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Global Unification Leadership

Following that, True Parents personally taught them at a 40-day workshop in Cheongpyeong and then appointed them as national messiahs.

North-South Unification and World Peace - True Parents Legacy
True Parents have offered their entire lives to end the kingdom of hell on earth and in heaven, which arose due to the Fall of our first ancestors, and to establish the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.

National messiahs 

At a True God's Day commemorative ceremony held on January 1, 1996, at the World Mission Center in the United States, True Parents presented awards to church leaders who had served for more than 33 years and missionaries who had served for more than 21 years.

Following that, True Parents personally taught them at a 40-day workshop in Cheongpyeong and then appointed them as national messiahs. National messiahs are tasked as True Parents' second selves with the mission to restore the nations of the world.

True Parents told them that national messiahs teach, through their blood, sweat, and tears, the blessed news of the True Parents: the change of lineage, the Word, and the restoration of the earth. 

1. How do we restore everything that was lost in the Garden of Eden? We have to return to our hometown. For this purpose, I have sent out tribal messiahs and national messiahs.

Originally, God could send only one Messiah, who was Jesus. But working from God's position, I have sent out national messiahs to 184 nations. 

These national messiahs are at a higher level than the tribal messiahs at the time of Jesus. What is the difference? Jesus was unable to marry. He did not have a family. Thus, I have sent blessed families to my place.

Their assignment as national messiahs corresponds to their being in the realm of direct dominion. If the family is not restored, the kingdom of heaven cannot begin. This is why I bless couples around the world and send out national messiahs.

They each have their own family. They are to take root in the realm of direct dominion, which Satan cannot invade. (282-030, 1997/02/16) 

 2. National messiahs must completely resolve Jesus' grief. Jesus had to completely resolve the bitter sorrow that resulted from the corruption of Adam's family. Jesus was to have established his family messiahship, united his nation, and then assimilated Rome, but these things were not realized.

Because I stand in the leadership position, whether in the United States which represents Rome in the present world, or South America, the time for them to oppose me has passed.

Since I am in the position of leading the world, from the position of the world Messiah, I could send out national messiahs. It does not necessarily mean that because there are a few nations where national messiahs cannot fulfill their responsibility God's Will cannot be realized. 

What is intended to happen through the Third Israel is to bring all nations into balance within its realm. 

Therefore, all people of the 184 nations of the world are ascending to a position where they can receive God's blessing equally. National messiahs have been sent out with the mission of building bridges to achieve that result.

National messiahs have to take on the responsibility of resolving the difficulties of their assigned nations. They cannot burden anyone else with it. They need to save their nation, even if it means selling their home or neglecting their clan. 

I have invested my entire fortune, my everything, to unite North and South America. The national messiahs require this same mindset, to make great contributions that will last throughout history. 

God will cooperate with them only when they follow the same plan to achieve the same end. A national messiah is like a governor in his or her nation. The age has come when each one can govern a nation with full authority.
(282-333, 1997/04/07) 

3. Blessed families from the four nations of Korea, Japan, the United States, and Germany will go to 184 nations. Families from these four principal nations will be assigned to each nation.

Four families for each of the 184 nations totals 736 families. If the US falls short in this, then England and France will have to make up for it. Italy is coupled with Germany in the same way. The families will relate with their nation's embassy. 

These people from the seven nations will carry out the true family movement. The true family movement is the pure love movement and also the true love movement. Adam and Eve lost purity, true parents, and true love in their family. That needs to be indemnified. 

All of these families have to unite under one responsible person, one parent, and influence their assigned nation and the world. These representatives are not sent out as tribal messiahs or family messiahs but as national messiahs.

These will be national messiah family groups. So now that we have sent national messiahs to 184 nations, and once these nations are restored, the liberation of the authority of the global messiah will unfold naturally.

This is the beginning of the movement that will restore kingship and realize the kingdom of heaven on earth. (278-326, 1996/06/23) 

4. I have come up to the stage of liberating the world. I have ascended to this stage from the stage of liberating the position of the Messiah on the individual level, family level, tribal level, people level, national level, world level,l, and cosmic level, and finally liberating God.

As I will place you in the position of national messiah, you have to practice absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience, just as I have done with God. So when you leave, sell your house, sell your land, and transplant all of that into your assigned nation.

You have to invest everything, as I have done. Since what you have to invest is not that much, you should go as tribal messiahs, the messiah of 180 families. When you go to your nation, you should have them relocate there with you in one big move. 

You need to go to that nation as the messiah in the position of the subject partner and save it. To achieve this, a messiah must bring Cain and Abel to surrender. You need to unite the current president with the former presidents, and also unite the cabinet ministers.

