him, he did not accept the fact that his brothers were trying to put him in a position to be killed. Instead, he loved them, putting aside his authority and desire.
The love that Joseph had for his brothers became a condition for the whole nation of Israel to live.
Your second-generation members have to go that path too. I do not give the Blessing to members of the second generation that they can live well on their own. It is so that they become representatives who embrace and save people who oppose and hate the Unification Church, who are like those ten brothers, and so that they respond to the call to enter into God's realm of love.
In other words, you are sons and daughters of the blessed families who are in the position of Joseph. This is the path that the children of the blessed families have to take.
When God and True Parents bless the sons and daughters of blessed families and create a beautiful living environment for them, it is not for your sake but for the sake of the world. (112-181, 1981/04/12)