Please Let Us Be Aware Of Being The Elite Troops For Building The Kingdom Of Heaven

Father! We have opened our hearts and realized by ourselves how awesome your command is.

Father! We have opened our hearts and realized how awesome your command is. We have straightened up our minds and bodies and before your command, before your order, we have determined ourselves, and this has been a solemn time when we could pledge to become princes of victory. Therefore, please be seated here and check each detail, and please let the moral obligations of becoming your children be understood again in each heart.

Then as for going over the remaining final summit of the ridge, please forget all the mistakes and inadequacies of the matters of the past, and please let the record of the victory of this one time be able to represent the whole. We earnestly hope and pray that you, who are so generous, will give us the blessing of connecting to the realm of the victory of your providence.

Please allow us to discover our real selves who can only prostrate ourselves and weep with gratitude before the amazing fact that due to meeting this one day of victory which can be absorbed through the Will, we can inherit the work our parents and you have prepared, the work of the eternal, unchanging Kingdom of Heaven.

We must become the family of heaven which can experience in our hearts the delight of joy and which can weep for you even in lonely places or amid persecution, as we live lives of tears of gratitude and awe, without speaking. In this moment which is announcing that kind of beginning, please let their hope and their hearts of weeping, overflowing determination explode once again in their minds.

This is a time for us to realize that we are the elite troops of heaven who can reveal a great way of building one kingdom that can attend you, the Father of the cosmos, on this earth by going beyond the circumstances of the people to Asia, and going beyond the circumstances of Asia to the world, and going beyond the circumstances of the world.

Therefore, Father, we earnestly request that you will please embrace each individual and let us become a group that, as your children centered on love, prepares the realm of the reciprocal object partner before you who are the reciprocal subject partner.

We pray all these things in the name of the True Parents. Amen.

Let Us Become a True Member of Jesus’ Family
These words were given to encourage his beloved disciples who were determined to win the final battle.
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