24 min read

The United States

This is one of many proclamations they made in America to realize aspects of their vision for the ocean.

Preparing the Ideal Environment Centering on the Providence of the Ocean and Latin America - True Parents Legacy
God has been leading the providence of restoration to save fallen humanity. According to the Principle, God’s providence of restoration is the providence of re-creation.


In the United States, True Parents carried out the ocean providence in Gloucester, Massachusetts; and in Alaska and Hawaii. On June 17, 2000, in Kodiak, Alaska, they announced the Proclamation of the Return of the Ocean to God, for the purpose of returning everything in the oceans to God.

This is one of many proclamations they made in America to realize aspects of their vision for the ocean. They also presented many plans for implementing the proclamations. 

Gloucester is known worldwide as a fishing port, and it became famous as a place from which to fish for Bluefin tuna. There, early in the morning, True Father would go out to sea in his boat, the New Hope.

Furthermore, he designed an all-purpose fishing boat, the Good Go series, and produced them for his fishing fleet. While he fished, he offered many spiritual conditions. He developed a special tuna fishing method that he dubbed “The Reverend Moon System.” He also hosted tuna fishing tournaments. 

1. The Bluefin tuna fishing in Gloucester is world-famous. Wealthy people with their luxurious boats all try tuna fishing at least once. Since they all know that our fleet catches a lot of tuna, they follow our boats around.

When we took our Good Go boats to New Jersey, all the wealthy boaters there went looking for them, too. Whatever port we fish from for instance, in Florida or New Orleans they will come out looking for our boats. This is how I came to be friends with many of them. 

Three years ago, in 1977, Bluefin tuna was ten cents a pound. Now that price has risen to $1.70. I did that. 

I raised the price. And I am going to raise it to $5.00. When this happens, one Bluefin tuna can be worth $5,000 to $7,000, and the wealthy Americans with boats will come out in hordes to catch tuna.

Through this, harbor towns such as Gloucester will become rich. The day will come when tens of thousands of boats will flock to these towns. They will need boats, so we are preparing to build a shipyard. (105-051, 1979/09/16) 

2. For seven years I headed up our tuna fishing fleet in Gloucester on my boat the New Hope, and in all that time no one in town knew that it was I, Reverend Moon.

I guess they imagined I would be wearing a crown and a silk gown, and that I would be flying around in an airplane, traveling to check on our activities around the world, or going on speaking tours.

They could not imagine in their wildest dreams that I would be sitting there in the New Hope with my skin burned bronze from the sun. So, they would ask people in the Good Go boats, “Why doesn't Reverend Moon ever come here?” For seven years they did not know that the person right next to them was Reverend Moon himself.

Yet, I was right there among them, wearing a fisherman's clothes and stinking of fish. I am an authentic fisherman. That is why they did not recognize that it was me, Reverend Moon. How astonishing is that? (109-153, 1980/11/01)

3. When you go fishing, it is better to go out on a small boat than a big one. Many people among the public are interested in fishing with poles. They are losing interest in catching fish with nets.

Even wealthy people with large boats are not interested in catching fish using nets. This is why I built the Good Go boat. I designed the boat to enable people to catch fish in the rivers and also out at sea. 

Our Good Go boats are quite famous now. They have become well-known as being good for both fishing and outings on the ocean. (262-240, 1994/08/01) 

4. When fishing for Bluefin tuna, you may have to wait all day to catch just one fish. There are times when the fish do not bite at all. At such times, you may have to wait three weeks to get a bite.

There are hundreds of boats out there waiting for a tuna to bite, but only about ten tuna are caught each day. This means that only one out of 30 or even one out of 50 boats come home with a catch. 

However, our Good Go boats are especially good for fishing, and I came up with a method for catching tuna that I call “The Reverend Moon System.” I developed my system after researching everything, from what bait is best to all the known scientific methods of fishing.

