22 min read

An Ideal Partner

No matter how hard human beings pursue the ideal, they cannot find it without God. Hence, the term "ideal" begins with God.

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

Headquarters Church, Seoul, Korea

To matching candidates

No matter how hard human beings pursue the ideal, they cannot find it without God. Hence, the term "ideal" begins with God. When you refer to an ideal partner, what do you mean by that? You would probably say, "If you and I like each other, we are ideal partners." Wouldn't you say that? That is not an ideal partner. God must be present. God would tell man A and woman B, I cannot live without you. I desire that you love and like each other. I hope that you can like each other more than I like you. 

Only when this happens, does one become an ideal partner to God. Simply put, a person who can set this standard is an ideal partner. Do you understand? Being good-looking is not ideal; nor is succeeding in society after getting a master's or doctorate degree ideal. People that love each other, from a position that God can like, are ideal partners. 

What, then, should you do to become a partner that is in a position God likes?

What are the things that should take place for God to like you? How can one become a partner that God likes? 

God has been related to the fallen world until now. In other words, God has been enduring the historical progress of the fallen world while holding on to his hope of an ideal world. 

However, God cannot realize this ideal by himself. Simply put, God cannot restore the ideal world without passing through the gateway of human beings, who are in the position of his ideal partners.

Dr. Sun Myung Moon

God must pass through the gate of his ideal partners. God must be able to pass through the gate of an ideal partner that he can like. 

For God to pass through the door of the ideal partner, the subjective, internal nature, and the objective, the external form must all exist within that ideal. The subjective, internal nature is male while the objective, external form of the male is female. However, when passing through the door of the ideal partner, one cannot pass through it all at once. The logic of heaven and earth does not come out all at once.

Even when giving birth, the baby does not come out all at once. Even if you give birth to twins, they are different from one another. The directions are different. That is why the history of restoration until now has been about first looking for a man who is an ideal subject. Hence, we can say that in the pursuit of the six-thousand-year history, what was being sought, was Adam, one person, alone. 

History tried to look for Adam alone but could not find such a being until now. Heaven has been looking for a man whom he could like the most, a man whom he could entrust everything to, a man who can understand the entire circumstance of God Almighty, a man that can make the heart of God, which is hidden inside, overflow by more than 100 percent, a man that can become his substantial son. Not being able to set up such a man has been the source of God's deepest sorrow. 

Therefore, the history of restoration has pursued such a man; a man with all the aspects of the ideal man God had internally constructed and a man that God can like. Until that ideal man is found, the ideal woman cannot be found. Hence, what has history been looking for throughout these six thousand years? This one man. 

How hard has God worked to find this one man?

His work did not only last for one or two days. Nor did he work for only a year or a hundred years. It took him thousands of years. How desperately did God long for this one man as the thousands of years passed by? How anxiously did he wait for this one man? How often would he have called this one man? Internally, he probably called this man dozens of millions of times. How strong was his desire to love this man? Imagine how much God has longed to live with this one man and share love with this person. 

The Internal Mission of God's Son

Think about this, please. If we are to talk in terms of quantity, it must be of a quantity some of which will remain even after completely filling the world and the universe. Under these internal circumstances, God has been longing for this one man, thinking about him and wanting to love him.

Wouldn't God do that? Think about whether God would do that or not. Would he or not? What do you think? 

Let us say that a man is born on earth as a son with these qualities. What should this man do from God's perspective? This man should be able to long for God to the same extent that God has yearned for him. The man must be able to be joyful and to yearn for God to the extent that God longed for him. In addition, he should be able to fight with a strong desire to love God back to the extent to which God had wanted to love this man. 

From God's perspective, the past was supposed to be ideal; however because of the Fall... Hence, one must be able to connect with the deep heart of God, who has been looking for a son to whom he can say, Throughout fallen history, no one was like you at any time nor was there someone who had the aspects I have been looking for.... You are the partner I have been without for six thousand years. I can set you in front of Adam's family and boast of you in front of Adam. I can set you up in front of Noah's family and boast of you in front of Noah.

I can set you up in front of Abraham's family and boast of you in front of Abraham. I can boast of you in front of Jesus. You have no shortcomings. You are fully qualified to be boasted of in front of all people during the historic Last Days of humanity. My son! 

Has the Son Been Found?

Now, has such a son been on earth until now? You have not thought of this. As the subject, such an ideal man should be able to completely clear away the sorrow and bitterness within God's heart; centered on God's hopeful circumstances and deep heart, the son and the father should be able to embrace each other 100 percent, become one and love each other. Who is the person in whom dwells God's hope to find this ideal and in whom such love can remain? It is the Messiah, whom humanity longs for, isn't it? Isn't that true? 

