11 min read

True Parents Return To America

When we are truly one with God there is no concept of myself. There is no possibility of self. The fall of man is rooted in the concept of "self".

East Garden

When we are truly one with God, there is no concept of myself. There is no possibility of self. The fall of man is rooted in the concept of “self”. We must not have any concept of “self”.

Then we can be one with God. In one sense True Parents know how to relate with all secular people. The word of True Parents does not come from the secular world.

The words of True Parents are coming directly from God. If God's word had manifested in True Parents through Adam and Eve, there would be no need for religion.

However, because of the fall religion came out of this. We must understand that God's words are coming from True Parents. The tradition is not correctly set by any religion in any nation. Christianity is still fighting among itself and cannot set the right tradition for America. Antonio and Mr. Kamiyama you should understand that you are from the history of Cain. 

However, when you talk about True Parents and God's pure and holy word all the old history coming out of the fallen history is completely erased. Christianity must yield to the coming of the new age. You must reflect and repent as to how much you are purified. You should have no relationship with this fallen world. You must cleanse the origin and connection to the fallen world.

In this way, True Parents may not be able to relate with you. Even if you have love, life, and lineage you must have the purity of God's kingdom. I couldn't purify things unless I went through total suffering. That kind of purity doesn't exist in the world. 

Therefore, we must set that now. Therefore, we must set the conditions for the Kingdom of Heaven now. All the clouds are out, there is no sunshine coming through where the clouds are, we must clear the clouds away.

After the Coronation of the Peace King, why do I come to America?

I don't need to come. Why do I come?

Because you were chosen to represent the fallen history, and it is your responsibility to return the world to heaven through the proper execution of the will of God. God did 97%, however, because you are dealing with the 3% of cleaning up the history of fallen humanity you suffer greatly. Don't look back. You will be captured in the darkness. 

You must do the three revolutions. Even though you have completed the revolution of indemnity you must still complete the other revolutions. You must complete the revolution of conscience and heart.

The Coronation Ceremony Of God’s Kingship Completes The Victory Of Heaven And Earth
Now, I would like to share with you the points that require our particular attention in our lives after the Coronation Ceremony for God’s Kingship.

We must go to the bottom of hell at the family level and restore everything from the bottom up. Only this way can you make a highway for humanity from the bottom of hell to heaven. You all must go back to the original relationship with me. You all must go through this course directly. 

Even in the OT era, they offered the animals as a sacrifice. They had to make a separation or division of the offering. In my family, Sun Jin Nim's mother was separated from me. Unfortunately, we don't have a nation upon which we can exist. We were all born in this world and were blessed. However, without a nation, we cannot register our birth and our marriage.

Without going through the three stages of this process you will not be allowed in heaven. I must go to the spiritual world and cleanse and remove all the barriers of this world. You must also cleanse all the evil barriers that divide the nations of the world. We should have the heavenly constitution. We must have the constitution of God's Fatherland. America has a constitution.

Was George Washington a person who created a nation without connection to the Fall of Man?

This is the Second Revolution. All of you must stand in a pure position, or you won't go to the heavenly realm in the spirit world. Without going through the three stages of revolutions you cannot cleanse yourself in the right way. The principle of “high noon” and “no shadow” is the place where you must meet God and your True Parents together.

Is there anybody who can fulfill this principle of no shadow?

Everyone in the world was pulled into the secular world at the root and then in the trunk and the branches all are connected to the fall. We must go back to the seed that has been purified.

Are you a pure seed right now?

The seed has the genetic information to grow a pure tree.

Are you the pure seed that can grow God's Kingdom? 

We must go through the course that makes us a perfect pure seed. That is through the high noon course. From the first, there must be a central seed, root, trunk, and branch. All must be pure and connected to the seed. The seed gives forth the root. Once the root is shown, it can last for thousands of years.

All of this must be perfectly straight. This is how an ideal tree can grow straight.

There should be that kind of Tree. The evergreen tree. We must become like an original seed and that will be a tree that can never come under the dominion of Satan.

What is their lamentation?

There was a reversal at the time of Adam and Eve.

Everything was in a reversal. All the fallen things must be uprooted and we must start over. The sunlight comes from the sky and the nourishment from the earth.

According to the natural law, there can be four seasons. Whenever there is a high pressure there is always a low pressure. You should not think of yourself, you should only think of God and God's nation.

You must think of parents and children and siblings Everything should be inherited from your parents and from there we can establish Husband and Wife and then establish three generations that are blessed.

In the Western world, many don't even want to have children because it is inconvenient. This is against the heavenly law. If this was the original path then the fallen world could be part of the kingdom. However, the seed from the fall doesn't grow straight.

The Kingdom of Heaven: Who Will Enter It, and How Will They Get There?
I am also grateful that you have shown appreciation for my work and vision, and that you have promised to give constant support for it in the coming days.

Therefore in the garden of restoration, there must be the pure holy seed that can grow the kingdom. This has never been established before in history. How can Father bring the correct seed?

How can that kind of result occupy Satan's kingdom?

Even God has not had that kind of seed that could grow through the lineage. How much God suffered because of this. One by one we have to take out everything from the fallen world and create a new world. We must then remove all belongings and connections to the fallen world and give up everything there is eliminating any connection to Satan. 

Only True Parents have shown this path and value. We must then understand the value of True Parents. We must understand God's love, life, and lineage. Only True Parents could bring this.

Only the Unification movement is the owner at this time.