Even with hundreds of boats out on the ocean looking to catch tuna, our boats would come home with two-thirds of that day's catch. (167-138, 1987/07/11) 

5. I am always the first to get out on the ocean each morning. I am also number one in catching fish. I developed a new way to catch tuna. There were men out there with decades of experience saying their way was best, but their way was not working that well.

I spent three years researching to develop and perfect my new system. That is how “The Reverend Moon System” of catching tuna came into existence. 

My system includes a new way of baiting the hook, and the whole thing is completely self-assembled. If you lose a commercially purchased tuna fishing leader, you will lose $150. If you have to cut a line because it is tangled up with something, the leader is gone, and again you suffer financial loss. 

However, my system is so efficient that we can make good use of the leaders and hooks for a long time. (180-274, 1988/08/22) 

6. I won first place in a tuna fishing tournament in Gloucester. I had created a new system of catching tuna called “The Reverend Moon System.” A Bluefin tuna can be huge, even bigger than a cow.

You cannot catch it using just a thin one-and-a-half-millimeter fishing line. For such a large fish you need to use a rope. After I set a new tuna fishing record using the system that I envisioned and created, the local fishermen learned “The Reverend Moon System” and began using it themselves. (445-235, 2004/04/18)

7. The Bluefin tuna that are caught in the waters off Gloucester and Boston can be gigantic. My biggest-ever tuna was 1,272 pounds! Its length was more than 18 feet, about six meters. A big tiger weighs around 700 pounds, and a bull weighs up to 1,000 pounds. So this tuna was bigger than a bull.

Our church members caught tuna that weighed mostly around 200 pounds, so my record was six times that size. This record was quite phenomenal. After catching such a giant fish, I felt better than a World War II general might feel after winning a battle.

You cannot know such a feeling unless you have experienced it. For me, a man who was born to fish, it was like becoming the prince of fishing. (167-138, 1987/07/11)

8. I organized a tuna fishing tournament in Gloucester, for which I put up $100,000 as prize money. After my boat won the tournament, I donated the prize money to a fund for African people in need.

We need to expand this type of event all over the world. If we were to pursue this initiative for several decades, we could accumulate millions and even tens of millions of dollars and use it to save the world. 

But these days, in the early hours of the morning as we prepare to leave for the ocean, some young people try to convince me to go easy. That is, they say, “It's not necessary to leave at 5:00 each morning. 

We can leave at 6:00 or 7:00 and still catch plenty of fish.” Yet, they do not understand that I leave early for the ocean to set a spiritual condition. This is why the fish come to me out there; they do not go to other people.
(230-180, 1992/05/03) 


True Parents also invested great effort in the ocean providence in Alaska. The Alaskan waters are a world-famous fishing ground rich with nutrients for the many teeming fisheries concentrated there.

As part of their effort to address humanity's food shortage, True Parents established International Seafoods of Alaska (ISA) to develop the state's resources. There they also educated and trained members by taking them fishing on the ocean. 

9. Whoever conquers the ocean can conquer the world. The ocean's surface area is almost two and a half times greater than that of the land. All kinds of treasures are under its waves, awaiting their true owners. 

The spirit of seizing and conquering the ocean is the “spirit of Alaska.” (263-135, 1994/08/21) 10. What is the “spirit of Alaska?” It is to wake up at 5:00 a.m. to eat and go out on the ocean, and not return until midnight or even 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning.

If you have not caught your quota, you do not go home. There are no excuses. During this training, you cannot quit. You have to accomplish your responsibility. You are not here to watch; you are here to do.

The purpose of this fishing training is to make you a person who can be a leader wherever you go in the world. Not just anyone can catch fish; you have to become a professional at it. If you want to be good at fishing, you need to learn through experience – many experiences. (263-011, 1994/08/16)

11. In Kodiak, Alaska, I always went out to the ocean at 5:00 in the morning and fished until midnight. I went out in rain and wind, no matter how bad the weather was, maintaining my work ethic. I told Korean, Japanese, and American members to do the same.

I intend to make this place into a training ground and bring all the young people of the world here so they can inherit the Kodiak spirit. Here I will train them to be the elite troops of the Unification movement.

