3 min read

Dutch People Have Willpower and Commitment

I was told that people in the Netherlands have a special ability to learn foreign languages.

I was told that people in the Netherlands have a special ability to learn foreign languages. What about learning Korean? Whether you like it or not, you will have to go to the spirit world someday; if you cannot speak Korean, what will you do?

How do you feel now, after the speech? Do you feel how great a period this is that we are living in?

Beginning in May of this year, I have spoken in every state of the United States, giving a total of 56 speeches. Additionally, I spoke at the United States Congress and the United Nations. I then went to Japan, where I gave 27 speeches, including one at the Japanese Diet.

From there, I went to Korea and spoke on forty major university campuses. The task was not easy; however, I took up the challenge and won all the victories. Finally, I came to Europe, and now I am with you.

Even the weather creates miracles

Based upon the foundation of victory already laid by True Parents, even external conditions are helping us. Wherever I go to deliver this speech, the weather welcomes me, even creating miracles for me. For example, this summer, while I was touring America, there were severe floods.

The entire city of Des Moines, Iowa, was flooded, and the highways were closed.

For two weeks, people could not get into the city, and all the hotels were closed.

The day of my speech was approaching. The day before I arrived, the city was still flooded, and the hotel at which I was scheduled to speak was still closed.

We were desperate, yet I was confident. The hotel finally opened the night before I was supposed to speak. When we arrived at the hotel, although it had not opened completely, several floors were open, and I was able to speak. The weather had been terrible, rainy, and overcast, but as I was traveling to the city, sunshine followed me.

It had been raining, but as I arrived, the sun started shining, and while I was speaking, the sky was bright. Everyone was happy to get out of their houses and away from the flood, so they came to the speech.

The next morning, by the time I left the city, it had started to rain; one day after I left, the city was once again entirely closed. We can call that a miracle. We experienced countless miracles like that, big and small, even in Japan and Korea.

Think about the content of the proclamation I make every day. It is a revolutionary proclamation for Christians, considering what they believe.

However, even though I came with this rather revolutionary “atomic bomb,” in all the speeches I have given, not a single person stood up and opposed my proclamation. This is a miracle. [Applause.]

Equip yourself as a fighting soldier

Please have confidence from now on. Do not be hesitant or afraid. Have confidence and courage. Study this speech text prayerfully every morning and every night. By doing so, you equip yourself as a fighting soldier. Furthermore, you have to manifest this proclamation and practice it in your daily life.

In this special period, the entire spirit world is being mobilized to help you if you are on the same line with True Parents. Therefore, if you just go out and witness without knowing why, people will automatically open their hearts. We are living in a different time. There will be no opposition; people will be attracted by your heart.

On my way here from Belgium, I had a chance to stop by the museum that shows the dike system on the delta here in the Netherlands. I learned that your people historically have fought all kinds of obstacles, including natural disasters and wars, and have always won the victory. The people in this country have strong willpower and commitment.

I am hoping that in front of God and True Parents, as blessed couples and as Unification Church members, you will do your absolute best so that the Netherlands can be the first country restored in the world. Can you do that? [YES!] Stand up and show your commitment.

Mother Speaks of Father’s Forty-Day Transition
You may not be aware of this, but today marks a new starting point for the providence.