The Interreligious and International Peace Council
True Parents proposed establishing a religious council led by spiritual leaders at the UN for the realization of world peace. On August 18, 2000, at an assembly of the Interreligious and International Federation for World Peace (IIFWP) at the UN headquarters in New York City, True Parents presented a speech titled “Renewing the United Nations to Build Lasting Peace.”
In this speech, True Parents emphasized that in the future, the UN will have both spiritual and political representatives from around the world. The UN will be managed as a bicameral system.
On October 3, 2003, the convention to establish the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC) took place in New York City at the Manhattan Center, with 1,500 religious and international leaders.
On that day, True Parents gave a speech titled “The New Elimination of Boundaries and World Peace” and bestowed the motto, “To complete the kingdom of heaven on earth is to complete the creation of heaven and earth.”
True Parents requested that the participants do their best for the Interreligious and International Peace Council, which is a new type of UN and represents a new hope.
1. I am planning to create a UN of religions. My suggestion to them is that religions should stand at the forefront to realize world peace. There is only one God. He is absolute. Therefore, no matter how many religions there may be, they need to be connected to one center.
Though the four great world religions each have their founder, there must be a center among those four religious founders. When heaven designates a person to represent this absolute oneness, and that representative emerges, the teachings of that representative must be heard.
Then, after the religious world becomes one, the religions must carry out the work to bring about world peace. If they do not make such contributions, they will receive historical denunciation. (248-212, 1993/10/01)
2. In the future, this world must unite in front of the Will of God. The UN General Assembly is the stage where such unity can take place. The UN General Assembly currently is a world-level organization representing politics. From the viewpoint of the Principle, it represents the body.
That body is fighting with religion, which represents the mind. The body side has joined with Satan's realm of influence to wage a never-ending battle against religion, which is the world of the mind. This is just like the mind and body fighting within an individual.
The fight between the mind and body has expanded to the world level, with the religious world and the political world fighting each other. From the providential perspective, the true and original relationship between the mind and body must be restored.
The UN is a world-level organization representing politics, and it needs a UN of religions integrated with it. The mind and body that are currently separated must become one. (261-194, 1994/06/19)
3. Following God's providence of restoration we must heal the world that has emerged based on conflict between mind and body.
Because the world that follows the conscience is expanding for this task, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace must be established to enable this world to reach its destination. In the future, religions that fight each other will perish.
The 182 nations that belong to the United Nations, representing the body, do not think about world peace but are concerned only with their rational self-interest. It seems clear that these nations should not be focusing only on their interests; they should not use others for their gain.
Such action is not following God's Will. The struggle between mind and body, directly expressed in the fight between the political world and the religious world, must end on the world level, and one institution representing them both needs to end the fight between atheism and theism.
The UN has to put an end to this fight. That is why we need the UN of Religions. (264-243, 1994/11/03)
4. An organization such as the UN of religions, representing the mind, is needed because the human mind and body are divided. The existing UN, as a political organization, represents the body.
The foundations of the political UN exist in Satan's realm, which consists of countless nations. To counterpose this, a mind or spirit-centered UN must emerge. A divided mind and body need to be brought back together.
This is the purpose behind the creation of the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace. Since the current UN represents only the body and lacks the presence of the UN of Religions representing the mind, after forming the UN of Religions, we must lead a movement to establish unity between mind and body.
(260-287, 1994/05/19)
5. The current UN stands as the body but lacks the mind. That is why we must create something that will represent the aspect of the mind. Mind and body must be connected as one.
That is why we must establish religious ambassadors who live according to conscience and offer a corrective course to the political world. The question is: How can we make this correction?
The answer is to create the Abel UN. This effort is meant to create a world of love with God at the center, a world that is one with the sovereignty of love. This is what the religious realm wants. Because it is the innate path that everyone's mind is following, through it, the world's people can harmonize. (297-082, 1998/11/15)
6. The political world by itself cannot establish world peace. Religious people must take part. They should serve as the role model. The UN should become the lower house, and there must be an upper house. The religious realm must govern the upper house in the future.
