Awakening the Korean people
True Parents sent out more than 700 members to 413 areas throughout Korea for 40 days, starting on July 20, 1960, to develop the education of the citizenry on an extensive scale. From the viewpoint of God's providence of restoration, the destiny of the people of Korea, the world's central nation, directly connects to the destiny of the world.
Hence, the project to educate the Korean people was a prelude to awakening all humanity. Father activated young people for Victory Over Communism (VOC) activities as part of a national campaign to awaken the Korean people to their providential mission.
The VOC movement was started in recognition of the fact that the current anti-communist policy had reached its limit. This movement fulfilled an important role as a citizens' ideological movement by logically critiquing the limitations and impracticality of communist theory and presenting an alternative.
1. The Koreans are a pitiable people, who have journeyed long in their history but have nothing they feel able to boldly affirm in front of others. They possess little and have little in which to take pride.
However, if they become a people who struggle and embrace the heart that God desires in the age of a new culture in the 21st century, and embrace the pain and suffering from humanity, going further if they become a people who struggle and embrace even the pain and suffering from God, they will lead the world and receive the love of heaven. (006-253, 1959/05/24)
2. People have said, “Koreans are the most pitiable people on earth today,” but they are the ones in whom I have the greatest hope. The democratic world and the communist world are fighting in this land, but the Korean people are never pitiable.
As long as the movement of heaven exists within the Korean people, they will live, history will center on them, and this world will come to them. These are not merely my words. I am saying this because I see and understand that it will come to pass.
The liberation of God trailed behind history, always beginning in the dark alleys of sorrow. From there, the foundation of joy was built. This is why Korea will become an issue for the world, in particular for the Christian world, and the Unification Church will arise as a world-level issue.
These are not empty words that come from my pride. Those who connect to the spirit world through prayer know this. Those who are spiritually open can testify to this. Unless they do testify, they are breaking heavenly law.
Therefore, those of you who have gathered here today must make a solemn resolution. You should not give up along the way. You need to have a firm resolution that you will endure any persecution, no matter how brutal.
You must keep the tradition of loyalty and filial piety that heaven desires, even at the cost of your life. If the Unification Church can establish the tradition of loyal men and women, the tradition of faithful men and women, and the tradition of filial sons and daughters, it is accomplishing its mission.
(009-122, 1960/04/24)
3. God has always been with the Korean people, even if the 30 million Koreans might not have known Him. Even when the patriots vanished like the morning dew, going to the execution ground holding on to the heart of righteousness and fulfilling their duty with loyalty, there God walked beside them, together in heart, and on their account He worked with their countrymen. Each of us living today is indebted to God.
Especially the Korean people are indebted to God for preserving them up to this day. If God yearns to save pitiable people and has the heart of a parent who holds dear and weeps for His fallen children, surely
He would take more pity on those who are suffering than on those who are not.
Korean people have nothing to boast of. They have always lacked material things. Everything was taken from them. If these people can hold on to something once again, I pray to God, “Please give the young men and women of Korea, who yearn to achieve something great but wander around as if they are lost, the burning heart of Jesus, who called You, ‘Father.'”
If they can gain such a heart, I am sure that no people in the world will be able to conquer them. If many sons and daughters touch the heart of the Father with the cry, “Father, I worked like this,” God, who sees us with pity, will make anew this world and its doctrines and ideologies.
Such young men and women and such people will become leaders in this world. (007-062, 1959/07/12)
4. God's hope is placed on your shoulders. You must establish the sovereignty of heaven among the Korean people and in the cosmos. God waits for you to awaken to His calling and achieve victory. That calling is for nothing less than the restoration of God's lost people, territory, and sovereignty.
The Korean people fail to realize this and remain asleep. They do not know what has happened to them, their territory, or their sovereignty. We must awaken them to the necessity of reestablishing the lost people, territory, and sovereignty in heaven and on earth and to recover these even risking their lives.
We have to understand that they need to repent and march forward bravely as the warriors of heaven to restore heaven's people, territory, and sovereignty.
After I realized that this was my responsibility, I dedicated my life solely to this, whether waking, sleeping, or eating. Please be confident in the fact that you have the responsibility to awaken the Korean people, who are not yet awake.
(011-152, 1961/05/13)
5. The advent of communism is the greatest crisis that has arisen in history. Why is this so? It is because God is certainly alive, but communists claim He is dead. In other words, even though God surely lives, they say He does not exist.
