14 min read

The Pure Love Movement

The true family movement comes as the fundamental providential movement for restoring this fallen world to the original world of creation centered on God.

Salvation through the Holy Marriage Blessing - TP Legacy
All people are fallen due to original sin, and it is True Parents’ fundamental mission to save them. The centerpiece of this mission is the providence of the marriage Blessing, which eradicates original sin and fallen lineage.

The necessity for this movement 

The true family movement comes as the fundamental providential movement for restoring this fallen world to the original world of creation centered on God. The focus of the movement is the international marriage Blessing, transcending race, as, nation, and religion, which seeks to realize the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven through ideal God-centered families.

True Parents have implemented the true family movement on a vast scale through the marriage Blessing ceremony as well as the pure love movement for children and teenagers. 

1. Immorality among youth and family breakdown are among the bad fruits reaped from the seeds sown by the first human ancestors. When Adam and Eve fell, they turned the family upside down.

The fruits of the Fall have become manifest throughout the world, with the result that we are now in a time of great suffering. The fallen family is the root and is at the heart of all the problems of societies, nations, and the world. People do not know which way to turn.

It is a time when grandfathers cannot fulfill the role of grandfathers, parents cannot fulfill the role of parents, husbands, and wives cannot fulfill the roles of husbands and wives, and children cannot fulfill the role of children. As selfish individualism takes root, God is not present, both the world and its nations are lost, and a good society cannot emerge. (283-013, 1997/04/08) 

2. When people discuss the deterioration of values, they are not referring to the values associated with money, knowledge, or power. The most important values are those connected with true love.

True parents have to establish the values of true love, true couples have to establish the values of true couples, and true children have to establish the values of true children. These set values are not different from each other. The values that must be established by parents, couples, and brothers and sisters are absolute and the same. Unification comes about based on absolute values.

When we take away parents, husbands and wives, and brothers and sisters, all we have left is selfish individualism, and the one, harmonized world cannot be established. (458-138, 2004/07/08) 

3. People say that today is an age of globalization. What is the center of this age, as they describe it? They usually speak of it in terms of economics, academics, sports, and so on, and they do not realize that globalization should focus on the family.

The problems of the world are not primarily rooted in economics or politics but in the family. Families are breaking down, especially in developed nations. 

Many families have been destroyed by free sex. People have to understand that the authentic movement for globalization must be based on the family. In other words, people have to know True Parents' teachings about the ideal family.
(278-168, 1996/05/05) 

4. From the viewpoint of true love, this world as it exists now is like a vacuum; there is no air of true love. If air were to enter, the world would instantly explode with life. In this age, the Blessing movement is like a typhoon that will storm into this empty world and cleanse the land.

The owners of that typhoon-cleansed world are the True Parents. When children, tribes, and the nation, emerge based on True Parents' lineage, the world of evil will disappear.

Whatever obstacles assert themselves will not present a problem because the power of true love can overcome any problem. The power of true love is like a high-voltage current. Any evil that touches it will be vaporized instantly. (287-119, 1997/09/01)

5. God's hope, as well as the hope of all people, is for human prosperity and one united world of peace. 

Ideal peace is established when the subject partner and the object partner practice true love centered on God at the levels of the individual, the nation, and the world. Love, of course, cannot be realized by itself. 

Love can be realized only through a mutual relationship. Parents' love is realized in their children. 

Children's love is realized relationship with their parents. God's act of creation was to realize the ideal of true love, which cannot occur if God remains alone. That is why He sought to realize the father-son relationship based on true love. 

God is the True Parent of parents, the True Teacher of teachers, and the True King of kings. God is the eternal True Parent, True Teacher, and True Owner who always gives true love. All people are God's children, so, like God, they too have to go the way of the true parent, true teacher, and true owner. 

Through this with, children this relationship these paths will lead to the completion of the ideal of love, the love that lives for the good of others. The right path of the law of heaven leads to self-realization through an altruistic life of true love. 

Through the harmony of the vertical parent-child relationship with the horizontal left and right husband-wife relationship and the horizontal front and back sibling relationship, the ideal family based on true love is realized.