We will select representatives from each nation to be trained in this manner. They will be trained in the same way that I have been living, going out on the ocean in rain or snow. 

The best place to develop your fortitude is not in the mountains but out on the stormy ocean. A mountain never changes. It's every crag and valley will remain the same for 1,000 years. No matter what happens, as long as you follow the mountain trail you will be okay. But the ocean is not at all like that. 

Yesterday the water may have been as calm as a quiet lake, so calm you could lay out a blanket and sleep on it. But today, the ocean may be drastically different, with waves that scare you just to look at them. 

The ocean is forever changing and unpredictable. You must be trained so that, no matter how furious the storm, you stay as calm as the calmest lake. To become real men and women, you need this training. (264-095, 1994/10/09) 

12. Jesus asked Peter to become a fisher of men. He used fish to symbolize human beings. Therefore, providentially speaking, if we can gain dominion over the ocean by catching fish, we can gain authority over the land as well. 

Alaska supplies 85 percent of the fish consumed in the United States. Five percent comes from the Atlantic Ocean, and the other ten percent comes from elsewhere, in the Pacific Ocean.

Therefore, if we conquer the ocean off Alaska, we should be able to have authority anywhere. (168-069, 1987/09/01)

13. Why do fish teem in the cold waters of Alaska? Fish in warm waters go looking for cold waters because of what we call “balancing yin and yang.” They move because all creatures want to give birth to their young where subject partners and object partners are in harmony.

For the same reason, some freshwater creatures must enter salt water to breed. The Chinese mitten crab is one of them. Yang and Yin must come into harmony for each to become its ideal self and procreate. (207-083, 1990/11/01)

14. Most Americans do not know much about Alaska. Yet, the era of the tundra is coming. The tundra refers to the region of Alaska, the North Pole, Canada, and Russia. When this era comes, who will lead? That is the question. 

Alaska is connected to everything via the ocean. Marine resources, fisheries and raw materials are abundant in Alaska. Eighty-five percent of the United States' marine resources are harvested in Alaska. 

Alaska has other resources located in the tundra. Furthermore, Alaska has the potential to become a major transportation hub, from which you can fly to Moscow, London, and New York. 

In the future, it will not be a problem to grow crops on the plains of Alaska. Soon it will become feasible. 

Even now, people are engaging in greenhouse cultivation, even growing bananas. Just imagine what it will be like when all the world's edible plants and crops are grown in Alaska.

Alaska is four times the size of California. It is that big. Furthermore, there are enormous amounts of natural resources there. The true owner of that land is neither the United States nor Russia.

In the future, that issue will be decided by whoever can extract and harvest those natural resources. I am preparing for this. (236-022, 1992/11/02)

15. Alaska will become a world-famous tourist destination if it focuses on accommodating tourists. This year it was hot in Korea. In the future, people with money will go to Alaska when it gets too hot.

It takes only about six hours to fly from Korea to Alaska. You can plan a weekend excursion, leaving on a Friday evening, sleeping on the plane, and arriving on Saturday morning. You can go fishing on Saturday and Sunday. Boarding the plane Sunday night, you can return to work in Korea on Monday morning. 

There in Alaska, you will see snow-covered mountains all around you. Below the snow-covered mountains, you will find green meadows blooming with wildflowers. Below them lies the blue ocean, looking like a beautiful lake, where you can fish. Just imagine the enchantment of that land.

Tall mountains surround you, their scenery unfolding in all directions. The forests are thick with trees. In the meadows many flowers you have never seen before welcome you. The flowers grow near the water. 

There are also many animals living by the waterside. (264-098, 1994/10/09)

16. I visited the area around the North Pole that is covered with ice. I established myself at the heart of the United States fishing industry, which is based in Kodiak, Alaska. Through International Seafoods of Alaska I am connecting this area to the South Pole. It is for the purpose of securing food for humanity. 

There will be food shortages in the future that cannot be addressed without utilizing the world's oceans and bodies of water. 

Even now, desertification of the land is progressing at more than 15 million hectares annually. 