This arrangement is similar to the relationship between the majority and minority parties. The religious realm is responsible for the position of the majority party. Who will unite these two that have been separated? This world that was divided by false parents should be brought together through True Parents. Now the UN is floating on the clouds and is unable to hold its place.
The UN is not a nation. Here, the religious realm has to work with the political element. Using forming the Parents' UN, the Women's UN, the UN of Religions, the Youth UN, and the Students' UN, we are creating the form of a nation and are preparing the structure that will take us to a world of peace.
(308-236, 1999/01/09)
7. We have to create the Abel UN, made up of leaders who value religion. The current UN represents the body. No UN is representing the mind. Mind and body have conflicted due to the Fall. Human history is essentially the story of the mind-body battle. How do we bring this battle to an end?
Mind and body have not been able to come to a ceasefire or enter into a truce agreement. The Women's Federation for World Peace, the Youth Federation for World Peace, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, and the Collegiate Association for the Research of Principles are on the side of the mind. These groups are the center of the new Abel UN. (285-283, 1997/06/15)
8. Our objective is to affiliate with the UN. With the Unification Church organizational foundation, this should be no problem. To form a nation, land is necessary. Each nation has embassies; these are Cain-type embassies. But we need embassies for the world of the mind, not embassies for the world of politics.
If we develop a city that meets conditions equivalent to the Vatican, we will have the status of a nation.
For there to be a nation, there has to be a territory, people,e and sovereignty. We then will join the UN, but when we join, we will not be joining just by ourselves. The religious world needs to unite and join the UN with us.
That is why we must establish the UN of religions. Once we create this religious federation together with the Women's, Youth, and Students' Federations for World Peace, they all should affiliate with the UN. (289-229, 1998/01/02)
9. The Apostolic See of Catholicism registered with the UN through Vatican City, a nation-state that is a kind of UN of religions. Once religious people mally nations together with the world UN of religions, they will make one nation, a nation of the religious and cultural realm.
An embassy, registered with the UN, and established by religious people working together, can be fully equipped with good ideas and can propose new directions. This arrangement will serve as a religious protection with foundational axioms that will function to prevent conflicts and wars in the world.
Within this realm, we will be able to fulfill the ideal of the family, in which husband, wife, parents, and children unite as one. A heaven of oneness with True Parents at the center will be established, and one nation will be formed upon this UN of religions foundation. I am making preparations for this.
(305-093, 1998/03/29)
10. The religious realm will stand clearly at the forefront once the UN creates an upper and a lower house.
Nations of the religious realm can send their ambassadors to the UN. Communism naturally will retreat.
Only then will the free world, which has been fractured by humanism, be brought together. This can quickly come to pass based on the decision of the General Assembly. This critical task has yet to be accomplished.
(411-085, 2003/07/08)
11. The time has come when people and entire nations, both East and West, can all receive the Blessing at the same time. Heaven and earth can be liberated in one day. Once this is decided, this position of being completely free can be announced within a day, two days, or a week.
All human beings can receive the Blessing within a week. It is not the age of individual salvation. It is not an age limit to family salvation. The Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC) is the symbol of the Abel UN, which is on heaven's side. (457-113, 2004/07/02)
12. I proclaimed God's fatherland and the age of the peace kingdom. The age of the peace kingdom has started already. It took several years for everything initiated by True Parents in the spirit world to appear publicly.
I have been organizing things for four years, since 2001. When the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC) was established, we said it was the UN in the Abel realm.
When I spoke of the Abel realm centered on heaven's side, I was speaking of the eras both of the individual and the family. The Abel realm overcame the world Satan controlled.
The formation of the Abel realm nation was established internally, opening the road to paradise and the kingdom of heaven. It had to pass through the eight levels starting from hell. As the Abel realm UN, the IIPC must win over the Cain realm UN. There is no owner of the Cain realm UN.
Until now, I did the work of trying to establish an owner, but there was opposition. Therefore, I founded the Peace UN to move beyond that. The Peace UN is built upon the unity of the Cain UN and the Abel UN. (430-197, 2004/01/03)
13. It is now the era of the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC), or the Peace UN. The era of the Cain UN is passing. I affirm clearly that this is the era of the Peace UN.