The completed family can be expanded to the completed nation, world, and cosmos through the same principle and formula.

The worldwide foundation that True Parents has achieved in the areas of education, media, art, and relief work comes through the investment of true love following the same formula to realize the ideal world. Ideally, true love education on how to realize the character of a true parent, true teacher, and true owner should start in the family. (1999/02/01)

6. Although the Cold War has come to an end, we still face so many problems that challenge us in terms of social morality and love in the family. Corrupt sexual behavior and drug abuse continue to threaten young people seriously. All the nations of the world have these problems.

It has been surprisingly difficult for them to deal with these issues, but we must realize that there is more to these problems than is immediately evident. The world needs righteous young leaders who can understand the true nature of the problems and solve them based on Godism.

We have to realize that problems like these arise when we ignore the internal aspects of the mind and spirit. (True Mother, 1994/07/26)

7. Originally, God called for Adam and Eve to perfect themselves as ideal parents. They should have realized God's ideal family as the beloved children of God and as the aspects of beloved children. Such a family would have been the starting point of the ideal world of love and peace. 

Unfortunately, Adam and Eve could not create such a family, so the dream of realizing the ideal nation and world disappeared. Then how can we restore the ideal family? World peace is not just a spiritual issue.

It is a way of life that starts from the individual, expands to the family, and bears fruit at the level of the global family. We will be able to save our young people from materialism, violence, and sexual corruption using the establishment of strong, God-centered true families. (True Mother, 1994/07/26)

8. If the true family movement does not succeed, then nothing we do will succeed. The true family movement is our only hope. Only True Parents have the authority to deal with the situation in the family. 

God and Satan are fighting each other over humankind, and only True Parents can resolve this struggle. 

Neither God nor Satan can do it. True Parents have to eliminate Satan and break the iron chain by which God has been bound. They must liberate God; Satan will have to surrender. The world cannot solve the problems of the family and young people through such means as politics, economics, and culture.

It is only True Parents who can solve these problems. The problems of youth, the problems in the family, and the problem of the struggle between God and Satan were all created by a false parent.

It is only True Parents who can solve all of these problems and thus realize world peace and the kingdom of heaven on earth. (311-139, 1999/08/29) 

9. In this world, the corruption of young people and the breakdown of the family are the most difficult problems to solve. No one can resolve these. The ministries of education or defense in each nation cannot deal with them, nor can we if we rely wholly on the power of politics or economics.

Neither the physical world nor the spiritual world nor even God can solve these problems. True Parents alone have the special authority to do it. Adam and Eve fell as teenagers, and the tragedy of Cain killing Abel occurred.

What should never have happened did happen in the first family, and we must correct it. 

We have to completely overturn what happened in the first family and plant the lineage of absolute love and absolute purity. Young people fell, and the family broke down. In the Last Day, the whole world will be in turmoil, bearing the fruit of the seed that was planted in the beginning.

Phenomena such as free sex, homosexuality, and AIDS are widely prevalent, and society is becoming corrupt.

True Parents are the doctors and specialists who know the prescription and the treatment that can solve the world's family problems and the problems of youth. People everywhere are beginning to realize this. (293-095, 1998/05/24) 

The Pure Love movement 

 The pure love movement leads young people toward true love and the understanding of the order of true love. The movement is focused on adolescents and teaches about the removal of the fallen nature that was formed as a result of the Fall.

True Parents are taught that it is only through the pure love movement that we can solve teenage problems and family breakdowns, which are the most serious problems facing humanity. Thus, they initiated the pure love movement for middle-school and high-school students on an extensive scale.

Middle-school and high-school students are at about the same age as Adam and Eve just before the Fall. True Parents said that we must give these students pure love education, eradicate the Satanic lineage, and help them grow up under God's protection and love. 

10. We advocate the ideals of purity and absolute sexual fidelity. To promote these ideals, we have created a pure love movement and a true family movement, based on true love.