The gradual disappearance of trees is preventing water from penetrating the soil, and this is leading to gradual desertification.

This is the reality we are facing today. There is a way to overcome this desertification, but it is not through force; it takes water. This is why we must secure either ocean water or fresh water. 

America is transporting oil from Alaska through thousands of miles of pipelines. In the same way, we can install pipelines to transport ocean water and freshwater across thousands of miles to the desert areas of the earth.

We can use the seawater to create fish farms in the desert regions, planting seagrass to make an environment for all kinds of fish. The opportunities to develop this resource are unlimited. A one-tenth-hectare fish farm can produce as much food as a one-hectare farm on land. It uses only one-tenth of the area.

Water is part of the equation for solving the food problem and all the problems we face in our daily lives. This is why I began a seafood business. (325-080, 2000/06/30) 


Hawaii is another area central to True Parents' ocean providence in America. After announcing the Era of the Pacific Rim Providence, True Parents visited Hawaii frequently and made many conditions of devotion there.

True Parents explained that in the past America and Japan fought a war because Japan attacked Hawaii at Pearl Harbor. But now America and Japan must unite in Hawaii centering on True Parents. North America, South America, Asia, and Africa can all be united on this foundation. 

In Hawaii, True Parents proclaimed they had completed the indemnification and liberation of the ocean, of the land, and of the cosmos. There, at King Garden, they held the Rally Proclaiming the Dawn of the Era of the New Civilization of the Pacific Rim.

Further, they acquired coffee farms in Kona and built a training center and school near Mauna Kea to advance their plans for raising future leaders who can lead and have mastery over the realm of the ocean. 

17. On the Big Island of Hawaii, in the district called Kona, there is a snowcapped mountain 4,200 meters high. Hawaii is ideally suited for the leisure industry. The water is more than 3,000 meters deep, and you can fish for big fish like marlin all year round.

The weather is warm, it is quiet, and there are many fish. Because the water there is rich in nutrients, the fish of the Pacific Ocean have made it their home. (342-050, 2001/01/09) 

18. I purchased land in Hawaii too to build a village; I might call it heaven's village. Thus far I have built homes and brought boats there. It is a wonderful and rare fishing destination, where on the water it hardly ever rains, and you can fish all year round. In its valleys, we can experience the climate of all four seasons.

On the other side of the mountain, it rains and thunders all year long, but on this side, it hardly rains throughout the entire year. I now understand that this place was waiting for me to come. (221-062, 1991/10/20) 

19. Korea, Japan, and the United States all have coastlines on the Pacific Ocean. Among these three nations, the United States is in the position of the archangel. 

In Hawaii, 80 percent of the population is Asian and Native Hawaiian. We are responsible for uniting these people. This is why after I declared the Era of the Pacific Rim Providence, I have stopped over in Hawaii whenever I have had the chance. 

There is a mountain there, Mauna Kea, that is more than 4,200 meters high. It has a brother mountain, Mauna Loa, which is almost as high. Hawaii is like a lighthouse in the middle of the Pacific.

Based in Hawaii, I am holding rallies to unite all humanity. I am holding them there because it is the place that can harmonize and unite the East and the West. North America and South America, and Asia and Africa are all connected by waters that meet in the Pacific Ocean. 

The East and the West are like twins. We now live in the era when they must unite and give birth to liberation, and the place where this can happen is the Pacific Ocean.

The United States, the archangel nation, once fought Japan, the Eve nation, but now they must come together. These nations that once fought each other must now become brother and sister nations, giving birth to the liberation of the world. 

This can happen through the True Parents. Hawaii is an important island because it can become the first place where these twins unite, and when they do, they will be able to build the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven. (362-119, 2001/12/09) 

20. The indemnification and liberation of the ocean, of the land, and of the cosmos were completed centered on Hawaii. At the time of World War II, Japan, and America fought because of what happened in the Pacific Ocean.

