3 min read

We Are Grateful To Be Able To Proclaim The Era Of Settlement

Loving Father, heaven and earth have formed one heart, one body, one mindset, and one central core.

Loving Father, heaven and earth have formed one heart, one body, one mindset, and one central core. They are now moving toward the era of synthesis, harmonization, unification, and settlement.

I thank You for the grace that allows us to greet this era of liberation and complete freedom, wherein we can begin our journey empowered by a nexus of unity, centering on the message of the Cheon Il Guk ideal.

 This conference, focusing on the Mongolian People's Federation for World Peace, is beginning now, on December 1, 2004. Father, please bless this place, this land of Yongpyeong. The Cain-type sphere of brotherhood, spread across the entire world, is now looking toward Heaven.

 Cain's violence against his younger brother arose when mind and body began to fight against each other. Starting with the mind and body of man and woman, beginning in the marriage conflict between man and woman, a history of division among children unfolded centering on their parents.

Central families and peripheral families advanced this history of conflict, which has infected every level. It transcended the family era into the eras of tribal conflict, ethnic conflict, national conflict, global conflict, and cosmic conflict.

 The world of materialism opposes and denies You, God, without knowing or understanding anything that is rooted in Heaven's sons and daughters, Heaven's existence, and Heaven's forms of life.

 Out of the mutually conflicting positions of materialism and spirituality arises a malaise. The materialistic world's opposition to the spiritually oriented world now has extended from the individual level. It has generated a world of hell both on earth and in the spirit world.

 Father, You have taken responsibility for all that is caught in the environment that resulted from this conflict. You have organized the history of total indemnity and moved ahead through a history of recreation.

Establishing the standard of the principle of indemnity, You have brought unity to the confusion, chaos, and contradiction that begins with the elements and passes into the mineral, plant, animal, l, and human worlds, reaching the level of heaven and earth.

 Furthermore, centering on the family framework, the individual, family, clan, people, national, global, and cosmic standards within Cheon Il Guk have achieved one body, one mind, one determination, and one central core.

It stretches from the levels of the individual, family, clan, people, nation, and world, up to the cosmic level, in the presence of Your original heart of creation, centering on families of filial children, loyal patriots, saints, and divine sons and daughters. With everything advancing toward the new world of the ideal of love's supremacy, we can declare the era of settlement and move toward completion.

 Dear Father, now that we have arrived in this era, please bless this global conference. Its focus is on the era of the Mongolian people. Furthermore, Father, I sincerely entreat You to grant the peoples of the world and this entire creation the power to go over the pain-filled mountain pass that represents liberation and release. May we shout a thousand cheers for the reign of peace and fully attend the sovereignty of love.

 On this December morning, Father, please grant that everything can become one in heart, one in body, and one in resolve. Awed by You, Father, may we establish the authority of absolute faith, absolute love, and absolute obedience to Your Will in consonance with the original Father who stood on the ideal of creation.

Please, loving Father, I most earnestly, earnestly, request that You permit everything to advance toward the unified world, centering on the kingship of love. I ask all this and earnestly entreat You, reporting in the name of the True Parents. Aju.

Please Let Us Search For Your Course Of Suffering
We know that the place where you dwell, Father, is the world of infinite patience, and it is a place of infinite toil.