The worst of all sins is that of denouncing the existence of someone or something. If you call someone dead while he or she is alive and well, then you become his or her worst enemy. If you tell people that your parents are dead while they are still alive, that is the greatest betrayal possible.
Similarly, if you say that God is dead while He is alive, then you become God's worst enemy. This worst enemy of God is communism.
Therefore, we must obliterate everything related to communism. This is why we have to empower ourselves with the teaching of Victory Over Communism. (022-176, 1969/02/02)
6. That which I love the most must not be what only I love, but what my family loves, what the people love, and what the entire human race, heaven and earth, and all things of creation love.
That is not my dear son, spouse, or parents. That object of love is certainly God. That which we call God is the central subject partner of the heart, with whom we adjoin as the root and origin of the heart, which no one can move, change, or remove.
In terms of loving God, one's ethnicity or cultural tradition creates no distance. All people, regardless of their race, tradition,n or environment, can love God the same.
If we build and perfect a relationship with God, we cannot help but love Him. God has been joining in this world to achieve oneness, battling ideologies and philosophies to achieve the singular point of hope.
This has led to today's global confrontation between democracy and communism. This world should be neither democratic nor communist. These two should be integrated by a single, higher-quality ideology.
Humankind is unanimously saying we must move into an age wherein we can pursue integrated principles and rejoice in song. With this one hope in mind, humankind is on the way to oneness with God. (011-058, 1961/01/01)
7. Today's world is divided into the democratic and communist spheres. However, the democratic world has been driven into a corner by the communist world. This is because democracy does not have an ideology that can surpass communism. Therefore, we have to introduce a philosophy and a teaching that can surpass communism.
This teaching is a philosophy that must be inclusive of the corporeal and incorporeal worlds. That is, we must find a way to critique communism in light of a cosmos-based philosophy. After preparing since 1962, our effort began in earnest in 1965.
Communism can be defeated by our Victory Over Communism education teams which are bringing impressive results all over the country. (019-081, 1967/12/29)
8. We have to charge forward to defeat communism, which has been rapidly spreading around the world.
Communists presently control one-third of the world and are dragging even the United States, the standard-bearer of democracy, into their system. However, the Unification Church is stepping forth and fighting to topple communism. The people of the world have had no interest in this aspect of our work.
However, now they understand that they were mistaken. The situation is now reversing. They have recognized the great value of Unification Church lecturers, so much so that they are providing our lecturers with transportation when they invite them to speak.
They even refer to the members of the Unification Church who are trying to defeat communism as the Victory Over Communism education teams. It was an angel who gave Jacob the name Israel. Just as Jacob gained victory, we must now expand our realm of influence.
We are the only ones who can bring the Communist Party to natural surrender. In this world, there is no teaching apart from the Unification Principle that can make this happen. (019-218, 1968/01/07)
9. You have to go over walls and national barriers with the Unification teaching and stand proudly in front of the Korean people.
If you have to, you should grab any young person in the street and educate him or her in the Unification philosophy. The current circumstances in Korea call for such activism. Otherwise, the country will be brought to ruin.
Furthermore, you have to walk this path with the heart of a parent, in the shoes of a servant, and shed tears for humanity, sweat for earth, and blood for heaven. Only then will humanity, earth, and heaven be grateful for your tears, sweat, and blood. God comes only on the foundation of an offering.
This is why the members of the Unification Church must go through the age of offering on the individual level, fulfill the offering on the level of the people, and then move forward on the path of the world offering. (015-343, 1965/12/07)
10. America and its democratic allies created an uproar in 1967 by saying that God is dead. This event will create knots of bitter sorrow in history. Can God come back to life if He is said to be dead?
The time of God's “resurrection” will come within three years. Jesus was resurrected after only three days. So the time for God's resurrection is bound to come, now that He is “dead.”
Who in this age will make this happen? The Christianity of today's democratic world is not sufficient. It lacks a philosophy that can surpass communism, which has already spread around the world. So the Unification Church, which has a philosophy that can surpass communism, has to take on this task.
The Unification Church is a champion not only of standing up to communists but of overcoming communism itself through our teaching. We have to defeat communism with a philosophical counterproposal.
Besides pointing out the flaws of communist theory, we must also introduce an alternative worldview. As we in the Unification Church lead the fight with our Victory Over Communism thought, we must proclaim the living God to the world.