At that time, Japan attacked Hawaii, but now Japan has to protect Hawaii and offer it to heaven. Japan and the United States, which were formerly enemies, must become one and offer up this oceanic land to heaven. This is the providence centered on Hawaii that will enable us to declare the completion of the ocean providence. 

North America and South America, Asia, and Africa are like two sets of twin big islands amid the ocean. The Pacific is like a mother pregnant with two sets of twins, each a son and a daughter who will be brother and sister to one another. She must give them birth. (385-243, 2002/07/14)

21. South America and North America must be united. Asia and Africa must be united. People built the Suez Canal and the Panama Canal, which severed the land connection between these pairs of continents. 

They were separated, and they must be reconnected. This is why South America and North America must be united, and Asia and Africa must be united. Two sets of twins that were divided into four separate entities must again be made as one in the womb of the Pacific Ocean.

True Parents have to complete the mission of childbirth in the middle of the Pacific Ocean to unite South America and North America, and Asia and Africa. 

We must achieve unity between Japan and America to form the realm of oceanic nations. Similarly, unity will form the realm of peninsular nations, and then the realm of continental nations.

Once we are successful in establishing these realms, we will be in a position to work with the United Nations to lead and manage any part of the globe. If we can carry out the providence of restoration like this, based on geography, this will be its conclusion. (410-186, 2003/07/04)

22. When I went to Hawaii for the first time, I was amazed that there was such a place in the world. Thirty percent of the people there are Japanese, and only 29 percent are Caucasian.

I thought to myself that we should be able to completely unite them by having people from families in the 30 percent demographic marry people from families in the 29 percent demographic.

Thereafter, I would have all of them move to the American mainland. I thought if I could do that, how easy it would be to fulfill the providence of restoration. 

I am preparing to build a base of operations in Hawaii that includes boats. I am making these preparations with the intent of living in Hawaii because the time of the Pacific civilization is approaching. (216-275, 1991/04/07) 

23. The ocean off Kona in Hawaii is one of the deepest places in that part of the Pacific Ocean. I am making this place a training ground. This is where I am going to train people.

I will train them to catch the fish that live in those deep waters. Catching fish in shallow water is too easy to provide good training, so I will raise fish in shallow waters and release them into deeper waters. In the future, I will create fish farms and raise both small and large fish. (337-265, 2000/10/27)

24. There is an international space observatory on Mauna Kea, in Hawaii. Here on this island, which has two mountains over 4,000 meters high, I am doing something new.

I will create a training center and a school here. Our challenge is to bring students from 16 maritime nations here, train them, and then connect them to positions where they can exercise governance over the realm of the ocean.

Then I will invite them to the American mainland and educate them there. We need to help them move forward in step with America, and with Japan as well. 

The realm of the ocean has long been violated. Look at the Pacific theater of the Second World War, when people from strong nations were continually seizing control over parts of the ocean.

We must indemnify that historical time. Therefore, we should raise capable leadership from the ocean areas. The descendants of island nations must guide the people of the continents. No matter how vast a continent is, it is but an island in the ocean.

Asia and Africa, and South America and North America, are like two sets of twins. People educated and trained at this new school on Mauna Kea in the middle of the Pacific must lead the people of the land. (410-187, 2003/07/04) 

25. I am thinking that we should serve God on the Asian continent and attend Him on the ocean. This is why I stress the importance of the ocean providence.

We held a rally in Hawaii. It was called the Rally Proclaiming the Dawn of the Era of the New Civilization of the Pacific Rim. We held this rally at King Garden in Hawaii. (569-084, 2007/07/22) 

26. In Kona, Hawaii, there is a zone for growing coffee. It is a special coffee found nowhere else in the world. It is a specialty item. Coffee drinkers of the world who love Kona coffee will be shocked when they learn that much of this coffee is now in the hands of the Unification Church. They will wonder, 

“Now that they own the farms that grow the Kona coffee we love, what are they going to do with the profit from selling it? Will they use it for business purposes or something else?”

