Cheon Seong Gyeong, Book 1: True God, Chapter 1, Section 3.2
In addition to His intellect, emotion, and will, God has His hopes, circumstances, and heart. What are God's hopes, circumstances, and heart? We need to know these fundamentals before considering humankind's situation. Armed with this knowledge, you will naturally and immediately understand people's original desires. Why? Because humankind's purpose is God's, and God's purpose is humankind's. Those who understand people's circumstances hopes, and hearts can also understand God's. (151-208,1962.12.15)
We cannot talk about love unless God is a personal God. God needs to have the same qualities of emotion and character as human beings. Christianity, alone among religions, revealed that kind of God. The early Christians called God "Father." Becoming free and able to call God "Father" marked a great religious discovery. My explanation of God, as the internal and external Father who seeks to create a unifying authority through love that is incarnated in substantial form, takes the conversation to a new level, but the Christian discovery of God as the Father is amazing.
Furthermore, it has created the base upon which the nature of God, in love, can be peacefully discussed and explored. Christianity has also promoted monotheism. For these reasons, as I see it, Christianity serves as the global religion that can unite the world. It is paving the way to unify the world. (139-239, 1986.1.31)
Although there are many religious paths today, the one religion that can penetrate the heart has not appeared in history. Because God exists, however, such a religion must inevitably appear. Some religions instruct in social ethics and morality and others teach about the infinite spirit world. However, there must be a religion that combines teachings on ethics and morality with those that describe the incorporeal world, uniting them upon the essential core of one heart. I have searched for such a religion and it is Christianity.
Christianity is a religion of the heart. Through the Fall, human beings lost God and forgot that God is our Father. We lost the substantial True Parents and Christianity is the religion that can reintroduce them. (9-140, 1960.5.1)
The final destination of philosophy is the discovery of God. What kind of God is He?
He is absolute, unchanging, and unique. In discovering God, we will find that He has to be a personal God, one needed by human beings. To have a relationship with us, God has to be a personal God who shares the inner and outer aspects of all our thoughts, ideals, and will. He has to be someone who can deeply relate with us in all aspects of our being, emotional, volitional, or intellectual. Otherwise,e He has nothing to do with us. From this point of view, based on the premise that He must be a God whose character includes human-like character, philosophy has not honored God. (138-142, 1986.1.21)
Whom does God resemble?
His sons and daughters. Who are you? You are God's sons and daughters. You take after God. And God is a personal God. Can God just be some shapeless entity? What is amazing about Christianity is that it has talked about a God of emotion and personality in terms of His character and love, and His intellect, emotion, and will. This is a great thing. It has also promoted monotheism. (177-274, 1988.5.20)
If God is a personal God, do you think God needs love? When we human beings are born as God's sons and daughters and call God "Father," we need the Father just as He needs us, and the Father needs us just as we need Him. (184-199, 1989.1.1)
If God is a personal God, what should be connected to Him?
When you say "God," you are talking about something high, aren't you? Then, can your body be connected to Him? No. It is your heart that is connected. Human beings are to live with a vertical heart with the First Cause, the personal God, at the axis. Just as the earth rotates on its angle-adjusted axis and moves in its day-by-day, 365-day course around the sun, we should live revolving around God. This is how we should see it. (194-154,1989.10.22)
God's existence leads naturally to the conclusion that this world has no hope for the future unless God's providence advances and is fulfilled. The Unification Church has emerged at this time in history to acknowledge the personal God with His perfected intellect, emotion, and will, and to work with Him to realize the ideal world based on the realm of heart. The Unification Church is clarifying, for the first time, the relationship between God and humankind. (213-302, 1991.1.21)