This world that has forsaken God is now heading for the ultimate crisis. At such a time, the mission of the Unification Church is to defeat materialistic communism and atheism with a new teaching and guide the democratic world back to God. (023-178, 1969/05/18)
11. A family of civilians in Gangwon Province was murdered by North Korean spies in October 1965. Following this tragic incident, both the ruling and opposition parties resolved to strengthen the anti-communist movement.
They set up Gangwon Province as a special region in which to demonstrate the effectiveness of this new policy, which will gradually expand to the whole nation.
All men aged 19 to 55 must join anti-communist organizations, and the Unification Church will bolster this struggle against communism. Even with this state of affairs, the South Korean government has failed to discredit communism and present a counterproposal.
Herein lies the reason that our VOC movement took off in Gangwon Province. Just as the last person becomes the first when people standing in a row turn around at the same time, from the providential standpoint, Gangwon Province moved to the forefront, even though it is the most backward province in Korea.
Moreover, many military bases are located there, and we can equip the Korean military with the Unification principles as much as we want. We will push upward even to North Korea with our philosophy. (016-066, 1965/12/26)
12. When you give an anti-communism lecture while representing God, on behalf of His people, you are not doing it for just those few people in front of you. In the providence of restoration, communism is Satan's force that must be defeated.
As God strives to establish a victorious people, you have to accept that you will not be welcomed until the entire nation welcomes God.
Then, when the nation welcomes God, you have to be humble and return joy to God. You need to ensure that all the virtuous people who were born on this earth as your ancestors are standing before you rather than behind you. You have to be persistent in going to places where you are not welcome.
This is part of the process. You still have many obstacles and hazards that await you, and more miles to run. You must overcome the obstacles along the path, no matter how great they are. (017-285, 1967/02/15)
13. Our regional leaders report that they have become quite popular among the local people. They say regional governors and ministers of home affairs want to award them certificates of recognition.
This means that the officials realize that the country must not ignore our teaching. The intelligence bureau in the police department that used to keep an eye on me wherever I went is now seeking to embrace the Unification Church. It is like when sunny places fall into shade and dark places come to receive sun, or when bad luck gives way to good luck.
Our situation is changing rapidly because the entire nation is facing a crisis that can be resolved only by strengthening its strategy to counter communism.
People cherish their lives and property, and they understand that not only themselves, but their relatives and tribe members will suffer death if they make a wrong choice. (017-031, 1966/11/06)
14. This is the history of a district leader who visited a county as a VOC lecturer. All the civil servants, from the community leaders of the town and the chief of police to the governor, came to his lecture. As
they sat waiting for the anti-communism lecturer, they saw a young man enter the venue. At first, they thought that he was the lecturer's assistant. So they asked him where he came from and when they might expect the lecturer.
Needing to give them an answer, the young man hesitantly replied that he was the lecturer. Realizing that this young man was the one for whom they were waiting, they began to talk among themselves.
They must have been baffled or even chagrined to discover that this young man, similar in age to their sons, was the very person they were expecting. However, they had no choice but to welcome him to the stage, since he had come by official invitation.
After two and a half hours of the young man's lecture, the audience was astounded. Our anti-communism lecturers are district leaders who are mostly in their twenties, yet they have done so well now that they are friends with governors and police chiefs.
No matter how great a teaching is, no one will recognize its value if there is no substantial result to back it up.
However, when the result surpasses the standard of the teaching, the value of that teaching will rise higher than the result. In this ongoing struggle, we must make good use of our results. We might have begun with bare hands, but we have to patiently accumulate our results and unite the people around us.
(019-218, 1968/01/07)
The VOC movement
On November 10, 1965, True Parents officially launched anti-communism education teams as a project for educating the citizenry. True Father then founded the International Federation for Victory Over Communism (IFVOC) on January 13, 1968, merging the anti-communist groups organized throughout the provinces.
The purpose of establishing the IFVOC was to empower the Korean people with the principles that could overcome communism domestically, and cope with the expanding international influence of communism.
15. Why did I create the International Federation for Victory Over Communism? I did not create it to be a symbolic affiliate organization. I created it to be an organization that could achieve a substantial result acclaimed throughout the world. Korea needs such an organization to achieve its ultimate goal.
We have to pass through the gate of ideological war. It does not matter if our country boasts of its world-class philosophy, or that America champions democracy.
We will be defeated if we fight the ideological war with obsolete weapons. I am very thorough in that regard. Who will play the leading role in the ideological warfare that will rage in the future on a global scale? This is a serious question. (138-014, 1986/01/13)
16. I support the church, continue with ecumenical work, and engage in Victory Over Communism activities for the sake of Korea's unification. I am well aware that the unification of Korea is the beginning of the unification of the world.