There is a story that is thousands of years old, tangled within the period until the Messiah appeared; a story and a resentment that tells of thousands of years old. Tangled within the eternal sorrow of God's heart, our Heavenly Father's heart has been longing to see the ideal son appear as a stimulant of new hope, which clears away all sorrow and resentment and makes walking with great hopeful strides toward a new heaven and earth possible. God, therefore, sent the Messiah to take on this responsibility. 

To Meet the Messiah that God Sent

Then what does humanity need to do to welcome the Messiah?

It is important to understand God's deep heart.

It is an unavoidable, absolute necessity to understand these three aspects God's deep heart, God's circumstances, and God's hope. That is why our Unification Church teaches about them. 

Not only does God love him but this person has also been able to establish relationships with all God's relative circumstances. Hence, were God to see this person, God would boast that there are no elements of accusation, none. He would boast that the son is the focus of his deepest love, the source of his deepest hope, and the most crucial condition to his happiness. If God were to lose the universe for having him, he would still be grateful. The joyful garden of love begins only from this kind of heart. 

Then when the Messiah emerges on earth... Being among those believers that have kept their faith to welcome the Messiah, is there anyone here that has longed for the Messiah or offered conditions for him equipped with these aspects, from this standpoint? There has been no one. 

Our young brothers and sisters of the Unification Church who work in the provinces will have experienced this when they go to work. As blessing candidates, they probably faced a lot of commotion as they tried to witness to people. If people were to ask them, Why are you doing this? They would reply, Our teacher told us to do this as a condition to receive the blessing. We are doing this to set conditions for the blessing. Most people think in this way. 

The blessing is precious. It is precious indeed. We should be able to offer this precious blessing to God; a promise that we will live for the sake of God and advance because God dwells within this blessing. A divine base of restoration through which the grieving historical heart of God can be liberated can be formed through blessing. 

As I just mentioned, when you come out from a place of hope in such a position and with a deep heart, you must be able to feel the need for preparation. 

What We Must Do

The creation and humanity were lost as a result of Adam's Fall. Heaven and earth were lost. Since the path we are following cannot unfold without indemnifying all these conditions, we naturally have to shoulder these conditions. We must overcome these circumstances.

You must push yourselves, respond to God's orders on the Korean Peninsula, and be able to do anything for it. If you were born a woman, you must have the determination to do everything including what women cannot do. In the same way, if you were born a man, you must be determined to do everything including the things men cannot do. With that determination, you should be grateful saying, I sincerely offer my gratitude to God for setting me up through these conditions even though I am inadequate. You must then prepare for this path as you sing on the base of a thousand-year-old deep heart. If you do not become such people today.

The Necessary Woman

Let us set this aside and talk about the ideal partner. A man, like the one I described before, must become one with God. This man must then be able to find a relative being that can represent God's deep heart and the earth and be a partner with whom the man can discuss Heaven's circumstances. In other words, Jesus had to find his bride on earth. 

What kind of bride should this bride be? She needs to be a partner that has embraced such circumstances. She needs to be a partner who knows how to answer when called, how to discuss any topic in diverse ways when her opinions are sought, and how to comply with a request while providing her support; with all these qualities she becomes the bride. Even though Jesus came on the foundation that Israel had prepared for four thousand years, he could not find a bride with these qualities. A bride of this type could not be found amidst the nation of Israel, amidst Judaism, among his relatives, or in any other place. As a result, not finding a bride and not being able to achieve God's will became Jesus' fate. This is what happened. 

What This Means for You

What should we reflect on here? Jesus came to earth, left a red heart, and passed away. He was unable to undo God's circumstances; instead, they became further entangled. God's deep heart of hope was deeply hurt again. Jesus' death aggravated his already sorrowful heart. When we consider this, we cannot avoid the conclusion that we must liberate all of God's heart. 

Then what about the man?

The man must become such a man. What about the woman? The woman must become such a bride. If you are born a man, you must be able to say, I am confident that I am that sort of man. If you are born a woman, you must be able to become a bride who can take the initiative to fight and come forward saying, Going beyond the people and beyond denominations, I am the substantial embodiment of the hope that Jesus longed for and wanted to look for; I am qualified and have no shortcomings. I will follow any path he desires me to, even if it is filled with all manner of suffering or is a path of death tilled with millions of hills that I must overcome. 