Ambassadors for peace were established for the era of the Peace UN. Previously, the world did not have the Peace UN or ambassadors for peace. The world also does not have a concept of a high priest for peace or a people for peace.
(430-210, 2003/12/25)
14. Without a constitution, we cannot create the legal framework for the departments of a government.
Since this is the era of the Peace UN, I have asked those involved to formulate laws governing the legislative, judicial, administrative, and education branches. The relationship between church and state that has existed until now needs to change.
That is why we did not create a religious assembly, like an upper house of the UN, but prepared the Interreligious and International Peace Council (IIPC). We created the Abel UN to stand in the place of the Cain UN.
The Abel UN must surpass the Cain UN. The UN has no counterpart in the religious realm, so we can bring this to pass. No one will be able to accuse or judge us for establishing the Abel UN and then calling it the Peace UN.
(439-241, 2004/02/23)
The direction of UN renewal
True Parents recognized that world peace is impossible to realize through the present UN, where nations operate to pursue self-interest. The UN must reform and restructure to contain an upper house of religious leaders dedicated to interreligious cooperation.
True Parents worked to create an Abel UN to complement the present Cain-side UN. On September 23, 2007, at the Manhattan Center in New York City, True Parents founded the Abel UN with former heads of state before 1,200 participants.
True Parents proposed the Women's UN, the Youth UN, the Students' U, Religions N, and the UN of religions to become the Abel UN and stand as a counterpart to the Cain UN.
When we embrace humanity with the heart of a true parent by creating the True Parents' UN, we can realize one family residing in a global village. On July 16, 2012, True Parents founded the Abel Women's UN at the Cheongshim Peace World Center.
15. Now I will create the Abel UN. I have created the Federation of Island Nations for World Peace, the Federation of Peninsular Nations for World Peace, and the Federation of Continental Nations for World Peace.
The leaders of the member nations of these organizations will speak out, saying, “Let us not put our trust in the UN, but create our own Abel UN!” Which UN do you think the world will follow?
The purpose of the Abel UN is to educate young people and families. We must save this world. This education will lead to peace. We are not talking about engaging in politics. We are engaging in education. (299-274, 1999/02/18)
16. We must proclaim the Abel UN. We are stepping forward and raising the flag of the Abel UN, regardless of what awaits us, even if we face great persecution. After the appearance of the owner of a land that had no owner, that owner has to go over the summit accompanied even by his or her enemies.
Accordingly, the owner has to educate and train them so that they can go to heaven. They have no choice but to listen to the owner's guidance. Knowing that they must enter and receive training, the owner opens a big door and makes them feel welcome. (533-072, 2006/07/20)
17. I am the only person who can gather this world together, but I did not gain this ability in just a couple of years. God planned for thousands of years to send the Messiah. Extensive preparations were made, both internally and externally, until conditions were ready for the time of the Second Advent. This is why the world cannot deny me. I even move the spirit world.
Once preparations are completed, the UN will be renewed. I am making preparations for this through the UN and the advanced European nations, and mobilizing all of Asia.
Once this is finished, the Abel UN will emerge. The Abel UN will be a group that will reach beyond the universe and attend to God. A new world will emerge, just as it did when the world united and renewed itself after the Second World War. If preparations are complete, and we gather the world together and move in one direction, heaven, and earth will surely unite. (418-226, 2003/09/24)
18. Going forward, we need an Abel UN. The United States cannot stay idle. Japan, Korea, China, and Russia cannot remain static. A decisive foundation for the Abel UN must be laid. The most effective place for building this foundation is not Washington, DC. It is Geneva, Switzerland.
Switzerland is a small nation. They have a good political system. Each representative serves for one year and passes the position on to a successor. That's why I thought, “It is wonderful to find a place like this!
Unification Church members should learn from this. This is a suitable training ground.” I was searching for a place that could serve as a model for those who will receive the cross-cultural marriage Blessing.
Geneva is the place. People who might otherwise be enemies exchange greetings as they pass by each other. I thought, “When the cross-cultural marriage Blessing is accomplished, the world will truly be one family!” (514-057, 2006/01/04)
19. The task of the Abel UN is not to fight and defeat the Cain UN. Its job is to invest sincere devotion so that the Cain UN cannot help but follow it. Presently each nation is divided into two, Cain's side and Abel's side.