The liberation of North and South Korea is the beginning of the liberation of humankind. There is only one root, and that is Korea. This is why I have been sacrificing my entire life for the liberation of Korea.
I have now created a world-level foundation that enlightens people as to this reality. The division of Korea did not happen because Koreans wanted it. Since powerful nations were involved in the division of Korea, we must push those nations to cooperate in the reunification of our country.
We have to exert as much influence on them as we can in the background; otherwise, our liberation will be impossible. (171-189, 1988/01/01)
17. We must drive communism out of the Korean Peninsula. The history of Korea is the history of humankind in miniature. This is the reason Korea has become the battleground between the communist and democratic worlds, represented by North and South Korea.
Panmunjom, located on the ceasefire line, is a unique place in the world for dialogue because it represents the threshold on which God and Satan are confronting each other. This is why the new age, in which Korea can take the leading role in the world, has arrived.
The Unification Church is the only organization that has the energy and unity required to leap across the ceasefire line with the truth that can defeat communism.
It is the only group that has the power to stop the corruption of Christianity and march toward a new world. With this new name of Unification, we will march forward. (023-179, 1969/05/18)
18. I do not like the term anti-communism. Victory Over Communism is not anti-communism. However, Victory Over Communism cannot succeed without anti-communism as a first step. We must go on the offensive against the Communist Party.
I have hastened to create a nationwide movement for this purpose, but it has been put on temporary hold due to the world's opposition. Even though it is difficult, we must somehow overcome this stage. We have to move Korea, Japan, China, and the whole of Asia. In the future, I am going to organize an international anti-communist movement in Korea and America.
I plan to partner with other anti-communist organizations, equip them with a new philosophy, and cultivate anti-communist leaders. (017-151, 1966/12/11)
19. While seeking a way that can bring joy to God, I have chosen to tread a path of persecution. I thought about the path I had walked. What I prayed for in the past has become a reality.
The prayers I offered to God after entering North Korea have been realized. I was reminded of the time when I offered a prayer as I was going through some particular difficulties in South Korea.
I knew that the reason God was putting me through such hardships was not that He wanted me to wither and die; rather He wanted me to overcome the difficulties and great temptations of this world, so I might usher in the time that He had hoped to see.
We have to think about unification day and night. While walking the first seven-year course, word began to circulate that the Unification Church was the only answer. Unless we cause communism to surrender, neither this nation nor Asia can survive. (016-238, 1966/06/19)
20. What kind of organization is the International Federation for Victory Over Communism? Just as the name says, it is a movement designed to achieve victory over communism to assimilate it, not just defeat it and drive it out of the global village. A federation is an organic body, not just a single organization. It must be an organic body.
Communism stands on the foundation of nations and international organizations. That is why communists believe they can assimilate other ideologies. They think, “Today's democracy will surely perish.
We will be the victors.” Communism stands on the global foundation, a foundation that spans all nations. As the communists march toward victory on a world-level foundation, it is not just nations that connect to support this foundation; there are also international organizations that link the nations together.
Therefore, we need a foundation of organizations greater than theirs. Starting from the individual, we must move beyond the family, tribe, and nation. Conquering that, and heading beyond that, we have to create one body moving toward one purpose.
We are trying to create an unbreakable organization and defend against communism on a global foundation, a foundation that unites all nations.
(140-212, 1986/02/12)
21. The International Federation for Victory Over Communism has to lead both the church and the nation.
What we are doing goes beyond the dimension of religion and nation; we can lead all other organizations.
I am instructing our management staff to give lectures. You have to fight in a new direction, on a national level through IFVOC activities.
This is the stage we are at today. We will not be able to lead this nation through the Unification Church alone. Christianity and other religions will oppose us.
However, they will welcome us, lifting both hands high with joy, if we ask them to join in the fight against the Communist Party. When we give VOC lectures, we can transcend denominations. (110-136, 1980/11/10)
22. I have tried to initiate VOC activities since 1960. Since then, we delivered VOC lectures, even to imprisoned North Korean spies, through the Anti-Communism Department of the Ministry of Justice.
Seeing from this viewpoint, I knew our time would surely come. For ten years since 1960, the Unification Church has been walking the way of suffering and persecution, but things will change now. As the Unification Church works for the sake of the nation, the nation will create the external environment wherein the church can develop.
