NBC, CBS, and ABC have reputations as the best broadcasting companies in America. They are recognized around the world but they have done all kinds of wicked things to destroy me.
The newspapers have also attacked me, but since I already knew everything before their propaganda came out, it did not work. They put their stories in the newspapers and beat their drums, but since there was no one dancing to that rhythm, the drummers became exhausted and gave up.
Now we will mount our counterattack. Since we have a media company, we will challenge them through our newspaper. I called the responsible person in the editorial department at one of these papers and asked him to come see me. I gave him a hard time. I am waging this kind of battle.
That is why the issue is the actual results. It is not ability but actual results that will unify the world. Although you may not have the ability, you must nevertheless have results. To achieve results is to gain power from the universe. Presidents of nations are no match for me. They will come to their knees because they cannot match me in terms of great results and business. You should also have results that you can pass down to ensuring generations. You should bring this as a gift when you go to the spirit world.
When a woman gets married, she should bring at least a small gift to her grandfather-in-law and her other relatives. Then they will speak proudly of their new daughter-in-law.
When you go to the spirit world, your ancestors will call you in front of them and chastise you, saying, "You joined the Unification Church through the merits of your ancestors, so what did you accomplish before coming here?
Have you fulfilled your role as a tribal Messiah?
Would they not chastise you, when through your actions you could have liberated seventy-two generations of your ancestors but did not? So your mind must be properly educated.
You should recover all of God's people lost to the satanic world by engraving them into the heavenly world.
Dr. Sun Myung Moon
How many will you bring back to God's side through your efforts? How will you create the eternal tradition of the ideal of creation? How will you create the eternal tradition of true love among your relatives and all restored people? How will you connect your sons and daughters with this eternal tradition?
That is the issue. In the other world, this will be the key to having authority in your eternal life and having a position in the hierarchy of life. You should take care of your relatives and bring 120 families or more with you. So prepare yourself to avoid being ashamed. Not only ashamed; you may even be chased away naked.
Now I have already proclaimed the True Parents to the world. As the age of the world's chosen people passes by and we enter the period of welcoming the True Parents, the age has arrived when all people from the entire world will enter the realm of Israel. That realm will be organized according to the level of people's accomplishments.