Cain's side needs to follow Abel's side, which is the heavenly household. In following Abel's side, Cain's side must rise to embody the qualities of absolute faith, love, and obedience, the qualities applied at the time of the Creation. In terms of loyalty to God, Cain's world must surpass the Unification Church.
The Cain UN must surely achieve this. Cain has to realize how much wrong he has done, and, shedding blood for Abel, must live for his sake in the ages of the Abel individual, the Abel family, the Abel tribe, the Abel people, the Abel nation, and finally the Abel world.
Materialists and communists have emerged and persecuted Abel, saying, “God is dead. There is no God.”
Communists, however, could not drive away their opponents completely. They failed because True Parents protected the Abel side.
Because True Parents came and pulled everything together, you need to create a new beginning through True Parents' lineage, whereby the nation and world will flourish. Your families must do this. (576-040, 2007/09/26)
20. As we cooperate with the UN, becoming one in mind and body with the representatives who are sent to the UN from each nation, we must receive letters of resolution and pledges from them, saying that they will join the Abel UN. True Parents are making preparations for the sake of creating a region of peace on
the Korean Peninsula centering on the Abel UN and all the institutions of peace. We must create the Abel UN in Korea quickly to neutralize the turbulent situation in North Korea. If we do that, the boundary line between North and South will become an area protected by all nations. (412-323, 2003/07/21)
21. The Abel UN must be established. The Abel UN is slated to be situated within the peace zone of Panmunjom. I made the preparations to establish the Abel UN in Korea, the Third Israel.
Therefore, the Seoul Peace Declaration of August 15, 2003, presented for the sake of concluding the World Peace Summit, is called the Third Israel Proclamation.
Since this is the age for the settlement of the First Israel, Second Israel, and Third Israel, the United States and other nations in the region should render assistance. (415-177, 2003/08/14)
22. The Abel UN and the Cain UN need to be united. Accordingly, centering on the Peace UN, provided we can enter a world that has the form of one nation, which is an extension of a great unified family, the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven will be realized.
From our position within the circumstances of the world, once we restore the age of the settlement of love, which has no trace of the Fall in the age of Adam, the age of the liberated realm of heaven and earth will be realized. (426-297, 2003/11/28)
23. The reason we established the Abel UN is to embrace the Cain UN. The UN currently opposes us, but it does so out of ignorance. Nevertheless, we must protect the path of the UN.
The current UN is in the position of the older brother who should give everything to the Abel UN. When this happens, so that the Abel UN rises to the position of the elder brother, it will offer everything to the Parents. When this happens, the entire world will be turned around instantly.
After passing over that summit, we must create the Peace UN. The Peace UN signifies unity. Within the UN there is the concept of a nation.
However, within the Abel UN, the concept of a nation or a federation of nations will disappear. In other words, the Abel UN will lead naturally to a unified world of peace. In reality, the world needs only one “nation.”
In the present world, there is the institution of kingship and also of presidents. Humanity entered the age of brothers after the kingship in Satan's world was brought down.
Now we are going over from the age of kingship centered on the family to the age of kingship centered on the nation, the world, and finally the cosmos. The institution the Unification Church seeks is the kingship of peace, which will emerge in the realm of the Abel UN. (420-187, 2003/10/11)
24. The Peace UN is created through the unity of the Cain UN and the Abel UN. The Cain UN has become impotent. The conditions do not exist that would enable it to establish the standard of world peace aligned with the Will of God.
Now, for the first time, the unity of the Cain UN and the Abel UN has appeared as the Peace UN. It is a timely, providential development. By Cain and Abel becoming one under the loving True Parents, the UN stands not to perish, but to revive and become the UN that saves the world.
The Peace UN has emerged for this reason. (429-074, 2003/12/24)
25. What we call the UN is not a distant nation; it is your nation. Stand on the foundation of that nation.
You own the UN. Adam and Eve on the UN, as is God. We must ascend to that position. True Parents seek to create the Peace UN, but every one of you must receive it as yours.