We have been giving VOC lectures. Look at the people who have finished their VOC workshops. How is such a change possible? How could a person change so dramatically within a few days?
Just the other day, a few local community leaders gathered to participate in a workshop. They argued among themselves at first, but they were transformed completely in only five days of training.
Overall, even they were amazed at the transformation they had experienced. It was something special, something beyond their understanding. We asked them about this many times, but they could not explain it.
(032-309, 1970/07/26)
23. Everyone is aware that the activities of the IFVOC are reaping success. This is why Korea's domestic affairs and intelligence authorities are sending people to be trained through our program without telling us.
In other words, they are sending professors who are responsible for setting the direction for this nation, and in charge of critiquing communism, to receive our education and submit reports about it. The intelligence agency is becoming keen on our teachings, based upon the recommendations of these agents and professors.
They report, “We should expand this education to the whole nation. So far, we've been able to critique communism, but have never been able to present an alternative to counter it.
For the first time, to our great delight, we've learned how to do so.” The leaders of the intelligence community are wide-eyed with astonishment as they listen to these positive reports. (034-043, 1970/08/29)
24. We have been working against communism. The Korean government did not welcome us. Indeed, they opposed us at first because we displaced organizations that were under the government's control.
The heads of such organizations tried to put all sorts of pressure on us in their attempts to eliminate us. Various organizations formed a pact to persecute us. However, justice and truth always prevail.
In just one year, by 1971, more than 1,000 Christian leaders attended our educational programs. During the past five years, we have trained a total of 6.5 million people in our programs. It is now clear that the Unification Church is leading the resistance against communism in Korea. We have taken the central
position in the field of anti-communist philosophy on college campuses. We are taking the lead in holding seminars for public servants and educational organizations.
In 1971, we taught Unification Thought to 400 prominent professors in Korea. No one else in this nation can protect Christianity internally and defend against communism externally. The battle against communism is also being waged in Japan, Taiwan, and other Asian countries. (053-079, 1972/02/09)
25. What did the Unification Church do after President Park Chung-hee was assassinated in October 1979? Since it was a great opportunity for Kim Il-sung in North Korea to invade the South, we gathered 700,000 people for an IFVOC rally.
We put our lives on the line and also spent an immense amount of money. It was not the government that did this. We have to digest whatever people say, create a foundation, and continue the struggle.
We are doing all of this by God's Will. We have to defend South Korea against communism by forming an anti-communist alliance, curtailing youth immorality, and reviving a declining Christianity.
If Christians do not receive us, we have to put them aside and do it on the Unification Church foundation. (110-238, 1980/11/18)
26. In 1983, when I met with Korean government officials, they were very surprised when they realized that I always stand on the side of eternal truth. The Korean people had suffered greatly over the shooting down of a Korean Airlines jet shot down in the skies above the Soviet Union and over the South Korean officials killed in the bombing in Rangoon, Myanmar.
When they received me, I could see in their faces that they saw a ray of hope. People's spirits were greatly depressed, but they gained hope through me, thinking that perhaps they would be able to find a way to defeat communism.
At the National Victory Over Communism Rally, I gave a clear message on how to defeat the communists, and the people of the nation welcomed it and responded with applause. I infused hope in the people who were indignant and yet overwhelmed by despair. (130-287, 1984/02/07)
27. I engage in the Victory Over Communism movement not to kill the communists, but to save and liberate them with truth and true love. Therefore, without any ulterior motive, I am trying sacrificially to help the communist world, which is on the brink of its demise.
On October 12, 1989, the PWPA invited prominent Russian journalists to join a discussion in Korea. At its conclusion, I sent them to Pyongyang, North Korea, to pass a message to Kim Il-sung. They were hesitant initially, but eventually, they delivered my message: First, I am not his enemy.
Second, he should abandon his political ambition to communize South Korea.
Third, he can live in happiness and prosperity as our brother only if he follows the trend of the world, abandons falsehood, returns to the truth, opens wide the doors of North Korea, and welcomes us with open arms. (198-164, 1990/02/01)
28. We have to let Kim Il-sung live and call him to stand as a witness. We need a witness who will testify to the greatness of Reverend Moon. I am not an anti-communist leader, but a Victory Over Communism leader.
I do not wish to kill communists; I only wish to save them. God wishes to save the world through good people. So, the person who tries to kill will perish, and the one who is giving them life from a position of goodness will prosper. The heavenly principle follows this grand path. (177-300, 1988/05/20)