Father's Public Course
The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord during, the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity.
With the liberation of Korea on August 15, 1945, True Father began his public course for the providence of restoration. It was the beginning of a long, drawn-out march toward the liberation of God, the salvation of humanity, and the realization of a peaceful world. Though he was ushering in the new age, long awaited and anticipated by humankind, inexpressible suffering still lay ahead on his providential path.
Latest Spiritual Messages
The foundation for the providence centered on the Lord during, the Second Advent was established through the victory of God's side in World War II centered on Christianity.
On May 27, 1946, True Father received heaven's command to go to the North and immediately set out for Pyongyang.
True Father was supposed to meet a woman in the position of perfected Eve on the foundation of having received the blessing from Rev. Kim Baek-moon.
True Father's suffering in Hungnam Prison was the indemnity course that made it possible for him, as the Returning Lord, to continue Jesus' mission.
After leaving Hungnam Prison, True Father went to Pyongyang to meet and care for his members. Many of the residents had already fled to the South.
Upon arriving at Heukseok-dong, Seoul, True Father found his way to the home of Kwak No-pil
On May 11, 1951, True Father began writing Wolli Wonbon, Original Text of the Divine Principle.
After arriving in Busan in January 1951, True Father moved around for half a year, living here and there as a refugee.
When we think about all the people in today's world who died for God, just as Elijah said, all I can say is, “Lord, I alone am left.”
After he was released from Seodaemun Prison, True Father lived at the original Cheongpa-dong Headquarters Church.
Beginning July 1, 1957, the members fasted for seven days together with True Father, who continued this fast for a total of 40 days.
After outreach work in Korea began to take root through the 40-day witnessing campaigns, True Father was able to turn his attention to other countries.