We should clearly understand how Jesus lost on the cross. When we think about it, women should have such hearts and men should also have the same heart. Our Unification Church should have such a heart. I also have such a heart. Regarding the path of restoration through indemnity, I have to follow a thorny path as a pioneer to the door of the ideal partner. Until I surpass the standard of the people, I cannot pass through the door of liberation. This is a resulting fact, from the point of view of the Divine Principle. 

What I Required In My Bride

That is why I have fought until now. This year is the last one of the twenty-one-year indemnity course that I have carefully followed. Within this process, I did not look for the most beautiful girl in the world as my ideal partner. Since the path ahead is difficult, I needed a person who could follow this thorny path with perseverance and patience. Instead of a wife who regarded the husband's position and the wife's position as equal, I needed a wife who would say, "It is right for me to obey millions of times over and be dragged millions of times." 

I will follow my one and only husband everywhere he goes. I needed a wife who possessed the determination to go through everything, whether it be a hundred percent good or bad with a heart of gratitude. 

What kind of person is this woman?

She is not a person that possesses everything or one that is as learned as everyone else. The bride had to be chosen from a type that was lacking. This is the very first condition that must be set to travel on this path safely. 

You will probably experience many hardships on your path for God's will. There will be many hardships. Even if we have gone through all storms related to our church, you still need to settle everything left behind by your ancestors once more; hence, your tribal affiliation will decide the path that you will take. 

 Even a married person might die before his or her time. Don't Unificationists die?

Hence, matching people so that they can avoid this misfortune and others (as much as possible) is in reality a serious matter to me. This is a truly serious matter because I have taken charge of matters regarding your life and your eternal life and am about to decide the direction you should take. That is why I am advancing with such a deep heart. 

A Couple that Can Be Ideal Partners

Then who is a man? It is a person that represents God. From the perspective of the original nature of God's creation, we find an internal nature and external form and find male and female nature there. A man born with these traits is God's other self. A woman is also God's other self. A man is God's right alter ego and a woman is God's left alter ego. When both a man and woman appear as substantial selves on earth, the man is set on earth as the embodiment of True Father, and the woman is set on earth as the embodiment of True Mother from the point of view of the coming True Parents. 

That is why this place is called the kingdom of heaven. A man cannot ignore a woman nor can a woman ignore a man here. Only when the two become one, can they become individuals that advance under one purpose with their view. No one is higher or lower hem. It is a place that is beyond the male-dominated view. 

From this perspective, problems become serious after receiving the blessing because there is no way to forgive mistakes committed after that. I do not talk about details such as how God will resolve this in the future. I do not talk about there being an exhausting and tedious way of resolving it. 

I have the biggest headache because of that now. Though it is I who gives the blessing, I do not have any responsibility over anything. What is the first vow? When I ask, "Will you take all responsibility for the mistakes you commit in your life of faith?" Brides and grooms reply, yes. In other words, they take full responsibility. Hence, I do not have any responsibility regarding whether they live well or not.... Based on a principled standard, 

I can be held responsible, but I am not responsible for any problem regarding your resultant lives. 

Among all those families that hid such problems, there are a few things. I have deliberately not held any general meetings for families even though the first seven-year course is almost coming to an end. It could have been different if I had taken care of those families, led them, and settled everything to a certain level. I knew this; however, because the Fall occurred within the indirect dominion, they cannot be qualified to stand in front of God if they do not pass through that process. That is why such people automatically end up falling away and getting tangled. 

From this perspective, who is a man? He has been raised with utmost zealousness. A woman is one raised in utmost zealousness as a man's partner. No matter how many men and women there are in the world, imagine this man and woman finally become a true man and true woman in history and that they become a re-created man and woman in history. How great that is! 

When this happens and God sees it and officially recognizes it by saying, "Yes, you are my son; you are my daughter. What you like is what I like. You and I liking each other is what the universe delights in," then the man and woman can form a family centered on God's love and the couple within that family can be called ideal partners. Do you understand? [Yes] 

You, thief-like men, is there anyone among you that came here with such thoughts? The problem is a serious one indeed. It may not seem such a big deal because there are many men and women here. However, imagine that an earthquake takes place on Earth or in the universe and everything collapses as a result; the only male survivors are those without an eye or arms, while there is only one female survivor who is the most beautiful among all women on earth, a beauty that you see in posters, a matchless beauty, one that is truly beautiful regardless of what light you look at her in. What will you do? Will the beauty complain, What kind of man is that? She will certainly find her partner and say, You are my husband and I need you. 

Will she do that or not?

Think about it Should she do that or not? If she doesn't, this woman will become an unpardonable woman in front of humanity and front of the world made through the principle of creation. Should she be called a wicked spirit or a witch that is worse than the devil? Or should she just be called a wicked spirit? 

