Please Let Our Hope And Your Hope Correspond

We know that it is lamentable that our minds have lost the place where they can dwell

Father! We know that it is lamentable that our minds have lost the place where they can dwell, and it is lamentable that they have been deprived of their qualification of being able to discuss their value together with the entire world and cosmos.

We know that the original human beings had a direction to go, and in an environment of freedom where they had formed a relationship with you, Father, the great Lord of heaven, they should have sung songs of your value, sublimity, and goodness, and they should have enjoyed harmonizing with you through your heart.

Human beings are searching around to find again the original position they lost, and they are taking great pains today also to find again the original value they lost.

We hope to sing eternally together with the Lord in the garden of the purpose where we can rejoice by having harmonized our minds and bodies and having linked our hearts. From the day we move our footsteps in the direction of that garden, no matter what kind of difficulties or sorrows we run into, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become sons and daughters who will not hesitate until the day we obtain all those things. We earnestly hope and desire at the same time that you will decorate with an unchanging value that is more than adequate to move the entire world of beings in heaven and on earth; at least our hearts, which are sincere about you, are like the pine and bamboo and are always boiling up.

If there is a Lord of creation, we can know even through reasoning that such a being is to be longed for, and we know that: this is your hope also.

We earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to become your sons and daughters who are adequate to win over the dangerous world of sin, the fallen world, and to form a relationship with you on that kind of standard.

We have humbly prayed in the name of the Lord, Amen.

Please Let Us Become Your Children Who Go Over The World-Level Wall Of Sorrow
Today we feel that the history of your struggle has continued down through the age with humankind being unable to remove the yoke of this kind of environment.
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