You must work so that after you make plus and minus completely one, you can achieve a national turning point and engraft the nation all at once. When you do that, national liberation will be accomplished. 

I have already created the environment. I have achieved the perfection of Adam, the perfection of Jesus, and the perfection of the Lord at the Second Advent.

Within me are both Jesus and Adam. What this means is that I have completed what Adam and Jesus left undone.

Thus, a ladder extending from hell to the heavenly kingdom has been built. Satan said he would break that ladder, but now he has surrendered completely. I fought against Satan and he surrendered.

The highway has been paved. There is only one of its kind. This ladder I built in 40 years is something you cannot build in even 4,000 years. I am lending you this ladder of victory. (279-168, 1996/08/04) 

5. National messiah is a term never heard of before in history, but being a national messiah is more valuable than being the president of a nation for 10,000 years.

National messiahs become the ancestors of their nations. They become the founding ancestors of the heavenly kingdom. (281-170, 1997/01/02)

6. As a national messiah, you are the father of your nation. You must educate the people. You bear the responsibility to educate the president and cabinet members. And you must have the idea that after educating the nation's people, you are going forth to mentor them to become senators, cabinet members, and even the president.

You are mistaken if you think that without making such preparations, you will just meet your nation's president and do something with him or her.
(286-188, 1997/08/10)

7. As national messiahs, you have to be a role model so that you can move the people of your assigned nation naturally. You cannot eat and sleep as everyone else does. Since you are a parent, you cannot do that. You have to be a role model. The problem is that everything depends on one leader.

The one who tells others what to do yet fails to set an example before them is a thief. If you tell others to live for the sake of others, you also should live for the sake of others.

Otherwise,e you are a fake. Indeed, you need to live for the sake of others until the moment you die.

And if you die without having finished your work, you should repent with tears of agony. However, even in the world after death, you need to live for the sake of others.

To keep in step with that vast, expanded world, you need to be able to influence every part of that world, with its many subdivisions. In short, you need to live centering on a love that encompasses all those subdivisions.
(297-190, 1998/11/20) 

8. National messiahs are in a position where they will have to invest on behalf of God. When investing as an individual, they should not give priority to their family or anything else over the nation for which they are responsible.

If national messiahs plan to make money in their assigned nation and return home, they will be punished. You cannot return home. You need to create the proper environment in your nation.

To do so, you need to invest in love and life even when you give directions. Then the people of Satan's lineage will surely bow their heads before you. 

We need to eradicate Satan's lineage in this way. We cannot do it by force. We have to bring about voluntary surrender. Such is the work of re-creation.

This is the same as God's great work of creation, which He accomplished as the absolute subject partner investing His entire being without any expectation of recompense. The same applies to you.

National messiahs are the true parents who invest in their nation. That is why national messiahs have to invest everything in their nation.

They have nothing of their own. You should not leave behind a house or land and think, “I will come back later and live there.” You should not have anywhere to return to. (287-268, 1997/10/05) 

9. As national messiahs, you represent True Father and True Mother in your nation. Therefore, you and your spouse should form relationships with the couples who represent that nation, such as the president and first lady. That relationship connects the past, present, and future. 

If there are many good ancestors of that nation, every one of them will contact their descendants on earth. Ancestors connect to the physical world through their descendants, but their descendants may not be in high positions.

Because this world has been under Satan's dominion for so long, bad people have stood at the forefront of power. Good people, unfortunately, have been in relatively low positions. 

Therefore, when spirits in the incorporeal world visit the descendants of good ancestors and try to cooperate with them, the fact is that the people they cooperate with might not be in high positions.

This is why you should not confine your attention to the people of the highest social classes. You represent your nation's head, be it the president or king, and should treat all the people in your nation impartially. If you fail to do this, you will block heavenly fortune from coming to your nation. (286-195, 1997/08/11)

10. The national messiahs' nations have religious leaders, and the national messiahs have to be more devout than those religious leaders. There are patriots in that nation, and national messiahs should not be outdone by them.

The national messiahs must surpass their offering. That is the task given to national messiahs. In light of God's Will, responsibility is given to people in high positions. 

We do the opposite of the way of the world: the higher your position, the more important and various the fields you have to invest in without any expectation of recompense.

This is why my life is exhausting, far more than if I were to live for my own sake. Though exhausting it may be, I do not consider it wearisome. 

You must understand the importance of the position you are in as a national messiah. Your families have been established as the representatives of Father, of True Parents, and you should work accordingly.

For God to come to your nation and work freely centering on your family and the Unification Church, you need to stand in the position of an owner who can bring about re-creation. You have to recreate through the power of God.
(286-198, 1997/08/11) 

11. National messiahship is a conditional responsibility based on a covenant you have established in front of God and Father. You cannot expect to continue the old habits you developed while living freely in Korea.