All the women here, what would you do? Would you still want to marry despite that? Even if your husband rejected you and ran away, you must follow him and hold on to him saying, We started our lives together as a match made by Heaven. We are bound to each other as a match made by Heaven. Hold on to his legs; since he doesn't have arms, hold on to his legs. [Laughter] Shouldn't you be able to live together even if it means locking him up so that he won't go? Yes or no? [Yes!] 

Men, do you have to marry or not? Do you have to or not? Please answer. Do you have to marry or not? Yes? [We must marry.] What is there to question here? Of course, you all have to marry. Please try to consider that. Restoration. I also often think, If only there were a woman that could relate to God's will.

Absolute Obedience, Serve the Nation

Wait and see what becomes of the Unification Church. Rumors regarding all the persecution I received to this point and everything I have done have started around the world. This time, a rumor about me started circulating in Japan but returned to Korea. Do you think I did not anticipate all these problems? My plan is well set up, both inside and outside, but needs to be pushed ahead; however, because of the mistakes of women, in the end.

Eve's mistake in the Garden of Eden disgraced Adam; not only did she disgrace Adam but, she also handcuffed him and made all their posterity into slaves of the enemy for eternity. The nature of that woman left a huge thorny path in front of Unification Church members in this age. Women did that. 

As long as women desire to, they can chat many times a day. If three women meet, only fights will occur. That is why in the era of restoration women must be able to have the mindset, Please catch and eat me. 

The Heart of Jesus Who Must Restore All Tasks
You know that the coexistence of the desired Kingdom of Heaven and undesirable hell is inevitable during the restoration of fallen people.

Didn't Jesus do that? Jesus said to God, I am a young sheep. If you tell me to die, I will. In other words, he said, please catch and eat me. Did Jesus do that or not? 

He probably said, "I, with disheveled hair, failed; I am a sinner for causing eternal embarrassment to God by failing to fulfill my responsibility. Please catch and have me; realize the liberation of your sorrowful and bitter heart. Just as a young sheep that cannot protest against being sheared," Jesus probably said, "Please catch and have me." 

ITosave face for Adam, before Jesus died on the cross, Jesus said, "My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as thou wilt." How miserable is that? It is like saying, Please catch and have me; I cannot raise my head. 

Why is that? He could not raise his head because he did not fulfill the central cosmic responsibility as a man. Even if he were to die thousands or tens of thousands of times, there was no way to apologize for this circumstance.

Even though blood was flowing from his hands and feet, he said, May God's compassion be here in greater depths. May God's abiding love dwell here by the more blood I shed and the more my life deteriorates. It was as if he prayed in this manner, even though he was shedding blood and following the fateful path of death. Because, before leaving„ Jesus left the following prayer, "The way to God's love, his mercy, and his compassion is in me, within all the blood I have shed; even though I leave in this manner, please do not leave behind such an environment for the man coming to future descendants.

May you be able to give the love you couldn't give," the day of hope for the Lord at his Second Advent, the way to the day when we can sing about a peaceful kingdom beyond any suffering became connected. 

Hence, Jesus is a young sheep. Right? Is the young sheep a big sheep or a small one? [A small one] How can a small shee... Whether you hit it or tie it upside down, the young sheep has no way to protest. However, a big sheep can make use of its horns. Right? 

Let us say that this man inherits heavenly authority and appears on earth. How should a woman react in front of such a man? What should a woman do? Women, should you do that or not? [We should] You must obey and submit to this man, who is like a young sheep. When a man who can represent and fulfill the duty of the Messiah, who came on earth with victorious authority, appears on earth, how should a woman react in front of this man? You must become ya oung sheep in front of this man. You must become like him. Only by becoming such people can you be restored. Without going through this process and completing it, indemnity won't take place. 

Why do you think I have sent you all to provinces? What kind of son or daughter is God looking for?

God is looking for sons and daughters who are obedient but twhocan also proclaim him to the world. Do you understand what that means? In other words, he wants us to look for sons and daughters thwhore obedient but have the caliber through which they can receive official approval in front of the people and world for having obeyed. 

That is why the Unification Church's method of teaching is that of serving and sacrificing for the people. When genuine sons and daughters are found, let us bless those who sympathize with these sons and daughters, let us share our blessings with those thawhoe compassionate toward these sons and daughters with a happy heart. 

What, then, is that place where one can have compassion to a degree that is great and deep?