After going through much suffering, we have prepared the environment that will cause Satan's world to surrender naturally.
Therefore, we must create a representative world organization that will establish order in that environment prepared for us, that will be able to bring the world into an equilibrium of freedom and serve as a basis of happiness.
That organization is the Peace UN. It is the central foundation for kingship in the heavenly kingdom. Please do not think that it is True Parents who must establish it. This is your task. (424-307, 2003/11/09)
26. For the sake of the Peace UN, the first point is that families must pull together. Without the family, we cannot go beyond the foundation of the Cain UN of Satan's world.
That is why there must be a federation of families that forms a nation. The family is the basic unit. It is a wonderful fact that centering on the blessed families throughout the world, we have established the Peace UN on the standard of having transcended the nation. (427-260, 2003/12/08)
27. The Abel UN must become the Parents' UN. Once Cain and Abel become one, harmony, unification, and peace will come about. People who cannot relate harmoniously cannot unite.
With this in mind, it is time for the Abel UN to develop into the True Parents' UN. True Parents are the king and queen of the Parents' UN. (594-085, 2008/06/24)
28. We will advance from the age of the Cain UN into the age of the Abel UN, and from there to the age of True Parents' UN. This is not an age in which two UN fight each other. It is the age of the True Parents' UN, which exists for the sake of a new and peaceful unity centered on True Parents. (600-244, 2008/11/01)
29. Now the entire world needs to advance from living within the limitations of individuals and families and move on to living in the new world of the True Parents' UN. When this time arrives, heavenly law will emerge. We will enter the age of a heavenly constitution.
We will not live outside the heavenly jurisdiction according to self-centered desires. We will live following heavenly law. Follow in the footsteps of True Parents. Enter the same world after overcoming the same obstacles.
The door of the heavenly world will open. You will not be faced with one door that leads to heaven and one that leads to hell; there will be only one door. (611-044, 2009/05/05)
30. Now is not the time for the Cain UN and Abel UN. Instead, we must enter the age of the True Parents UN. Provided the Parents' UN understands the Cain UN and the Abel UN, it will be able to fulfill its role.
This education has already begun. It is the education to proclaim the realm of liberation and complete freedom through our portion of responsibility. We must teach about the proclamation of the realm of liberation and our portion of responsibility.
When God fulfills God's role, and True Parents fulfill True Parents' role, then on the foundation of God and True Parents becoming one, the true family will be able to fulfill its role. Consequently, it will be possible to generate a true tribe, a true people, a true nation, and a true world.
The peaceful unification and restoration of the fatherland of True Parents' true love is called the realization of the heavenly nation of the Parents' UN. Everything is included in these words.
God's fatherland does not yet exist. The peaceful unification and restoration of the fatherland, which True Parents are seeking, is the kingdom of heaven, the True Parents' UN. Everything must be fully activated for the sake of that nation. (601-055, 2008/11/03)
31. What we need to do is to have the Federation for World Peace, the Inter-Religious Federation for World Peace, the Women's Federation for World Peace, and the Youth Federation for World Peace all become affiliated with the UN.
I believe that there will be no further problems on the road that lead to a unified world once these organizations are affiliated with the UN.
The Women's Federation for World Peace is a powerful organization. It is the only organization like it.
Therefore, it must become completely centered on Mother. Because Mother is the center, all problems can be resolved once the Women's Federation enters the UN. A unified UN will emerge naturally once the first ladies of the world become members of the Women's Federation.
The UN has no root, no nation. Mother is leading the world of leaders, the world of politics, the world of universities, and the world of youth. When first ladies join the Women's Federation, they will go out as UN ambassadors as a matter of course. (267-184, 1995/01/05)
32. There will be no more fighting in the world once the Women's UN comes to fruition. This is because the original nature of women is that they do not like to fight. Moreover, I am a leader who can prevent people from fighting by providing people with a logical explanation for why they should not fight.
With this accomplished, people create harmony. In the future, when the Women's UN appears, the wives of presidents and prime ministers will represent the Women's UN in their respective nations. (251-095, 1993/10/17)