I intend to create an education fund. I plan to establish a residential middle school and high school where students study and also learn how to farm. We will teach them everything about scientific agricultural methods. I also plan to teach them about fish farming. (587-276, 2008/03/16) 

27. People can obtain water from tens of thousands of springs and countless streams and rivers. However, there is only one place on Earth where all these currents ultimately converge.

That place is Hawaii. In Kona, Hawaii, there is a mountain called Mauna Kea. Kona coffee is grown on the land at the base of this mountain. That area is adjacent to two mountains that stand more than 4,000 meters high. 

The water from Heaven's Lake on Mt. Baekdu in Korea eventually finds its way to Kona, Hawaii, and rains down on Mauna Kea. Furthermore, water from ice at the North Pole flows in undersea currents to Hawaii, where it forms a stationary pool at the bottom of the ocean.

That water remains in the state it was in tens of thousands of years ago. Drinking water from Hawaii's mineral springs is like drinking water as it was when God created it long ago. I am now making preparations to bottle that water and make it available to the world. (2009/11/17) 

28. At the bottom of the ocean near Kona, Hawaii, we can find extremely clean, pure water that was once ice at the North Pole. It melted thousands of years ago and sits on the ocean floor like a still pool.

We need to draw that water up from the bottom of the ocean around Kona and make it available to the world. 

It is living water from thousands of years ago, and you will not find water of better quality than this. And you cannot ask for better water for farming fish. 

Further, by developing the mineral water that sits on the ocean floor, we can bring tremendous benefits to humanity. Cobalt, and precious metals like platinum, are deposited in the deepest parts of the Pacific. 

Because they are heavy, they flow to this place and accumulate at one location. The Pacific Ocean was formed in this way. Now that God's providence has arrived at the era of the realm of liberation, we will be able to find treasures such as gold and silver that are hidden in the deepest places of the sea. (615-074, 2009/08/18) 

29. Hawaii is like the royal seat of God's kingdom of the ocean. It is like the capital of all the continents. 

There you can fish all year round. You can feel free all 12 months of the year. Flowers bloom and butterflies flutter all the time. Since it is never cold, people farm vegetables all year round, and I see radish flowers blooming in the fields even in the winter months. The land provides vegetables and fruits to eat at all times. I imagine that someday these islands will be connected by bridges. 

The Big Island of Hawaii will be the site of the king's residence. I am acquiring the land that will make this possible. On the Big Island, I built boats and sent two to each of the eight islands of Hawaii.

The expert fishermen there are waiting for me to arrive. I am making preparations so people who do not have money to stay at a hotel can sleep on their boats. I also established a foundation for the Ocean Palace. (603-184, 2008/11/18) 

Seafood enterprises 

True Parents trained members and built Ocean Churches in 30 locations in the United States where there were Coast Guard stations. These were preparations to establish a seafood business and the ocean tourism industry for fishing enthusiasts in America.

Alongside their efforts to expand Saeilo Machinery into a nationwide network, True Parents worked to build a global foundation for marketing fish. As part of this ocean providence, they built a shipyard and a factory for processing seafood, and they trained young people in sales.

True Parents began creating the business structure that would become International Oceanic Enterprises, one of the leading seafood businesses in the United States. It supplies customers with the freshest seafood, purchasing and processing fish from the five oceans, transporting them, and supplying them to consumers throughout America. 

30. You are now working under the banner of a new church organization called Ocean Church. We have bases at locations where there are also US Coast Guard stations.

When I dispatch you to these locations, if you are to bring renewal in those places through fishing, you will have to become an innovator in everything. A person who sits back and just follows what others are doing cannot spearhead something new.

Only a person who dares to block someone's path and say, “Listen to me!” can do it. I want you to start something new in society, and I have to train you as people who can do that. (167-149, 1987/07/14) 

31. I created something that did not exist in the US by sending people to Pioneer Ocean Church. I created Ocean Churches in 30 of the most important seacoast locations in America.

