8 min read

WCSF Congratulatory Banquet - True Parents Are The Incarnation Of God

Although I will speak only briefly, I would like to take this opportunity to convey to you a message sent to us from God.

Lotte Hotel, Seoul, Korea

Distinguished guests from home and abroad, ladies and gentlemen,

Before I begin, I would like to ask you to bear in mind that I do not stand here before you on this momentous day to greet you with a perfunctory, conventionally worded address. I have come to earth in the capacity of the True Parent, to save humanity from sin.

Although I will speak only briefly, I would like to take this opportunity to convey to you a message sent to us from God. My speech is entitled, “True Parents Are the Incarnation of God.” 

Ladies and gentlemen, is there anyone here who has seen God? He exists as a Being without form. Even when we pass on to the spirit world, we will not be able to see Him. Therefore, for God to establish a relationship with human beings, who are composed of flesh and blood, and live together with us, He needs to manifest as the Father here on earth, through a physical body.

Working within this heavenly law, God created our first ancestors, Adam and Eve.

Through them, He intended to manifest Himself on earth, both in spirit and body. Adam and Eve would have also symbolized the earthly and the spiritual worlds coming together in harmony and unity the unification of the universe. 

Then how can human beings, born with a physical body, become the manifestations of God, who has none?

God's nature is absolute, unique, unchanging, and eternal, and He created His greatest masterpiece, human beings, to reflect fully all aspects of that nature. The physical body, created based on the principles of the temporal world of substance, cannot exist forever.

Once Adam and Eve had reached perfection, therefore, God planned to dwell within them, to achieve complete oneness with them. He planned that they would enter a relationship of eternal, true love wherein He would be Adam, and at the same time, God.

Likewise, God would be Eve, and at the same time God. If Adam and Eve had not fallen, had abided by the commandments of God, achieved perfection as individuals, and been brought together in a holy matrimonial union with the blessing of God, not only their children but their descendants for generations to come would have lived forevermore as His substantial embodiments, inheriting His nature generation after generation. 

The Realm of True Love Relationships

The realm of true love's absolute value can be achieved only when the sphere of true love relationships is established. Thus, if Adam and Eve had attained such a standard, humanity automatically would have been elevated to the position of God's absolute object partner, from which position they would have enjoyed an eternal life of joy and happiness through their descendants. In the end, however, the human Fall dealt the severest blow to God.

From the vertical perspective, God and humankind were in a relationship of parent and children. From a horizontal viewpoint, human beings are God Himself as well as His children. Through the Fall, God lost all of this. 

Once Adam and Eve had become the visible forms of God, He would have dwelt in their hearts and reigned over the corporeal, physical world and the incorporeal, spiritual world. In other words, God would have reigned over the world together with Adam and Eve. Together, they would have created the kingdom of God on earth, that is, the Peace Kingdom.

The True Love Movement Bringing Salvation to Asia and the World
I would like to express my sincere congratulations to the Women’s Federation for Peace in Asia for having grown

Adam would have become the king of the kingdom of heaven on earth, as well as the king of the kingdom of heaven in the spirit world. Having inherited the nature of God in all its glory, Adam would have stood above all creation as an absolute being, a unique being, and an eternal being. He would have been the unchanging parent, owner, teacher, and king of true love in this world of substance. Moreover, each of the six billion people living in the world today would have been the visible form and incarnation of God. 

What stood in the way of achieving this?

As I have said, the central problem was the Human Fall. The Fall drove humanity into the sphere of ignorance. It turned them into lonely orphans. Though their eyes may gaze upon the natural scenery spread out before them, the Fall made them insensible to God, the root of all creation. They are unable to hear, see, or feel His presence. 

God's Suffering

However, God was plunged into greater suffering and grief than humankind. Satan arose as God's archenemy, violated His ideal of creation, defiled His beloved son and daughter, and took away the planet Earth, God's ideal garden of true love. The Earth became Satan's playground.

Can you imagine how torn with sorrow and grief God's heart was? There are no words to describe it: it was a horrid, wretched situation. How many tears have you shed out of sympathy for God and His plight? 

God was given no choice but to relinquish His beloved son to His enemy, not because He did not have the authority or the power to hold fast to His son, but because He could not trample on the heavenly way of love, the rules, and principles of Heaven that He had established. Therefore, our Heavenly Father persevered and waited, shedding unceasing tears of sorrow as He proceeded with His providence to restore what had been lost.