Without true love, there can be neither sexual purity nor true families. Furthermore, a true family cannot be established without absolute fidelity between husband and wife.

You must honor relationships to the same degree as Chun-hyang, a chaste wife who remained faithful to her husband Lee Mong-nyong, even while facing threats of death from a corrupt court official. For breakdowns, we can realize the true family. (286-115, 1997/08/09)

11. We have to establish the pure love movement and the true family movement on university and college campuses. What can we do to deal with the problems of youth? Where can we establish the true family? 

Ideal? We can do so by connecting to middle schools, high schools, and colleges. Today young people are easily influenced and polluted by corrupt thoughts.

Students from age 12 through 24 have this affliction. How can we cure them?

Respected civic and social leaders must act as a fortress to protect them. 

Families need to be protected against being destroyed by homosexuality and free sex. Families should be models of true love. Families have to stand tall, based on traditional Christian values, but in reality, they are becoming weak. We have to rebuild all these things. We have to restore families and young people. 

This level of restoration will not emerge from the family alone; support is also needed in the schools. 

Focusing on elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, and colleges, the nation's leaders should unite and establish the tradition of the family. We have to educate people thoroughly about family ethics and advocate absolute family values. (329-090, 2000/08/08) 

12. The true family ideal will become the tradition of the 21st century. What True Parents have to do is simply create the tradition of true family, true parents, and true lineage. Satan's tradition has reached even small towns, so we have to manifest the pure love movement just as widely.

If we do so, traditional Christians will join us in taking on the role of tribal messiahs. The pure love movement should be developed focusing on the family. It is not the nation that will take the initiative. This is why I encouraged you to start holding demonstrations right away.

If we are not successful with the true love movement, we will lose everything. We must establish in people's minds that the true love movement is our movement. It is like being the ones who first apply for a patent.

Teams of three should be out actively working and demonstrating around the clock. The key points are true parents, true lineage, and true family.
(310-247, 1999/06/30) 

13. We can prevent the spread of AIDS by maintaining sexual purity. This is absolute. This is the last task that the Unification Church is responsible for accomplishing.

Once we transform the free sex tradition of the young generation by connecting them to the Blessing of a new lineage, the kingdom of heaven on earth will be established. Now is the time to Love the world to harvest the fruit of the seeds that the first human ancestors sowed in their youth.

To clear the field, we have to establish a new tradition focusing on young people.

Then we can secure the kingdom of God on earth and in heaven. Therefore, we launched the pure love movement in middle and high schools.

We spearheaded the movements of true family education and pure love. We did what the nation should have done. (349-011, 2001/07/13)

14. True Parents have developed the true family movement throughout the world. In Korea, we made a headquarters for the True Love and Pure Love movements and mobilized 10 million middle and high school students to arm them with the ideal of pure love.

How much opposition did we meet while promoting this movement?

Even though we met with strong opposition, we felt that we were the owners who had to protect our hometowns and our homeland. We have reached the era when everything is out in the open, and we can take the active initiative.
(349-015, 2001/07/13) 

15. We need to educate young people to prevent them from falling. To achieve that, we made the Pure Love purity to time. In promoting the pure love movement, we should publicly recognize young people who exemplify the pure love ideal in their towns or regions.

Such students should be treated with respect in their schools. Teachers and principals should honor those students who keep purity.

From now on, only those who practice purity will receive the holy marriage Blessing. To receive the Blessing, they will come from all over the world based on the recommendation of their nations. (272-191, 1995/10/05)

16. Before their eyes lead them to be attracted to the opposite sex, we have to lead young people to overcome the evil way of thinking that resulted from the Fall. We must do this in our families, towns, and nations. Therefore, we need to expand the pure love movement to the national level.

I directed you to create the pure love movement. None of the teachers in the colleges, high schools, and middle schools can carry out the pure love movement; we are the only ones. Nobody can argue with this. It is only we who can do it. We have been ordained by heaven to take this historic responsibility.
(295-103, 1998/08/17) 

17. We now have passed the age of national-level Blessing and have entered into the age of world-level Blessing. That is why we have people eat pure love candy.