Only True Parents could reveal the revolutions that were necessary to make this pure seed. You must know this way. No one knew about this revolution. 

Father is coming there making the action necessary for the total reversal of the fallen world. The fallen children must be blessed and restored. No matter what the world can produce if it is not linked properly with God, it will eventually fade away.

This is not such an easy way. No matter how difficult the situation that you face is, you must overcome this and completely become the seed of God. You must overcome. 

Father is obvious as to the original viewpoint. Father understands everything from the cause of the fall and the principle of restoration from the individual to the family, clan, tribe, nation, and the world. After this, the real issue is your level of dedication to bringing the Kingdom of God into this world.

Who can stand against you?

From God's view, you are the ancestors of the new world that God has chosen. No one has the power to stop you. If you understand the indemnity way and go Father's course, there will be no problem with your course. I taught you everything. It is your job to overcome everything at this time.

You say, “Oh, the persecution is not so easy!”. However, if you go home your family will not resist because all the ancestors are with you and the Peace Kingdom has come. Now they are taking action from heaven. 

That is the way that the original God is looking down on you. We must move quickly. We must be the example of filial piety and the way of the saints towards heaven and humanity. The real concern is the unity of the mind and body.

God's mind and flesh body fighting in the spirit world?

No. Therefore, the division of the mind and body is a key concern that is the root of all fighting. The root of fighting between husband and wife, the root of fighting between brothers. Therefore, the M and B must be unified. 

Do you understand? You have to make it obvious. I said goodbye in Korea. From tomorrow, I should say goodbye to you too. I have given everything, therefore even if you don't understand you must overcome. I have to bring my children into the realm of perfection.

Your children are your second Messiahs. Through suffering with them to bring them to the perfection of the family and the kingdom. This is the path through which you can grow. 

My baby grandson, Shin Jun. In a way, he is greater than me because he shows more love to me than he did yesterday. I feel he is my teacher. He calls me Appa and True Mother Oma. He wants to kiss me but not with a kiss but with his wet tongue.

The physical body and hell
So our body is a house where God can dwell. Such houses are not the bodies of today’s fallen people.

For the sake of the nation and the world, we must be united. America and the UN should be cooperating with the world and should be united in harmony. Mr. Joo, did you think of this? 

In Chung Pyung they are building the heavenly palace but if you saw the Heavenly Palace in the Spirit World you would be amazed. It is much, much bigger. 

There should be no divisions among religions. What is the date? I left at 11 am from Korea on the 18th and arrived here at 11 am on the 18th! We have been here for about four hours. Now the earth is going around the Sun. That's why there can be four seasons.

So, these days, I am emphasizing the exchange of marriage. If there is an exchange marriage then the children of those marriages will show more aptitude and can be much smarter. 70 years from now you will see the results of these marriages. 

Colonel Han, did you talk about the Cho Gam Ryok (teaching of Korean prophesy.) Similar to the Cham Gam Nok. If we educate people properly their families can be restored too. 

Even the top leaders of this nation must be educated. No president in this country can serve more than two terms; however, three terms would be better. Then another way is that the top leader could serve through three generations. 

When spring comes it is the time for the top leaders to understand our work. We must educate the NGO leaders and help educate all the heads of state throughout the world concerning marriage and morality.

We must unify the world. In Africa, there are many natural resources. If they are not united then individuals can misuse this blessing from God. I'm doing many things beyond your imagination. I'm not sure if you have the guts to do it. 

We must make a new organization centering on God's Kingdom. Only Father knows.

In the next four years, you should be obedient to God's will. You must be obedient.

If you are you go up or down? UP! Because you are registered you must be willing to offer everything you have and go to Korea if heaven calls. 

From now on, I'm going to express my love to my children! (Amen!). All my family members always wonder when Father and Mother will come back. They never know. Now it is time to bring sunshine to my family. 

Now a new era has dawned, and you can now begin to truly bring sunshine to your tribe. From now on, there must be a rearrangement of all personnel. There should be restructuring. Your family must be saved.

This is the complete OK. This is the complete opening of the OK which means Open Kingdom. Or for you, it may mean Open Kitchen! Some of you even chew gum so you can always eat! 

Have you ever imagined that Father could do something litest?

God told me you are the Savior, Messiah, True Parents, you are the King of Kings.

However, I would rather not hear that from God because I know that when he says that it is because He wanted to use me to save the world. When I first heard the idea I liked it, but when I understood… 

Dr. Yang, when are you going to Israel?

You must bring top leaders from America there. The one leader passed and now a new leader is there. If we bring 200–500 people continuously all the walls will fall there.

How come our media is silent?

If you just keep silent, I will challenge you. You have to write correct articles, or maybe we should sell those media institutions! 

(Father then was about to leave and as we were standing we gave another 20 minutes of deep guidance.) Dr. Yang, the family church of peace flag should fly in every church. If you had done that these churches could follow me completely. Now I may have to use the media. America should be humble, it should not lead by power, policy, and force but must lead the world with True Love. 

Many media institutions have not reported the truth in many areas. This must be corrected. There has also been so much misunderstanding about me. This must be challenged and corrected now! We should be confident and clear.

All central nations should understand the Crown of Peace Ceremony, it should be on our websites and clearly understood. If there is misunderstanding or misinformation we must correct it and establish correct understanding. 

Only one of the saints' wives is here. I would like to build a house for Jesus and his family in Chung Pyung. 

The Viewpoint Of Cosmic History And I
Those who neglect to attend official gatherings such as this are the ones who don’t care about their lives.