You must become new. You need to set conditions according to the standard of the age of equalization. You will find yourself in great trouble if you continue to live as you please and forget the conditions you need to set.

Your entire clan will perish. If several tribes are destroyed, your nation will not be able to follow the path it is meant to go. Your nation itself could be destroyed. 

I have no doubts because I know that this is the way. In my life, I have never doubted. I always fulfill the things I believe in and promise, even if it means having to go to some trouble to do so.

You, too, must set a condition in front of heaven so that you can eliminate any condition for Satan's accusations. Only when you stand in the position of liberation and freedom can God protect you. You receive blessings by performing ancestral rites well.

Therefore, as national messiahs, you need to fulfill your conditional responsibility. Since you have gone to your nation taking responsibility in my place, you need to follow my direction and distribute blessings to each country.
(286-210, 1997/08/11)

12. In their assigned nation, national messiahs must wake up earlier and go to bed later than their church family. They are in the parents' position. If your church brothers and sisters do not have clothes to wear, the national messiahs should give them their clothes.

It will not do at all for them to fail to give such personal care and yet wish to exercise authority on the national level. (286-224, 1997/08/11)

13. National messiahs must become people who can manage their bodies with their minds as the center. They need to become the most successful business people.

They need to become the most prominent in the religious field – people who can discuss the spirit world and all faith traditions better than anyone else. If they can achieve this, the president and leading figures of their nation will surely seek them out. (287-179, 1997/10/03) 

14. National messiahs must follow the life course I have walked. They have to abandon their nation and go out into the world. I did not say I would support them financially.

They have to make money as best they can and become self-sufficient. National messiahs must assign tribal messiahs and family messiahs who center on the clans within their nation, and move these clans on a grand scale. Each tribal messiah connects to 180 families.

Thus, when they give the Blessing, they give life to the nation, their tribes, and their succeeding generations. They must develop this in their Cain nation representing the world before they return to their nation.

God can establish a nation centering on those tribes. This is something that must be done. (289-318, 1998/02/02) 

15. National messiahs must secure the authority of the tribal messiahs. They must repair to this earth the families of Satan's world, centering on the completion of family messiahs.

They have to eradicate Satan's lineage. In this way, the spiritual world and physical world can be turned inside out. Accordingly, in the new original world, True Parents must follow God. National messiahs will follow such True Parents. 

Tribal messiahs must follow such national messiahs, and family messiahs must follow tribal messiahs. 

This is how the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven works. God's ideal of creation, which has been left unfulfilled even to this date, can be accomplished when everyone finds their place in this way. 

After finding again the original heart with which God created Adam and Eve and the substantial realm of love, we must harvest the fruit of love through the substance of love.

Once we establish the condition of returning to the original position that serves as a blueprint for a nation based on the ideal family model, we will be able to advance to the age when God is present everywhere, immanent everywhere, with all authority and power.

When that age comes, we will be free. Such is the great mission that has been given to national messiahs. National messiahs are the Abel kings. They must take responsibility for everything in their assigned nations. (297-180, 1998/11/20) 

16. I have sent out national messiahs to convey the marriage Blessing to the people of each nation, to take them to the kingdom of heaven, and to make it possible for them to go to the liberated kingdom in the spirit world.

We have to bless everyone in every nation, from the president to the last citizen. National messiahs are true parents who have been sent to each country. True parents bestow upon people the right to enter the kingdom of heaven. (294-106, 1998/06/14) 

17. What age will come when the age of the national messiah passes? When the national messiahs fulfill their responsibilities, the age of the kingdom of heaven on earth will dawn. Those who are responsible for welcoming this age that is fast approaching should not act on their own accord.

They need to be at the center and mentor the politics, economics, and culture in their assigned nation from the first to the last. This is the enormous responsibility they need to fulfill. A messiah has that kind of responsibility. 

The terms “family messiah,” “tribal messiah” and “national messiah” will not fade away. The beginning of everything is True Parents, so there cannot be any family or siblings without True Parents at their center.

The children who are born of the lineage of True Parents cannot deny True Parents. This is because True Parents are the beginning, the process, and the result of everything. National messiahs have to follow my direction.

It will not do for them to act on their accord as they see fit, or follow their old habits. Now the time has come for them to move forward, following the formula course. They have to move by the formula. (283-009, 1997/04/08) 

Anointed representatives (boonbongwang) 

On April 13, 2008, True Parents selected some national messiahs to serve as anointed representatives (boonbongwang). True Parents asked them to go out to all corners of the world 

 and complete a new heaven and a new earth, that is, Cheon Il Guk. Boonbongwang is a Korean word that refers to a position held by the prefects of Rome at the time of Jesus, who governed regions such as Judea.