When a pregnant mother eats pure love candy, it is a ceremony of rebirth.

When a baby eats the pure love candy, it is a ceremony of resurrection. When a couple eats the pure love candy in marriage, it is a ceremony of eternal life. At the marriage ceremony, however, they also have to drink the holy wine. Everyone has to drink it.

I have made the way easy. Now Satan does not oppose me, whatever I do. There are no conditions for him to accuse me. We can now set up a street fair and give the holy wine to people as they come and go, and if they accept the holy wine, heaven and earth will return to our side. (294-158, 1998/06/14) 

18. The Blessing is the realm of the Sabbath in the Completed Testament Age. The Completed Testament Age is the age when the promise will be realized worldwide.

Families of all the world's people can come into the realm of grace to receive the Blessing. This is realized through True Parents so that Satan's lineage will disappear. We allow middle and high school students to eat pure love candy as a condition. 

Ideally, people are supposed to cleanse Satan's lineage in the womb. This is a rebirth. However, those who are already born cannot go back to the womb, so we let them drink the wine of resurrection. We let students from kindergarten through high school eat the pure love candy instead of the wine of resurrection.

We can put stickers with True Parents' signatures on the candy. This is giving them a sign that they should keep their purity through True Parents and with True Parents. Because True Parents give the stickers to them, they will keep their purity to be pure sons and daughters.

After keeping their purity, they need to unite in holy matrimony with pure love. This is what their parents want, and it is the core purpose of public education. Living this way is the ideal life.
(290-218, 1998/02/27)

19. All young people are like Adams and Eves that God has created once again.

This is why I do a matching ceremony for them. They have to keep absolute purity. The matched fiancé and fiancée have to protect each other.

Adams and Eves need to encourage each other to keep their purity until the time that they receive the Blessing of love from God and True Parents. They also have to receive their parent's permission and approval. God is the Parent of parents, the Teacher of teachers, and the Owner of owners. 

Therefore, by analogy, if the Blessing was sponsored by a school, the child could not receive the Blessing without obtaining approval from the principal of the school, and the head of the Parent-Teacher Association.

Children cannot marry without consulting their parents. This is the policy and tradition of the Unification Church. (300-322, 1999/04/15) 

20. True Parents finished all preparations for removing Satan's lineage. The Fall occurred because there was no protection. We have now completed pure love education in some middle schools and high schools. 

Nonetheless, the purity of students is being destroyed. The Internet's influence is terrible. How can we remedy this situation? Mothers and fathers everywhere have to protect their children because parents represent the position of God. 

Unmarried sons and daughters are in the position of Adam and Eve before the Fall, so they have to grow and become model citizens. As they grew up, Adam and Eve looked forward to their marriage.

The periods of infancy, brother and sister, and engagement all have the same purpose: marriage. In the secular world, parents tell their children to find their partner, but now, True Parents are telling parents to find a partner for their children. 

Now we have returned to the Garden of Eden. The whole world has come back to the Garden of Eden, so the family has been restored. In the restored family, sons and daughters should be matched before God in their original position without the Fall.

During their adolescence, Adam and Eve were supposed to prepare themselves to meet their partner. Despite their pledge, they fell during their teenage years when they had reached the top of the growth stage.

God could not intervene directly under the Principle, so to eliminate the risk that they might fall under Satan's sovereignty, He gave them the warning, “Do not eat.” (301-174, 1999/04/25) 

21. Children are like God's sons and daughters who did not fall, so we have to teach them well, even during their kindergarten years. At all costs, we have to raise them well from kindergarten through high school, until they are at least 16 years old so that they will not leave the bosom of their parents.

When they are 18 they may marry. From now on, if possible, I will give the Blessing as they graduate from high school and become college students.

This would be best. We have to match sons and daughters who grew up in the bosom of their parents, as pure children who have not been defiled by the secular world. (365-131, 2002/01/06) 

Blessed Family Traditions
True Parents pointed out in particular that the age of the settlement of blessed families is the age of mother-child responsibility.