The Total Living Offering
True Parents came to bring closure to all aspects of the providence.
True Ownership recognizes that everything we possess ultimately belongs to God.
Latest Spiritual Messages
True Parents came to bring closure to all aspects of the providence.
It is the settlement of the Abel UN and the completion of Cheon Il Guk in Korea.
People with a long history of faith would have a desire for God, who established the standard of absolute faith.
In my second Day of Hope speaking tour, I visited twenty-one major cities throughout the United States. I warned the people that God was leaving America.
From now on, the realm of religions and kings of nations in the satanic world will be integrated into the interfaith and international realm.
We stand today at a truly extraordinary moment in history. We have come to the time, according to heavenly fortune, when it is possible to establish the Heavenly Peace Kingdom.
Sun Myung Moon's Speeches from 2004 Congratulatory Banquet Distinguished present and former heads of state, ladies, and gentlemen: Please join me in returning the glory of the accomplishments and success of the Tenth World Culture and Sports Festival
This tenth World Culture and Sports Festival is all the more significant because it comes during a providential time in history when the era of the coming of heaven is so close at hand.
The Day of All Things, Parents’ Day, and God’s Day are all included in the root of this principle.
On the third, Ahn Shi Il, on May 21, 2004, True Parents gathered members from all over Korea at the Blue Sea Garden residence near Yeosu for a special speech and declaration.
Every ideal should be actualized in daily life. That’s how the spirit world and the physical world become one. There is no other way in particular.
The blessed families who participated in the blessing ceremony were all families that had completed the 21-day special registration workshop for blessed wives.