True Parents said that if Jesus had not died on the cross, he would have sent out these anointed representatives to all parts of the world through Rome, and thus realized Cheon Il Guk, the peaceful kingdom of liberation and freedom, at that time. True Parents emphasized, therefore, that the mission of the anointed representatives is to teach the highest leaders in every nation and bring them to work for God's Will. 

18. At the Universal Peace Federations Rallies for the Restoration of the Homeland, I asked the True Children to join True Mother and I. Because of the unity True Mother and the True Children had with me, we were able to hold the rallies.

It takes more than the Father to purify the lineage. The lineage is purified only when the ovum and sperm are united. This is why Father must create the path for Mother. 

The purpose of the speaking tour of 120 nations was to find people in those nations who could become anointed representatives. This is what Jesus should have arranged in 120 nations on the national level. 

Anointed representatives govern representing heaven. Representing their nation, they have the authority to purify the lineage, and, centering on Cain and Abel, to separate people from Satan's lineage. That is why our sons and daughters had to be one with Mother. (533-280, 2006/07/29)

19. Anointed representatives should unite those who have served over time as a nation's leaders. If there are six former leaders in a particular nation, the anointed representative should choose the two most exemplary among them and then pick one of those two by lot. Human will should not interfere in this. 

Even in a family, a father cannot do things arbitrarily. The father and mother should draw lots. Only when the person in charge receives heaven's approval can he act as the owner of his household?

The Will is not fulfilled at random. An orderly world is formed following strict formulas and principles, and that is why this great universe has been able to operate as it has until now without its components colliding. 

These laws apply to the ends of the earth, and people who do not obey them will become corrupted and lost. (592-322, 2008/06/13) 

20. National messiahs are similar to the prefects who served during the Roman Empire. They are governors and Abel-type kings.

Therefore, when you are a national messiah of a nation, like a prefect, you stand in a position where you can appoint ambassadors and lead that nation directly while positioned on the side of heaven. (390-107, 2002/08/05) 

21. Now we have to anoint representatives for 194 nations. An anointed representative is a person who should be able to solve the problem of who will be the nation's next president.

This is why the kingship of parents must be established on the foundation of the Cain-type kingship and Abel-type kingship. From God's standpoint, the anointed representatives are more worthy, even, than the President of the United States. (602-117, 2008/11/13) 

22. The financial resources of Cheon Il Guk, the peace kingdom, have to be used to build embassies in each nation. Then the Unification family must send out the anointed representatives.

The anointed representatives are like the prefects assigned to far-off places in the Roman Empire. The time has come for you who have restored the position of the elder brother and have become the number one son to be dispatched as the anointed representative.

You are the people who have come forward with the mission to lead the peoples of this world as their ancestors. Those who do not understand the Principle cannot participate in this. God's peace kingdom is the true fatherland for blessed families. (500-136, 2005/07/10)

23. National messiahs are like my anointed representatives. They are comparable to the prefects appointed by Rome, the governor-generals who ruled the provinces of the Roman Empire.

My anointed representatives are Abel-type kings who are to save their people. National messiahs should take the position of my anointed representatives, and my governor generals, and become one with the head of their nation. 

But your national messiahs failed to do this. Therefore, even now, you should make a condition to go back to your mission country and educate the president of that nation about the Will so that he can follow it. 

When you go to your mission country, you should establish oneness with the national leader and work with the blessed families and church members there to turn that nation around.

You are responsible for spreading the news that I am the Lord of the Second Advent, the Savior, and the True Parent, so that no one, not even slum-dwellers, can claim that they have not heard it. (516-128, 2006/02/04)

24. There are anointed representatives and ambassadors for peace in 194 nations. Those who have been assigned as national messiahs have to fulfill their responsibility as anointed representatives.

After directly supervising the ambassadors for peace, the anointed representatives are responsible for teaching them so that they can live as families of heaven nations.

There are not many days left, and the anointed representatives have the responsibility to finish this work as quickly as possible. (2009/10/31)

25. National messiahs, as anointed representatives, should educate the people of their assigned nation. 

They need to become leaders who can educate their nation's present rulers and call upon its past rulers and instruct them. I have created the textbooks and trained educators who are more than capable of this. 

Therefore, I am the Peace King. The Peace King is the king of kings. I have become the King of Peace and live in attendance of God. This is why I am the king of kings and, at the same time, the king of all nations.

I am the king of all kings. This is why God is with me. I opened the door and liberated God, who had been trapped helplessly for tens of thousands of years. (597-293, 2008/09/14) 

The Mongolian People’s Federation
True Father said that the movement to discover family roots will continue until all people become true children who have inherited God’s lineage.