Suffering the indignity of having to deny Himself as the Creator, it has been six thousand years since He walked the path for the restoration of His children. All-knowing and all-powerful though He may be, God still had to follow a course more tortuous than if He dwelt in hell itself to restore the true lineage. There is no way that the providence of restoration God is carrying out can be random. It cannot deviate from the principles and rules of Heaven. 

Suffering Is Needed
Those who wish to enter heaven must live, die, and depart miserably. Are these good words or bad words?

To be successful in His endeavors, God must seek and anoint the True Parents on earth. They will restore humankind, the degraded descendants of the Fall who have inherited the blood lineage of the false parent, Satan. God had originally intended that Adam establish the lineage of Heaven after he attained individual perfection and was blessed by God in holy matrimony.

God thus must install here on earth the visible God with the mission to restore that heavenly lineage. In short, the aim of the providence of God lies in raising true families, true nations, and a true world, unrelated in any way to Satan, here on this planet Earth. 

This is why Jesus Christ came as the Second Adam two thousand years ago.

However, the nation of Israel and its leaders did not understand the will of God although that nation had been prepared for four thousand years. They did not believe in Jesus. Jesus was sent to earth as the Savior and Messiah; nevertheless, as a result of their disbelief, the restoration of our lineage centered upon Jesus was frustrated.

Once again, God was plunged into a valley of sorrow and grief. He had to wait once again for the day of New Beginning. He has been waiting for that day when He could completely uproot the false blood lineage of Satan and begin the true lineage of God. 

The Mission of the True Parents

Ladies and gentlemen, the man who stands before you here and now, Rev. Moon, is the person who appeared in this evil world after receiving the Ordination of the Cosmos. You are surely not aware of it, but I cannot help seeing my life as one of innumerable hardships and trials. It has been a great, lonely, and desperate battle.

As a lone fighter, armed with nothing but silent resolve, I had to face Satan's forces of six billion. I could not lose this battle no matter the cost. It was a battle through which I had to bring the enemy, Satan, to voluntary submission, and recover the Royal Seal of God that he had seized. 

I searched far and wide in the spirit world, challenging not only the four great religious founders but even God Himself. I underwent indescribable ordeals, all to reveal the mysteries of the Creation and to find the answers regarding the salvation of humanity. I learned that, according to heavenly law, the salvation of the spirit world had to precede the salvation of the physical world; therefore I completed the salvation of the spirit world first. 

The parent in the North and the parent in the South
I was not able to attend God in my hometown. So I must go back to my hometown holding high the flag of global victory.

On that foundation, I have arrived at this stage of accomplishment at a run. My path is that of a complete man of mature character whom God can utilize as His visible form. I have accomplished the path of the True Parent, founding the true tribe that carries the true bloodline of God that can never again be defiled. I have walked the path of Savior and Messiah, whose mission is to restore all humanity.

This path transcends the individual, family, tribe, race, nation, and worldwide levels to include even the billions of people in the spirit world. The light of truth I sought and finally found is illuminating the path for the six billion people of humanity, all of whom are blind. 

The path humanity should follow is now more than clear. There are no further obstacles in your way as you travel at top speed on the superhighway in the Era after the Coming of Heaven. Open up your hearts, receive the word of God, and take the path to individual perfection. Become representatives of the True Parents.

Become horizontal true parents in the Era after the Coming of Heaven, passing on the blessing of God to others freely and without reserve. Build the Peace Kingdom here on earth and become the blessed citizens of the kingdom of heaven, serving God forevermore as true parents yourselves. 

Even as we speak, cries of pain can be heard in many parts of the world. I ask you to know how important your roles are as leaders who are concerned about the future of humanity and who are working on the front line for the realization of world peace. 

The message I have conveyed to you on this formal occasion is neither my philosophy nor the theory of the Unification Church; it is the law of Heaven. It is the way of Heaven that God has been preparing for six thousand years. God is utilizing my physical body, the body of the True Parent, and is carrying out His works through me as the incarnate True Parent. 

Please leave here tonight with the new hope of Heaven in your hearts. I hope and pray that, as the people attending True Parents, you will stand at the forefront in the ranks of those working to establish the Peace Kingdom. 

May the blessings of God forever be with you and your nations.

Thank you.

The Coronation Ceremony of the Kingship of God
We can hold this ceremony because all the people on Earth and in Heaven were blessed and formed a homogeneous nation.