5 min read

This Proclamation is a Limitless Source of Life, Energy and Inspiration

By the grace of True Parents, this one last chance is given to you, but once True Parents pass into the spirit world such a chance will not come again.

Hak Ja Han Moon
Hak Ja Han Moon’s Message During True Parents’ Worldwide Speaking Tour on December 1, 1993, in Cairo, Egypt.

Mother spoke in the Aida Ballroom in the Cairo Marriott Hotel. This hotel was constructed around a palace built for the French Empress Eugenie, one of the most important queens of the nineteenth century, to use during the celebrations at the opening of the Suez Canal. Egypt is the cultural center of the Arab Islamic world; the location of the 1,000-year-old Al Azhar Universityhere is the second-generation most respected center of Islamic study in the Arab world. Mother’s visit to Cairo is the first time True Parents have set foot upon the African continent since the holy grounds were established worldwide in 1965; at that time True Parents, accompanied by Mrs. Won Pok Choi and Dr. Young Oon Kim, visited Cairo and established the only holy ground in Africa on August 25, 1965. This is also the first country to receive a second generation blessed couple as missionaries.

You are living with True Parents. You have accepted True Parents and are serving them. By the grace of True Parents, this one last chance is given to you, but once True Parents pass into the spirit world such a chance will not come again. After True Parents pass into the spirit world, if you make a mistake, the failure has to be rectified by paying the proper indemnity; there is no forgiveness.

You must realize that, because you are serving True Parents and living together with them, each moment of this time is the most precious in your life, for eternity. Every moment you should feel like shouting out saying, “Thank You God that You gave us this opportunity to live with True Parents on the earth.” That should be your heart and attitude.

Women’s Role in World Peace
It is my great honor to share my vision for world peace with such an illustrious gathering of women leaders from throughout the nation.

Those who are national leaders and have important responsibilities, particularly, should try their absolute best to resemble Father, even if it is only by doing one-tenth or one-hundredth of what he is doing. That should be your lifestyle. You should be better tomorrow than you are today.

Each day you should resemble Father more. If you feel thankful to God today for this precious opportunity to live with and serve True Parents, tomorrow you should feel ten times or twenty times more thankful. It is not enough just to feel thanks; you have to incorporate gratitude into your daily life, expressing it in your actions.

We all understand that we have to accomplish our mission and fulfill our responsibility just as Father does.

We have to reach that level someday, don’t you think?

We all desire to fulfill our responsibility and mission before we end our physical lives here because we do not want to pass that responsibility and mission down to our descendants. Don’t you want to accomplish your mission and bring victory to True Parents before they go to the spirit world? Your condition is to show your victory to True Parents and God.

Within a month or so, Father will be 74 years old, and soon he will reach the age of eighty. How many more years does Father have to wait to see your result? Give up your old habits and way of life.

You have spent too much time and energy on yourselves and your families. From now on spend more time doing the will of God and working for the sake of your country, your people, and your tribe. This opportunity will not come again. This is the last chance.

Take the example of a marathon runner. When the finish line is about a mile ahead, do you think he will just give up, with no power to run to the end? He would push himself even harder at that point. If you cannot accomplish more from this point on, you are like a marathon runner who stops one mile or one hundred meters before the finish line.

Do you want to stop your marathon race a hundred meters before the finish line?

If you do not want to become that kind of marathon runner, you have to do your absolute best. Put your neck out and push yourselves. Are you ready to do that? Are you willing to do that? You have worked ten or twenty years without much result. However, from now on, if you set the proper conditions, the spirit world is more than ready to help you.

I spoke on forty major university campuses throughout Korea. You must understand the atmosphere on Korean university campuses. For the last ten years or more the university campuses have been dominated by socialist, communist, and radical students. The communists hide behind the scene and control these radical students from a distance.

The radical students launch demonstrations and all kinds of events against the government and the leaders, using extreme methods. Many times they throw stones at people, sometimes gasoline canisters, and sometimes tear gas. They have even thrown gasoline on people and burned them.

Such extreme demonstrations and rallies against the established society and the government are common practice every day. Yet I went to the campuses, into the midst of their activities, and spoke to them.

Among those radical groups, there is one particular group that is influenced by Kim Il Sung’s government. Kim Il Sung is their hero; they worship him. This group and a Christian student organization teamed up and tried to stop me from speaking on the campuses.

They tried every possible way. When they launch demonstrations against any group they become like gangsters, using baseball bats and more. They are young and restless. Yet I won all the victories amid that kind of violence.

When I went to Canada to speak at the Canadian Parliament, a Korean elder living in Canada testified that God Himself cannot stay still because He is so happy. God is inspired by my speaking because I am doing His work.

God is dancing around during my speeches because this proclamation is liberating His heart. How eagerly God has been waiting for 6,000 years to hear the words “True Parents”! Have people ever realized how desperately God wanted to embrace humanity and how long God has been suffering because of man’s ignorance?

The hour-long proclamation speech may appear to be short, yet it contains a limitless source of life, energy, and inspiration because this is the essence of True Parents’ teaching. If you dig into it, you can find a limitless source of life. Therefore, study this speech every morning and every night.

Do not do it just as a routine, but put your heart and prayer into it. As you study, try to feel the heart of God, the heart of True Parents, and the suffering heart of Jesus Christ. You will be inspired, and you will gain wisdom and energy out of it. Go and try it yourself.

My conclusion is we must be different persons from now on, 180 degrees different.

If you do that, you will win the victory. You have to prove that you overcame all kinds of struggles and gained victory over yourselves.

The Central Figure And The Transitional Period
Such a human proclivity will continue as history flows. It was the case in the past, it is the case in the present, and it will be the case in the future.