We can pursue a seafood business, but we can also enter the charter-boat fishing business. This is the foundation for the global recreational fishing business I will create in the future. I trained people and built Ocean Church as an enterprise that gives tours to people who enjoy fishing as a hobby. (186-306, 1989/02/06)

32. I chose two types of businesses to build an economic foundation in America. One is Saeilo Machinery, which I am trying to build into a nationwide business network. The other is the seafood business, which I am expanding to serve the global market. My challenge is to make them both successful.

While the machinery industry is already at the center of Western civilization, the seafood business has not yet had a champion who has made it popular in the West.

Yet to be in line with the Principle, I placed these two businesses in a subject-partner-object partner relationship. This is the reason I am investing to develop both Saeilo and the seafood business, even though they are losing money. We must keep investing to secure their foundations, even if it means that the church must make sacrifices. (135-099, 1985/09/30) 

33. Our Good Go boats are well-known for tuna fishing on the East Coast of the United States, but they are also talked about in South America. I am putting you through this training to make you agents who can develop the seafood business. It cannot be done without your efforts.

I went on the boats day and night and taught many young people like you. In the very beginning, when I asked them to go on the boats, they would not listen to me and run away.

Yet whenever I had time, I talked to them about it over four or five years. Finally, by the time seven years had gone by, even women were ready to volunteer to become captains. I created such an atmosphere. 

While doing this, I built a shipyard and a seafood processing factory and trained people to sell our products. I trained them to sell products out of a truck. For the first year, they learned to make nets, handle boats, and catch fish, and then I had them sell the fish.

When the number of fish we caught became too much to sell locally, I opened a factory and we began processing our fish. We even started seafood restaurants. Through these efforts, I built the foundation of our seafood business.
(110-202, 1980/11/17)

34. I went to Barry town and caught carp by the thousands. When we drained the water from the pond, we found six large turtles. We released those turtles into the Hudson River. We also released the first batch of carp we caught. Subsequently, when I caught carp, I said to them, “You were born through love, and it is the way of nature to die for love.

Do you prefer to live for the people you love or die for them? If you die, in a sense, you are being sacrificed. Yet, I believe you will become the flesh and energy of people who will develop America's seafood business in the future.

It is through you that the people of the Unification Church will be able to show greater loyalty to God and greater love for people. You were born as fish, but I give you my love so you can become the flesh of the people who among all Americans I consider my children in heart.

How can you reject this? Dear carp, don't you think you should become the flesh and blood of my beloved children and the people of America?”
(093-190, 1977/05/29)

35. We formed a global business network that can quickly supply favorite fish from the five oceans of the world to Africans, South Americans, and Sians – customers from all over the world. This is how we came to have a formidable influence in the US market.

For example, when an African goes to a restaurant and orders fish, he asks for a particular fish that he used to eat in the land of his birth because that is the fish that suits his taste.

The customer will leave if the restaurant does not have that fish. This is why I say we should start an advertising campaign with the slogan, “We supply restaurants with fish from all five oceans.” 

Americans usually work eight hours a day. Some restaurants close after 5:00 in the afternoon, but we keep our restaurants open late.

Furthermore, if a restaurant affiliated with us runs out of a certain product, we can supply it from one of our other restaurants. Hence, no one can compete with us. This is why I am recognized in the seafood business world. (146-253, 1986/07/01)

36. International Oceanic Enterprises (IOE) is becoming a company that any businessman dealing with seafood products in America will have to pay attention to as competition.

We are not only catching fish now; we have entered the transportation business as well. We have already reached the level where we have direct routes from Boston and Hawaii to markets in Tokyo, and our fishing boats go to Europe and South America. 

There are many nations in the world today, but the issue is the United States. The US is the largest market in the world when it comes to importing and exporting goods; therefore, we must develop business connections with America.

Ships travel from other countries to America, unload their goods and return empty. We are building a foundation in organization and human resources whereby hundreds of our people will be waiting at the ports ready to load our goods onto their ships.

When the nations of the world find out that our business is transporting seafood with a spirit of serving humanity, they will come to support us.
(262-245, 1994/08/01) 

The Spirituality of Fishing
Fishing was one way he expressed his single-minded dedication to save fallen humankind.