Let Us Be Strong and Bold and Restore the Lost Land
However, because humans disobeyed the heavenly principles established by God, they came to grief, and the blessed land where they should have lived became a mere hope to them.
Sermons by Reverend Sun Myung Moon on Jesus
However, because humans disobeyed the heavenly principles established by God, they came to grief, and the blessed land where they should have lived became a mere hope to them.
You know very well that fallen humanity is longing for the dawning of the glorious day that is their hope and ideal.
You probably know a lot about the original garden of creation, the Garden of Eden.
You know clearly that for us who are fallen, the world that everyone hopes for is the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus faces the dispensational fate to come back, because when he came to this earth he died hanging on the cross and after the resurrection he ascended to Heaven.
The day of resurrection is the day that God has been longing for from the moment of man's fall to the time of Jesus' coming.
Because of the fall, human beings do not have the master they should serve. Moreover, even all things have lost their master.
Human beings on earth have hoped for the Kingdom of Heaven until now.
Because of human beings, God has been carrying on internal and external conflicts that surpass our imagination throughout the course of history.
Human being's life of original creation is living life with a tranquil mind. Yet, we do not find peace in the minds of people today.
Because Adam and Eve fell, we human beings came to be far from God's love.
What kind of mind did Jesus have when he appeared before humanity on this earth?