The more an environment weighs on the lives of those sons and daughters, the greater compassion they can receive. That is why when one risks one's life for the le, if there is a person that shows compassion; in other words even if the people are against you, there is still one person amidst them that shows sympathy, the sin committed by the entire people can be forgiven through this one person that showed sympathy. Do you understand? 

Even though these people and other churches have opposed the Unification Church, if there are those among these people who show sympathy and express support for our fight, the people will receive blessings thanks to them. Since they're part of this people and have loved us from this people's standpoint, let us love and show sympathy to these people. This is restoration. I'm saying that when we are established, let us bless those who showed us sympathy. That is why you are going down to the provinces and working so hard. 

Desiring a Partner

What is an ideal partner? Satan cannot make false charges against you if you advance after having surrendered to the people and received sympathy and official approval from them. When you come forward representing the people, saying, "Ah, the path these people are taking is the truth; they are amazing indeed," with flags and banners, you can truly become qualified to be in a world-level position of glory as sons and daughters. I am asking you to go out and welcome suffering to set up such an environment and condition. I am saying that we raise people as qualified people.

God Wishes to Bond with You as Father and Child
We have been calling God only conceptually. We call God, considering Him as only a subject figure in a religion. However, the reality is vastly different.

Do you understand what I am trying to say?

Concerning most of you leading more than three years of public life for the Such a man and woman will finally represent history, settle everything until now, and finally appear in front of a new heaven and earth in history in a state that God likes, one saying, "I will love the man God likes as much as God does," and the other saying, "I will love the woman God likes as much as God does." Thus, they will be matched, out of their desire to do so through engagement and living together in married life. Do you understand? 

So I will ask women, Can you love a man that God likes as much as God does?

Will you love the man as much or not? [We will] This is principled. Will you love him as much as God loves him or not? [We will love him.] If you won't, you are on Satan's side. Now, what about you men? Will you love the woman as much as God does? [Yes] Your answers were vibrant. You were tempted by Eve because you can so easily answer. [Laughter] 

If you loved a woman that God can love more than you loved God, God would not be jealous. This would be something novel to those in the world. Isn't that correct?

If you are sons that God loves, you won't say to your wife, who loves God, Hmm, you love God more than me? Stop loving God and love me more. 

Men who say so are thieves. You must be able to say, I am truly happy that you love God more than you love me.  

We start from that point. We came all the way here starting from this circumstance of the heart. The two of you should be able to hang on to God to the point that you cannot let go of him and God tells you, That's enough. 

Isn't that right? Shouldn't God bless you? God likes that. Children coming from such a couple would receive incredible blessings. They would be endowed with blessings in the future. 

Even though you are in a position desiring the decision of such an ideal partner, the male candidates here have been sitting, holding up their heads like bulls and looking around to find someone like quails, not being aware of how God sees it. [Father imitates the men and the audience laughs.] 

You are seeing everything that is there to see. You see everything that is there to see at any time. However, I do not desire that. When it comes to the principle.

From now on, you will have to prepare under this determination. Do you understand? 

You still have some time left until that moment, so please offer conditions. You should be able to pray, "What kind of man would True Father connect me to?

What I want is a family. I want to live for the family." You should be able to pray, "I want to live for the world. Where is that person who can sympathize with my wish to live for the world? Father, as you well know, I want to live for the people. Where is the partner that can feel compassion and easily follow this path?" 

You should be able to pray, "Even if I follow this path, I will not go alone. I have to follow this path representing this people, representing this religious order. When it comes to a devoted son, I desire to advance as a representative of devoted sons; when it comes to a patriot, I desire to advance as a representative of patriots; when it comes to virtuous women, I desire to advance as a representative of virtuous women; when it comes to devoted daughters, I desire to advance as a representative of devoted daughters.

Hence, Father, please give me a partner in following this path. I want to follow this path to raise your glory, to raise the status of the people, to make our way clean for future descendants, and to overcome the taints of history. I am ready to render true gratitude to Father for eternity for allowing me this woman, whether ugly or pretty, to sing in joy and to follow this path praising you. So, please do not worry." 

Pledge to Resolve Resentment

Then, where have all the families that received the blessing headed to? Those focusing on the family end up flowing away. The purpose I married wasn't to save the family. Even now, I am still educating Mother; I am not following this path for the family. I am doing it for the nation and in order to complete the mission of restoring the cosmos.

We should be able to pledge ourselves to this task whenever we open our eyes. We should be able to shed tears for it. When it comes to the indemnity course, I believe this is the gift that I can leave to history as a parent. This is the life philosophy that is held within the Teacher's family. We need such a tradition. 

Restoration And Blessing
The great accomplishment of the Unification Church has been to regard the events of history as a process of restoration.