Please Let Us Be Close To The Wellspring Of Your Heart

We long for the day when we can live together with you.

We long for the day when we can live together with you. Please let us become sons and daughters who long for you, and run towards you, and who can bring all the things of creation into harmony by offering greetings of joy and gratitude to you, having arrived at the day of glory when we can live together with you.

Since our minds and bodies were created resembling the external form of our Father, we earnestly hope and desire, Father, that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who resemble you completely.

Oh, Father! Humankind does not know that your sorrowful mind has permeated the earth, and does not know that the footprints of human history are soaked with the lonely tears of heaven. We have not known that the endless lamentations of heaven are encircling our minds and bodies.

Now we cannot help but admit that we are the descendents of rebellious humankind and that we cannot establish our dignity before heaven or be trusted by heaven.

Father! No one on earth can stop your tears, and there is no one to hold and comfort you in your sorrow, and there is no one to guard the path you are going.

Therefore, if there is grief on this earth, that grief is heaven's grief which has permeated the earth; if there is sorrow, that sorrow is heaven's sorrow which has permeated the earth, and if there is enmity, that enmity is heaven's enmity which has permeated the earth.

Therefore, humankind who are living on this earth are facing a destiny of not being able to help but be sacrifices of sorrow whether they want to be or not, and are facing a destiny of not being able to help but overcome their grief-filled selves whether they want to do it or not.

Amid the despair, the time has come to cry out to heaven with all that remains of our voices, saying, "Father! Please help us!" And the Last Days are arriving when we must call out, "Oh Father! Please find humankind with your heart of love." But in this kind of age, is there anyone who is clinging to and anguishing over your heart, and is there anyone who is clinging to and weeping over your mind? If there is such a person, that person could be called your true son or daughter and could be called your substantial reciprocal object partner.

Oh, Father, who has empowered our minds! We long for the stimulation of our minds which will let us feel your sad and indignant heart, and since we want to be close to the wellspring of your heart, please grant us the grace of being able to do that. Then if we are transformed by that heart, we know that at that point we will not be able to help but reveal our unworthiness, and we will not be able to help but repent taking on ourselves the sinful guilt of humankind.

Father! We, who are unworthy and inadequate, we, who have not been able to become solid rocks, are ashamed before you, our father who has established us and worried about us. It will not do unless we become saints who have a foundation where we can manifest ourselves in glory through our having comforted your hearts of sorrow and enmity. Therefore, please take dominion over us through your strength and power. If there are people who appear to have been twisted by sin, please touch them with your love, take dominion over them again, and mold them into another form.

We have humbly prayed all these things in the name of the Lord. Amen.

Please Allow Us To Consider On Our Own The Situation With Which We Are Faced
Father! This morning a lonely group has gathered before you.
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