Father! People thought that this historical event which occurred in a corner of Korea would be pursued and driven out and that it would disappear like flowing water. But now it has spread out to the world and is creating controversy in Japan, America, Germany, and the entire world.
But we know that this is not something to destroy the world; rather, it is something to destroy Satan's world. We know that it is a historical event to banish the very being of Satan from this land. Since we are the brave people of heaven who are carrying the mission of this kind of awesome restoration, please, please allow us to be strong and of good courage.
Father, please be with us always. We know that behind us there are always thousands and thousands of saints who are ready to fight to the end. For us there will be nothing but advancing; we must go forward for this nation; we must go forward for this world; and we know clearly that we are on a course of restoration today that includes the awesome mission of liberating even the spirits who are in the entire cosmos. Father, we earnestly hope and desire that you will allow us to follow this way to the end.
Father! An awesome, historical, new path of righteousness has appeared on the earth. A new order has begun to be extended over this earth. Therefore, the whole world should be drawn into a whirlwind of inspiration, and the world that praises you, Father, while holding up the flag of victory, which should come quickly.
Since we are people who have determined to invest our lives and everything we have for that, please give us directions and orders according to your desire, Father.
We will cross the oceans without hesitation and will walk across continents.
As we go our way, please reach out to us with your peace. We know that the shield of victory is near us; therefore, we earnestly hope that everywhere we go you will allow many incidents to happen that will reveal your real nature and your glory.
Each time that we visit many other nations, we understand how rushed and how busy our mission is; therefore, we must offer more devotion to you, Father. Now the time has passed for living for these people. The time has come for living for the world and for the cosmos.
Therefore, we earnestly ask that you will allow us to become the victors by connecting ourselves totally with you in our realms of life by going beyond our individual living circumstances and by centering on you, the source of life, the source of love, and the source of the ideal.
We have offered these things in the name of TrueParentss.
Please Allow Us To Become Brave People Who Advance Bravely Towards The World
Father! People thought that this historical event which occurred in a corner of Korea would be pursued and driven out, and that it would disappear like flowing water.
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