5 min read

Benediction and Speech at the Peace and Family Festival in Zimbabwe

You who have received the blessing today have gained the qualifications to go through the door to enter heaven.

Hak Ja Han Moon
National Sports Stadium in Harare, Zimbabwe during the Peace and Family Festival

Honorable Heavenly Parent!

Adam and Eve, who could have become the ancestors of all humankind, did not obey your will. Therefore, for us to come to this day, following Heavenly Parent’s principles of creation, God, our Creator, had no choice but to lead the long providence of restoration through indemnity.

God had to lead the restoration through indemnity for a long period of four thousand years to send Jesus Christ, the true parent of humankind. Mary, who gave birth to him, and the people were unable to fulfill their responsibilities and thus Jesus had to go the way of the cross and say he would return.

The Blessed families who will receive the Blessing here today are the fruits of Heavenly Parent’s, God’s, blood, sweat, and tears during the sorrowful history of the providence of restoration. The ideal of creation expressed God’s desire to love and embrace humankind as his children. Yet, the ancestors who had responsibilities did not fulfill them, and two thousand years have passed as we longingly waited for the day Jesus Christ would return.

However, Heaven could not raise and use people who had not fulfilled their responsibilities. This is because the people who do not fulfill their responsibilities have an enmity to pay. Thus, for the first time in six thousand years, Heaven gave birth to the only daughter of God who could be called “My beloved daughter.”

Through this, in 1960, True Parents came into being. Therefore, until now, hundreds of thousands of couples in the spiritual and physical worlds have been blessed and have expanded Heavenly Parent’s realm.

Today, because of Heaven’s love for Africa, which is filled with sorrow, and in particular Zimbabwe, Heaven sent God’s only daughter, True Mother, to Bless the good men and women here. Fallen humankind cannot be reborn and resurrected without going through True Parents’ Blessing nor can they stand before Heavenly Parent. This means they cannot become God’s children.

Therefore, here, where you receive the Blessing today, not only those in the physical world but those in the spiritual world are participating, too. I pray that you come to realize that through the people who receive the Blessing today, all the wrongs of history can be reversed.

The Blessed families who received the Blessing today have responsibilities. This does not end with one family, you must become a tribal messiah who shares the Blessing’s grace for the sake of those around you and your tribe. Please bear in mind that the true owners of Zimbabwe, which has the meaning “the venerated house of Christ” are all of you who received the Blessing here today.

Oh, Heaven! How long have you waited and endured for this moment? Now, starting from this place, the entire continent of Africa will become Heavenly Africa centered on God, and there will be Heavenly Zimbabwe.

I ask once again that you lead the way in establishing heaven on earth, where Blessed families will live with freedom, equality, peace, and happiness on earth and joy and glory in heaven.

I pray and proclaim all of this in the name of True Parents. Aju!

Hak Ja Han Moon

You who have received the blessing today have gained the qualifications to go through the door to enter heaven.

Human beings, whether in the past or the present, have longed for a united world of peace. Yet, that dream is steadily growing more distant. The two hundred some nations that hold the 7.6 billion people of the world have borders.

The UN came into being seventy years ago for the sake of peace and unity, however, the UN has been unable to fulfill its responsibilities. We are living in a world today, in which conflicts and barriers between religion, ideology, and culture are steadily increasing.

How can we achieve a unified world?

We cannot achieve this with human efforts or human knowledge alone. This is why we must understand and know the creator of this universe, God.

The blessing event today becomes the path for a united world. Humanity must discard all the customs from the past and find the path heading toward a unified world centered on God. Several rivers converge to form a great waterfall and that great stream of water eventually leads to the great ocean. There can be no hope in things that do not follow God’s cyclical laws of nature.

For the past two thousand years, since Jesus went to the cross, Christian culture has dominated the world. Yet, until now, Christians did not know Jesus’ essence.

They did not know who they should be waiting for to welcome the Messiah.

Blessed families that have received the blessing today, I said that it is through the True Parents that we can have today’s blessing.

What is the ultimate destination of Christians and people of other religions?

If they wish for a peaceful, united world, they must have the qualifications to attend our Heavenly Parent, the owner of peace. You who received the blessing today have received the qualification to be a citizen of Cheon Il Guk, the place where Heavenly Parent can embrace us. However, with this comes responsibilities.

European Christians spread Jesus’ name to the world. Yet, they did not know Jesus.

Jesus clearly said to love your neighbor as yourself. However, those who went out into the world put the interests of their nations first and harmed many nations. In particular, they did many wrongs here in Africa. They were bent solely on fulfilling their interests and the interests of their countries.

The only ones who can correct the past wrongs in history are True Parents. Earlier I said several rivers converge to form a waterfall, which leads to the ocean.

Likewise, all religions must head toward the same destination as well that great ocean. The people who can guide all religions to that great ocean are True Parents, and God’s only-begotten daughter, the True Mother.

I pray that all the blessed couples born here today will become eternal, true blessed couples who can open the doors to the kingdom of heaven on earth and the kingdom of heaven in heaven.

The Restoration Of Our True God’s Homeland
Today, with the cooperation of the spirit world, you have all been called here urgently as key leaders who have the important role of building the kingdom of heaven on earth and in heaven.